If you showed someone this picture in 1995, what would they have said?

If you showed someone this picture in 1995, what would they have said?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Are televisions not square in the future?

And he won with an openly gay VP? How progressive!
Pence looks like he could use some serious shock therapy there.

Clinton loses re-election and somehow waits until 2016 to run again? when he is 70 ?

Stop showing me joke news you ripped out of the National Enquirer.

That old guy barely looks like the Donald Trump I know from magazine covers and playboy articles.

Bill's daughter looks kinda old

>the absolute state of negroposting

What does "pound sign CNNELECTION" mean?

Are you stupid? She's the FLOTUS!

>entire country has not heard of the first lady
Fucking kids these days. You know she wss married to the president from 93-01....r.r.right?

what does #CNNELECTION mean? Why does Donald Trump look so old? Who's the kid?



"wow, his opponent must have been horrible"

Wow my moms boss is president now?

He only won because of his media connections. CNN probably helped him a lot.

damn that picture quality is amazing


CNN has an IRC channel now?

Holy shit.


u r gay

That's what they would have said, verbatim


I was in high school in 1995 and would have said no fucking way.

Then again at the time we would have said the same about Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Al Franken as well.

All of their elections weakened that psychological barrier to higher office for celebs that Trump benefited from.

>Oh no, not another fucking democrat... what next, a nigger?

Would probably think the future was great. People loved Trump before he ran against Clinton.

GQ predicted this

>What's a hashtag?


"That guy from WWF got elected president? Ehh, oh well."


I also would not have believed that New Gingrich would still be sort of politically relevant.

We all knew at the time that Hillary wanted to be President though. The joke in the 90s was that she was actually the President and Bill was just doing what she told him to.


Everything wasn't political back then and the internet wasn't full of ads or a platform to whore your personal life out on.

The 90s were amazing.

Source? And from what year?

You can show that picture to liberals today and they'll still say "not my president" and "Hillary won".

You can't fix stupid.

>Happened in 1998

The corporations control america as we always knew they did.

Nothing new here.

>I like how gold it is.


Sorry I just read it til the end. I thought it mmight be from the 90s.

Scott Adams has been talking about this since 2015.

Staying there this weekend for Halloween partying desu

What's a hashtag? All I see is a pound symbol.


>1995, what would they have said?

Allahu Akbar! Boom!

liberals loved Trump back then.

People didn't start hating Trump until he turned right wing and anti immigration.

Don't turn it off i wanna watch E.T at 3:01 AM.

For the record, he Illegal immigration is trespassing.

>turned right wing

Why do most shills use Canadian vpns?


I still call it that. People give me odd looks.

What happened to Bob Dole?

looking at the people involved it looks like 2011-2012, remember that Trump was involved with that Republican Primary early on.

Peak jej

medical science can make people young, or do staffers hire teenagers now?

Yea, well, Yuri Bezmenov has been talking about this since he defected from the KGB in what, 70s? 80s?

probably this

At least it's not a black man.



This is why I don't have cable.

It looks like a Simpsons cartoon:


From over 10 years ago!

>Do you come from the future?

they'd probably believe it. Trump used to be popular.

They actually did...it's not a meme. Hundreds of millions of dollars of free publicity.

I can't deny he's great at manipulating the media. If none of the major companies had paid any attention to him he wouldn't be president.