I believe that human cooperation is superior to human competition

I believe that human cooperation is superior to human competition.

That's nice. We all have irrational beliefs.

It's just that reality says communism doesn't work.

i believe that cooperation is a necessary function, and so is competition- for all things a season under heaven.

that's because you're retarded.

The sentiment is just a strategy by which r-selected genetic rejects hope to compete.

Sure thing buddy.

Now cooperate with me and let me fuck your wife, daughter and mother.

See how fucking retarded you sound?


Only people who believe themselves to be losers don't like the idea of competition.

Competition is cooperative you tard.


I'd buy into that, but the thing of it is collaboration becomes the competition for them. They are always owed this or that and someone else is always not doing their 'fair share'.

cooperating for what

Stealing money at gunpoint is not altruism.

working together to achieve what

yeah fuck inventing new shit. Only about 10% die from the plague every year

I would push that belief on everyone if I was in power and didn’t want anyone else the challenge me. But if I didn't want people to challenege and possibly replace me, then i dont have the good of the people/country in mind, I have my own power and wellbeing at the fore-front of my decision making, and that would make me a shit-leader, or a pedo, or a fag, or a commie or socialist or a clinton or Sauron

I believe that nutrition is God's given right to every human being.

I believe in competition between people who are in groups cooperating with each other

equal share of misery, gulags, and thought crimes

apart from the elite ruling over us.


Clear Spaniard commie behavior but without anime. You must be either that kraut or fin. Meme flags were a mistake.

So deep bro. You're totally not oversimplifying things at all.

Unfortunately reality makes markets with high competition better than socialist shitholes


Nice try, Big Brother.

Not if it's voluntary. It's immoral to force people to cooperate with those they don't want to cooperate with.

So why are you a Bolshevik sympathizer?
You're repeating the ideas of anarchists. Bolsheviks weren't anarchists.

says the person who wants to kill anyone who disagrees with their failed ideology

Why commies fall into false dichotomies?
Retardation, maybe?

If the workers the should control the means of production but if robots replace the workers should then AI control the means of production and human laborers should focus it's energy on Art and Sciences and let the Machine govern? Utopia when?

Me too.

That's why I think communism is retarded.

Problem is that some (((humans))) dont want to cooperate with me, they want to fuck me over. They even created communism for that purpose.

Your beliefs are wrong.

That would be great and all, but I like food.

In all seriousness though if you genuinely think communism is a good idea then take a trip to Venezuela, Laos, Cuba, Transnistria, or North Korea and see if they are (politically and economically) good places to live?

China is basically a first world capitalist country now, it still only calls itself communist so the party can stay in power.

Capitalism is more than a "mere" socioeconomic system, it is parasitic competition that seeks to totalize all reality. Hierarchical social structures such as corporations, states, NGO's, ideologies, and religions all compete to subvert human agency to propagate themselves - they have a survival imperative to do so, as if they don't, their competitors will. However these structures do cooperate to maintain this over-arching competitive organizational system intact, capitalism is like a meta-organism of the parasitism of conscious awareness.

This is the real red pill, The Matrix is explicitly an allegory for modern society - the "machines" are hierarchical structures. We live in the greatest possible dystopia, where the dystopic actively evolves to become even more anti-human. The simulation is The Society of the Spectacle, where being has degenerated into having, and having into merely appearing. Now the whole of human life is being commoditized on industrial scales, via social media which reduces human relationships to game mechanics such as likes, favorites, friends lists and shares, and even self-identity as people are modeled as rational self-interested agent-automatons, every aspect of their habits turned into numbers to be crunched to try to figure out how to manipulate their awareness to sell them trinkets and circuses so that nihilistic hedonists can rule over them.

It isn't even about human cooperation vs. competition, it's about humanity vs. rule by inhuman systems that only seek to perpetuate themselves. The only revolution that will work and not be recuperated by capitalism is a revolution against the total system of inhumanity we have built.

>what is Dunbar's number

Socialism is great for groups of no more than 150 people. Past that, there's no reason not to fuck people over because your brain is physically incapable of caring about 7 billion people. Saying you do is just virtue signaling.

good, there's more cooperation (supply chains) in making a product than competition in capitalism

This is like saying that a barge shouldn't be able to hold itself together because the forces that make molecules stick together only work on small distances.