Niggers are bad at Math therefore Math is racist

>Niggers are bad at Math therefore Math is racist.

Let´s turn "going to school" and "being educated" into hate symbols.

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It will be only (((history))) left that can be taught in academia.

Nobody is buying this shit anymore. They have reached a peak as far as people who will even consider these moronic arguments.

She's basically saying that whites are smarter than nignogs, she is speaking the truth


>Niggers are bad at Math

Not as bad as whitey.


>british (((white)))
Ahmed pls.

I've seen jeremy kyle. Brits are glorified versions of niggers.

They already are

History is racist.

What the fuck does "Targets at 16" mean?

Are Chinese not considered Asian?

>traveller of irish heritage
is this real or a meme?

Only many absolutely huge advancements in mathematics came from the Middle East.
To the fucking point where the numerals are called 𝘈r𝘢bic numerals.

But of course this idiot who is apparently a professor of mathematics education didn't know that. Meanwhile I got Fs in math my entire life and never learned how to do an equation with the same variable on both sides. Fuck this stupid cunt.

>To the fucking point where the numerals are called 𝘈r𝘢bic numerals.
it's a misnomer
the numbers we use today come from india, not the middle east

Eh close enough, and India's still not white or privileged.

Also what are her views on Asian countries and cultures excelling in mathematics at a pace that far outdoes any white ones?


Why do we let morons like this teach anyone ? The amount of mental gymnastics in the article alone is nothing short of incredible.


The Eternal Space Elves strike again.

>never learned how to do an equation with the same variable on both sides
Like, just move the variable over, nigga

means the % of students who reach the level of proficiency with math that the education system expects of them at 16 years of age
for exemple, you failed to reach your education system's expected level of reading comprehension, hence, this question

>Also what are her views on Asian countries and cultures excelling in mathematics at a pace that far outdoes any white ones?
I'm sure she's aware of it but blatantly ignores it because she's a disingenuous jewified spic who exists as a parasite on the academic system, just like the rest of her (((department)))

also how the fuck can you not figure out
3x + 7 = x + 9

3x+7 = x+9
3+7 = 1+9


3X+7 = X+9
-7 -7
3X = X+2
-x -X
2X = 2
/2 /2
X = 1

If x=1, then the left should be 11, not 10.

See I just can't get my head around this. Thank god my language and memorization skills were the best in the school otherwise I'd be straight retarded.

To be fair, math is fucked up now.
I struggle to help my 8yo and I'm an engineer.
This new way of learning is fucked up and seems so much harder than just basic numbers.
All about drawing pictures, breaking down numbers into blocks and gay shit like that.
I often have to bring my kids work in to have the teacher clarify
Example: Draw 677 in 2 forms, using ten blocks.
Made sense with using 6 100 blocks.... but 2 forms? I joked and said maybe they want 67 rows of 10 blocks......
They actually wanted 67 rows of 10 blocks drawn. Retarded.
Only white countries are using this retarded way of math and our scores are suffering.

Postmodernism in mathematics. Sound the fucking alarm.

What the fuck does this chart even mean? Hitting targets at 16?

3x = (3 * x)
3(1) = (3 * 1)
3 * 1 = 3

See this faggot is using the retard way. When we were kids it would just be
I don't even know what the fuck they are doing. My poor kids are fucked in grade 6.

>Math professors, who are disproportionately white

>Disproportionately white

Citation fucking needed

>Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?
No, apparently white privilege makes you smart.
Now, what was the uncucked definition of racism again? The belief that one race is superior to others. This beaner is racist.

>since the way our economy places a premium on math skills gives math a form of "unearned privilege" for math professors

If you can earn a PHD in math you deserve privilege, particularly if those skills are valuable. I don't think any sensible person would say that doctors have an "unearned privilege" when they earn more money than average people.

Feminists have decried math and logic as sexist tools of the patriarchy since the 70s at least. Leftists complain that women and minorities are kept out of STEM, meanwhile they say math and science are sexist/racist. Is that supposed to encourage STEM participants?

>>Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?

Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Chicago, 1995

M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Chicago, 1995

B.A., Human Biology, Stanford University, 1990

> bitch you don't do math so why the "we" in that sentence?

Same with me.Its just harder.Math is simply if you got normal teacher and you are not retard.

Sadly the retarded method is standard in the US and Canada.
It was actually put in place to help retards that couldn't learn math.
Now, it's just dumb down everyone.
I also think part of this plan was remove the parent as guidance. Basically making us useless to help our children.

>Implying targets are the same for all groups
>Implying their definition of "white" is anywhere near accurate

Its a tactic to separate and conquer. Asians are next on the list of ppl who are privileged.

>3x+7 = x+9
>3+7 = 1+9

are you fucking retarded?

i refuse to believe that fucking micks are the smartest whites

The 'being educated is white' meme has been around for decades in Nignog communities.

kek confirms that you're a retard.

mate if you divide both sides by x youd get
3 + 7/x = 1 + 9/x
2 = 9/x - 7/x
2 = 2/x
x = 1

> 1+1=nigger

Seems legit.

Didn’t they make a movie to prove blacks were great at math (Hidden Figures)?

Now, in 2017, being great at math is racist.

This fuckface should have popped up 8 years ago. I probably could have skipped math in high school by using it.

they're hitting their predicted grades
which only means that the school system is better at predicting the future grade of niggers and asians than white people
it's almost like white society is trying incredibly hard to pander to minorities

>divide by x
>+7 and +9 don't become 7/x and 9/x
the absolute state

What do asians actually think when they see this shit half way across the world
Our education system is already a joke and now headlines are running that "D@ Letter Maff", Which asians are doing in elementary school, is somehow holding back african american adults.

>facts are shown
>Sup Forums starts spouting random gibberish and baseless facts.

Had these shown results which you favor would you still have been this outraged ?

>Let´s turn "going to school" and "being educated" into hate symbols.
>mfw the goyim are evolving

Im so proud of you guys.
Black culture was always about that from the day you unchained them.


We need MORE NIGGERS like this BASED black NIGGER mathematician.

A true hero, with the rigorous definition of a "funky sum" and hand drawn comic in a FUCKING DOCTOR THESIS.
Why are we still allowing blacks into education?

not only are we the race that took humanity from the caves to the stars,
not only are we forced to drag dindus along with us as our equals,
but NOW we have to have our history erased and the knowledge of our accomplishments taken from us.

when will this end?

1 Gutierrez doesn't speak for all BAME.

BASED Paddys


Explain Issac Newton and James clerk maxwell...among the rest of the other famous mathmaticians.


ok, bud

Only Americans and their hat.
Sorry leaf but most Euro countries jealously guard their education systems and even Britistan wouldn't dare stoop to this paper-thin attempt at trying to hobble the better students to make the slower ones look good.

I guess math being racist explains this pic

Common core is racist attempt by liberals to destroy the grades of white kids.

I am having a hard time finding the youtube vid which appears to now be scrubbed, but one of the creators of it openly admitted the purpose was to torpedo white grades.

Next up is SKILLS.
Shitskins don't have any skills. Skills is is a white privilege. Skills is racist. Companies will no longer be able to hire people based on their skills. All jobs will be finders keepers.

"their white counterparts" made my day.



what is this about?
not this really, fuck off

Dat math smdh

>never learned how to do an equation with the same variable on both sides
you have to put them to the other side and then use fatorization, Bhaskara rule, or ruffinni if needed.

Thats, Yes! Alice Cooper for Anti school plackard!
Makin me laugh again! Stoppit!!!!

Ok, first off

>𝘈r𝘢bic numerals.

Thought those were indian, Mehmet

>ignores Asians
Oh, how convenient.

Try putting numbers into x to see what you get, then it's just simple addition and subtraction. So if you put in 0 for x it would equal 7=9, which doesn't make sense, if you put in 1 equals x you would get 10=10, which does make sense, if you put in 2 equals x, you would get 13=11, which again doesn't make sense. So x = 1. That's a way to check what works.

Very likely, there is some small piece of information that you've forgotten about because you were taught it when you we 8 or something. When I decided to learn math, I started with khan academy with the number line, and went through the entire video series at 2x speed with captions. It worked really well, and you'll be surprised to see how quickly you learn what was taught over the years. It takes a couple of afternoons, really, and it's so nice to know that you can do it, if you ever wanted to get credentials or more training. Plus it provides enlightenment in ways I can't fully describe. But it's really not that much work. Calculus is basically three things, this little cheat sheet is most of grade for and five. Just stare at it for a while, and it probably make sense, if you give it like 20 minutes of deep staring.

Mississippi reporting in. There has been an effort for the last decade to curtail the mathematics requirements for high school graduation. Of course you're all aware of our states demographics.