What anime had an art style that wasn't necessarily bad but you personally hate it?
S2 of pic related for me.
What anime had an art style that wasn't necessarily bad but you personally hate it?
S2 of pic related for me.
Fuck their down syndrome faces
I think most people would agree that Clannad had an objectively awful art style.
The first season had such a great artstyle, too.
So why did they make 8man handsome? It doesn't fit. How am I supposed to believe he has a hard time getting laid?
The thing is, 8man was never straight-up ugly. He just wasn't particularly attractive, yet not to the extent that it was completely unbelievable that a girl might find him appealling in some way. But S2 went too far though and made him objectively handsome.
it was worse than s1's artstyle but i wouldn't call it awful . it was normal moe artstyle
Same reason Tomoko isn't directly ugly.
They're protagonists. Hell, even Cartman in Accel World isn't the ugly type of fat, just looks more like a chibi or some shit.
One Outs was pretty amazing but how do you take this dude seriously, he looks like Hisoka turned blonde and got electrocuted
His hair is no more unusual than lots of anime hair, and he's sexy. But I guess I like spiky blonds, I like Hiruma from ES21 too.
monogatari powerpoint
Is that not more of an issue with animation (or lack thereof) rather than art style?
Weird. I hated S1's art style and found S2 to be an upgrade
Not weird at all, it's just that you're wrong
S2's art style is admittedly very divisive. Some people do like it, but I hated it from the first episode and it left me with a bad impression of S2 from episode 1. This was an impression that only proceeded to get worse as the show proceeded to shit itself, lose all sense of pacing, and delve into "Highschool is srs bzns" drama bullshit.
OreGairu has the same character designer as Index/Railgun anime.
For Season 2 (I forgot to add in.)
This surprises no one.
S1 Sensei was God-tier.
There are people who unironically liked the inferior S1 designs? S2 has a proper step up in production values.
you guys actually make me sad
Second season lost a lot of the magic that was in first season. First season is one of very few anime I have rewatched.
Then again second season went full drama mode.
>S2 has a proper step up in production values.
Nobody will deny that S2 had better production values, especially in the animation department. It's just that the art style was unoriginal as fuck compared to that of S1 and it ruined the looks of multiple characters.
It had a visibly low budget and cut corners where it could, but it was really enjoyable. I don't know, maybe the people working on it really liked the source material or something?
It was the sleeper of the season. I never foresaw it becoming one of the best shows that season. Hataraku Maou-sama also aired then, and was a real underdog too.
There's nothing original about S1's design either though. It's just as generic, but with less detail.
>It's just as generic, but with less detail.
I strongly disagree. Plenty of detail could be extracted from it when required. And for me at least, S2 was the epitome of a generic art style. No flair or anything of interest. By comparison, possibly by virtue of budget restraints, S1's style had plenty of character and (for me at least) still looks unique today.
I'm really not seeing it, but each to his own then.
I haven't watched the series (barged in the thread like a madman) and I recognize the S1 art. Actually I just realized there's an S2.
Any S1 face is instantly "8man" but even knowing your pic is from that show, it looks like any silly 1cour anime.
>haremshit animation
>I haven't watched the series (barged in the thread like a madman) and I recognize the S1 art
>Any S1 face is instantly "8man" but even knowing your pic is from that show, it looks like any silly 1cour anime.
Do these two statements contradict each other?
Clannad is objectively awful.
you shut your whore mouth
The only thing this show had going for it was that it looked absolutely amazing.
I'm starting to yawn just thinking about it.
... when Billy Mays is talking?
Not really. I've seen threads about the show so I recognize them. Kinda like with that "I don't have friends" silly anime that has the Meat girl.
I hate these faces
>cartoony character designs
>color pallette looks like someone vomited a set of poster paints onto the screen
>everyone is either ridiculously ugly or has that egg-like sameface
>expressions are over exaggerated
>forced fujo appeal
>general overanimation
Mobfags will defend this.
The girls look cute, boys look retarded.
All shoujo art styles
yes fairy tail has the best shonen artstyle
>>general overanimation
I'll never get this. What's wrong with good animation?
Are you really so used to mouthflaps that anything actually moving triggers you?
Thanks, user. I was looking for a new pasta to shitpost with in the MP100 threads.
That girl on the right has ridiculously big eyes.
Even by anime standards they are a bit ridiculous.
Even by anime standards Fairy Tail is a bit ridiculous. How it wasn't axed long ago is inconceivable. Mangaka didn't think it'd last long either.
Fucking ugly as shit.
He's supposed to be plain-looking. His expression and eyes is what would turn most women off from him, but they really did make him look too handsome in S2.
I won't argue with your opinions but
honestly how do you make an anime character ugly without making them fat or giving them goofy teeth. anime in general suffers from same face really badly, Idhard to tell if a chacter is supposed to be ugly or pretty or plain without other characters comments
Having an actually unique art style should do it.
By giving them actual plain hairstyle and maybe unexpressive eyes or something. I found Chihiro in TWGOK to be like that, at least until they beautify her too much later.
I haven't watched this at all since the story doesn't really appeal to me, but I think it looks quite pretty.
What's your issue with it?
It just looks like shit to me. It looks OK in that image, but in the anime it looks terrible. It seems like it was straight out ripped from some shoujo shit.
I miss the good art jojo used to have