The left CAN meme

You see, on the left we have original artists like my self who can make beautiful leftist memes like pic-related.

What kind of memes do you stupid porkies and fascists have?

That is art, not a meme. A meme conveys a complete message in a picture. I have no idea what this pic is supposed to be saying

No one said that commies couldn't meme. Dumbass.

Good point.
Also I don't find it infuriating at all.

1/10 like this
5/10 like pic related

OP is a commie homo

Wow, leftist really can't make memes. Why is that?

I guess the meaning of this pic is that you have to be dead drunk in order to believe in communism or something?

A big aryan cock, something that you will never have you pos beta cuck.

>Left meme: [five paragraph statement statement with no punchline]
>Right meme: [snake throwing faggot from helicopter] lmao tosser toss'd



That's literally why we won, because deep down we all want to throw faggots off airplanes.

where is the big nose?

It's retarded enough that leftie memes has to explain the entire premise. That just means you admit that your entire audience have no fucking idea about the message you are trying to convey.
Meanwhile throwing faggots from helicopters and the occasional personified nigger-killing disease is simple.

That cock looks gross

No, this is a meme you idiot. If you can't see the very obvious message then, I didn't spend 8 hours making this so that way you stupid porkies can laugh at it.

Your not wrong, but I am proud to be both.

Oh so it is because you idiots are not intellectual enough to understand our deep and complex memes.

You obviously do not understand memes. Sad, how can you be a homosexual and a communist? They would throw us in jail for being who we are.

>leftists trying to meme
>creates a weird looking bottle / cigarette pack hybrid with commy all over it
>proceed to use this as an example of leftist meme
The reason for why the left can't meme is because the left isn't funny, and the left isn't funny for the same reason that all of their whites will never get laid: They try to suck up people, calling out their own failures and run this "race to the most pathetic" in public (i.e."I can't adult today!" type of shit).

In addition to this, you retards are triggered by any kind of racist jokes that there are, making it all the funnier when those jokes actually are made. Because of the nature of your movement, you can't make racist / anti-semitic / misogynistic jokes, which again prevents you from memeing.

Stick to facebook and the likes shill, and die alone when you hit your 40s.

this shit isn't even a meme. just a lamefaggy cartoon for childish commies.

good luck, bitch

it's not a meme, it's a paralympic mascot

God damn I lost at your sick meme, thank you sven.

it would be a meme if someone put this thing into an oven, the red yellow background fits well

>Sad, how can you be a homosexual and a communist?
Because being a homosexual is what will help break the gender hierarchy. And once that hierarchy is gone we will be closer to true equality and true communism.

>They would throw us in jail for being who we are.

Thats just capitalist propaganda, the only place where that happened was Stalin's Russia, and he was a fascist, not a communist. Hell in East Germany homosexual night clubs where all the rage.

wtf i love communism now

Please stop mutilating our historical symbols, show some respect you cringy faggots.

it's a shitty meme man anyone can see that

lol wtf kind of abomination is that? Is that a milk carton wearing a hat holding a hammer and sickle? what the fuck message does that convey? oh wait, I get it. it says you are a retard.

TOP KEK, what is that abomination!? No way this isn't bait.

rape that bitch gomrade

>Oh so it is because you idiots are not intellectual enough to understand our deep and complex memes.

You are getting closer. Things used to be communicated through books and theses because only the aristocracy had political influence. Now everyone is allowed to vote so you have to convey messages to imbeciles who will barely skim anything written that is longer than 140 characters.

Fuck you.

I am not mutilating your historical symbols, as historical symbols don't belong to one group, but the entire population.

Ah you found my other piece of art.

what are you posting

please stop posting that

do you even realize how sexist that piece of shart really is?

No, how could it be sexist, I drew all of the characters in a special way so that way they lack a gender of anykind.

Looks like vatnik.


kill yourself retard

But they kill homosexuals in communist tyrannies? Usually on day one of the revolution. They round up all the left wing organisers, socialist academics, homosexuals and drug addicts into trucks and then kill them all. The ones in Vietnam did it at such speed it horrified even the CIA. The commies had made extensive lists of undesirables, and swooped in one night to remove them all.


You are disrespecting our past, the history of our struggles and sacrifices, by trashing them with your shitty " leftist memes". That's just pathetic, you fucking scum.


Pick one you idiot. Obviously if they are off killing there fellow comards then it is not true communism, unless they are the kulaks, fuck em.

-no they can't
-this isn't a meme
-memes aren't signed, deviant art tier.
Neck yourself faglord

except three of them have facial hair and refer to the fourth as "she". Youre not good at talking, stick to drawing

>on the left we have original artists like my self who can make beautiful leftist memes like pic-related

That's the worst meme I've seen in a really long time.

Circimsicion is disgusting and your penis is forever ruined.

Looks like low effort clip art to me

You have an american view of communism, actual communism (countries full of people who identify as communists and adhere to communist philosophy) would at least jail you for being homosexual. Come here baby, Ill redpill ya

Your disrespecting your history you stupid porkie. Russia, or shall I say the USSR was on the road to becoming the best country on the planet. If it it wasn't for Stalin being a fascist, then the USSR would be overall the most productive, powerful, and happy county on our planet today.

Okay you stupid Amerifat, lets go. Red pill me.

Tryhard and facebook-tier.
Sup Forums set the standard for the meme of the people making shitty photoshop crops and MSpaint.

This neat shit will never qualify as meme, it screams bourgeoise graphic elitism far from the tastes of the dank proletariat

>8 hours
I'd expect something better in that amount of time

>calling people porkie because they don't like cringe
Scum like you are literally the reason why communism will never happen again.

First, you have to admit that you cant meme, and you have to realize that you cant be homosexual and a communist. Its illegal in Russia, like actually illegal. After you admit and realize I will show you the world.

But Russia hasn't been communist since Lennin died.

>americans hate communists

You are a homosexual with a commie flag. Vladimir LENIN (not lennin) would have had you killed

>I didn't spend 8 hours making this so that way you stupid porkies can laugh at it.
Kek. Why would you make it then?
fucking spac

Because when I spend less than 8 hours on a drawing they end up like this.

So when you spend less time they make more sense????

Well I just made that one as a joke, I my self am not an anti-semite. But I just saw this comic and thought making an edit of it would be funny. I still don't think it is nearly as good as my two other pieces in this thread.

the artwork isnt bad, your debating skills are lacking

I really really hate you starbucks-iphone-dad's car commies



A vodka bottle with a hammer and scythe "absolutely hammer"... I think you're definition of humor is light hearted shit. Be real commie, if people don't laugh, kill 20 million people, starve out the rest and then blow all "meh comrades money" on reeducation films on why it is funny, to just say fuck it and break the humor barrier 70 years down the road and say "yeah guys it's not funny", I understand now! then you become the kid in the corner who some people like, others are afraid because he also plays with matches.

is that a communist eraser with an asian guy's cock coming out of his skull, primed with life essence derived from pills of a crushed tiger penis? is he trying to convert indians to his cause, with his pooper scooper of equality?

Thats a lot of truth you have there. These people who have never left the U.S. will never understand how good we have it here. At least they will never be successful, patriots will stop this bull shit before it takes root

>when communism fails it isn't communism

On the plus side at least we'll never have to put up with living under a communist system

I'm a conservative artist and this is some retarded looking armature shit tier illustration.


Most people actually had very good lives behind the iron curtain. Did you know that people reportorially enjoyed sex the most in East Germany? Not only that but most accounts from inside most places behind the Iron and Bamboo curtain had reported that almost everyone was happy.

Yuri Bezmenov is a liar and should have died in a gulag.

Just because a communist revolution happens doesn't mean that they where practicing communism.

>Be "Homosexual"
>Center your life around a contrived sexual identity
>Perceive aspects of society you dislike
>Internalize said aspects
>Internalization leads to self-marginalizing
>Instead of breaking the mold, turn to cheap identitarianism
>Divvy people up by identity perceived or otherwise
>Rank groups inversely by subjective perceptions of power
>Upset when your life feels unfulfilling
>Turn to Judeo-Bolshevism
You people are a dime a dozen

But Commieanon, memes aren't meant to be deep and complex, they're meant to convey a short message and/or joke that isn't drawn out and made overly complicated. Memes also have to be funny, have a comedic value, preferably shock humor. That is their primary function, the message is second to that. This should be basic memetic knowledge but you've obviously missed that point completely.

>Things were really great and perfectly fine behind the iron curtain!
>Someone said something that challenges my narrative? They should be imprisoned and killed.
There's like a 99% chance this is a troll thread, but the fact that commies actually have this level of doublethink is fucking bleak.

Labeling people as people will end this perceived gender hierarchy, not putting everybody into their own box. Im a bisexual combat vet that votes republican. I do not now or will ever fit into someone elses idea of who I should be.

>the left CAN meme!
>oh wait, we can't lol

Look friend, you seem like a young man and while you think your ideology is communism, there is a high probability your only current ideology is getting pussy. There is nothing wrong with that, biology determines a huge part of our lives.
Correct me if I say that you are motivated by that cute girl posting sjw shit on her facebook. You also might be making memes to make her laugh. Well I've got news for you. No matter how much she laughs, it's not gonna happen. And you know that. You know deep down that women are bitches that deserve to be cocksmacked right in the face. Not only do they deserve it; they crave it. Pandering only turns them off. They fantasize about being ravaged by the guy from the other side of the fence. And the only commie that gets laid is the commie that shoots civilans in the back of their head. Are you prepared to do that?
Now there's more bad news for you. The right is largely devoid of women. So there are no traitor women waiting for you. On the other hand, there are plenty of traitor women waiting for us. They are like grass, meant to be stepped on. If you want that girl, you better start breaking bad.

>Oh so it is because you idiots are not intellectual enough to understand our deep and complex memes
>So autistic he doesn't understand that symbols have meanings beyond what he assigns them

Ok Jamal, it's a good one.

Even though its not a meme and just art, it's fucking bad.

> Fuck you
great argument

>You people are a dime a dozen
Keep laughing, by the time november 3rd comes around you won't be laughing anymore.

>muh biology.
Get real you fucking idiot, you couldn't try to find a more racist and bigoted social science if you tried.

Communism is a cult.

No, a few writers didn't discover the answer to all the ills of the world and mankind. And no they aren't selling those answers to you in a book. For fuck's sake.

jesus again with the november 3/4 thing. It better be a good happening

really gay

>Can't refute what I said so he has to differ to vague threats
ANTIFA was a joke 5 years ago, and it's still a joke today. I bet you hadn't heard of the faggots until they were imported to America

>I take it in the ass because it helps my political ideology

wew lad. do you people really think like this? do you eat pussy to make up for every dick sucked by a woman in an attempt to even the balance?

are you really so autistic to give such matters any importance?

>Trump's not a Marxi-

well said, also true proletariat listens to pop trash and folk music, something that elite bourgeosie in my country can't possibly accept and they always come off as not authentic

That is not a meme, I can tell from some of the pixels and seeing a lot of memes in my time.

You nailed it user.

The fact that my arguments are so alien that you attempt to weaken them by calling me a troll is pathetic. Its like you guys never met a real communist before.

I took two classes on Symbolism. The most well know meaning of a symbol is what it should be used to represent. In the case of a hammer and sickle, it represents communism and the working classes struggle.

Do you fuck children mr ancap? Does pedophilia violate the NAP. You idiots are almost worse than the stupid Nazis. But then again they don't fuck kids.

Communists haven't been able to meme correctly once in history

biology a social science. you are dying a virgin mate

I needed a laugh!

Why do you need to take a class in symbolism? Are you so braindead that you can't be creative on your own?

Wow. That is almost better than my own artwork. Its so geometric. Its like a soviet star destroyer enlightening a dark world full of evil hierarchies and capitalists.

Biology is just as retarded as economics. It says things like gender is a genetic thing. How many times are we going to have to debunk the XY and XX bullshit. Hasn't anyone ever heard of Chromosomal Transmutation.

This whole November 4th* or is it now 3rd? Is being super hyped. I am expecting a lot, please don't let me down.

You will lose because what costs you billions to make and generates thousands but costs us millions and generates us billions.

>I took two classes on Symbolism
Oh so learned! Well unfortunately you can't dictate how the laymen interpret those symbols, though I'm sure you'd love to. Oh the wretched layman, he's just too dumb to know what's in his best interest! If he was only as wise and as caring as you!

To me however your "meme" symbolizes an idiot bubbled off from reality unable to see clearly without an ideological lens. Many such cases! Sad!