You know he’s putting on an act right?
You know he’s putting on an act right?
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I don't know. I really think Alex is what Bill Hicks always wanted to be.
Yep hes the new WWF or WWE
So was Marlon Brando. Doesn’t mean we can’t explore reality through fiction. I’m gay, aren’t I?
Yeah. He's a loser who can't call out Israel. what a fucking pussy. He tells his callers theyre crazy for pointing out (((coincidences))). He tricks plebs into thinking every but jews are the problem. Fuck alex jones.
I wouldn't know, because I don't watch YouTube like a retarded teenager
something odd, Alex has always said JFK got him into conspiracys but theres barely anything on infowars about the files being released today.
he's been compromised.
He was always cointelpro
He's 100% a shill.
I watched an interview he did with Arron Russo and he kept using Jew tactics to derail the topic or to bore people on the points made by talking forever about nothing. It was all very subtle but you notice it when you're aware of tricks.
The guy is a snake.
Just as not a thing should exist there should be nothing but black and nothingness the simple fact that we are here proves anything is possible so therefore I pray and ask any higher intelligence in any realm of existence to let me have the power to rule over the people who have ruled over me all my life and I do so solemnly pledge to make the Devil look like a Sunday school teacher or God or even everything good known to exist combined because no one in the entire known existence has thought of the things that I will put these cuck sucking mother fuckers through although one thing is certain if I get my wish or prayer granted they will sure as we are here wished that they would have treated me better
You heard of punctuation?
Yeah.... I thought everyone knew this lol ?
It doesn't take away from some of things he says though.
>doesn't larp as a socialist and doesn't racebait every second of his broadcasts
You faggot's have got plenty of circle jerk podcasts that talk about boyscout larping and gas chambers. Go listen to that garbage.
You really have nothing better to do?
Why don't you start a thread while you're at it proving CNN, MSNBC, ABS, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times are real news.
Alex is just as bad as those.
Look you low IQ faggot, I listen to a podcast and the host even talks about how he shared a studio with Jones back in the day in Texas. The host knew Jones and even he said Jones is a phoney.
Put these in there, it reads easier.
ITT fluoride drinkers.
No doubt Alex is controlled opposition. I think he started out alright but sold out along the way.
Now his just makes us conspiritards look bad.
>I listen to a podcast
I know you do, faggot.
And who was this super trustworthy podcaster that had 100% true info on Jones?
AJ is basically a televangelist... He grew up in the heart of the Bible Belt and learned from the Billy Grahams of the world how to communicate. He just tweaked the message:
New World Order / George Soros = Satan
Donald Trump (used to be Ron Paul) = Jesus
Awake = Saved
Infowarriors = Christians
Sheeple = Non-Believers
MSM = False Prophets
Super Male Vitality = Holy Water
Watch someone like Pastor Rod Parsley get worked up - it's just like watching Alex Jones
All Alex wants is freedom and lower taxes.
and for you to buy Bone Broth in order to "fund the operation".
From Wikipedia:
Alexander Emerick Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American radio show host and conspiracy theorist. He hosts The Alex Jones Show from Austin, Texas, which airs on the Genesis Communications Network and shortwave radio station WWCR across the United States and online. His website,, is a fake news website. His paternal grandfather was from a family of Eastern European Jews (the original family surname being "Medwedof") who self-identified as Polish and Russian at the time of their arrival in the United States; however, by today's borders, they would be considered Lithuanian and Ukrainian.
Double Toasted. They ran back in the day. I’ve listened to them for years and have met them. They are 100% genuine.
Hell, Jones even broke character when his kids were about to be taken away. The guy is a phoney.
Adding to this. They’re based in Austin Texas and guess where Jones started out?
You’re a simp if you believe Jones.
There is only two reasons.
Hes an actor.
Hes Bill Hicks.
Ok Kike.
>msm review site
Totally legit brah. I'd believe everything they told me. Especially since they're founder is totally on base with the issues. Pic related.
>Jones even broke character
Oh man, you gotta link for that "totally not fake" news link that confirms this?
>a-and they are from the same city that jones started broadcasting in.
I'm totally convinced now.
>socialist calls me a kike
It hurts. Every. Time.
"It's like the best milkshake ever"
Yeah, and I hate him for making millions of people retarded.
Are you denying Steve Fucking Bannon is a white nationalist?
>MSM review site
They review movies and sit around discussing and joking about shit
You are a special kind of stupid, my dude.
>Are you denying
Yes. Unless you can show me proof otherwise.
I don't believe things the msm tells me at a face value. I read things on my own and make my own assertions.
all this anti Alex Jones shilling only adds to his subscriber and view count
you shills are wasting your time should've never brought him up this past election
>I don't believe things the msm tells me at a face value. I read things on my own and make my own assertions
>Listens to an obvious scam artists and labels anyone who doesn’t believe him as “MSM”
>he thinks getting his opinions from blm supporting/quasi-Marxist review sites is better than infowars and their "obvious scams".
how is bannon a white nationalist when everyone he hired at breitbart is Jewish?
>Uses buzzwords he learned from Sup Forums
>Believes in infowars
How do people like you exist?
>he thinks "blm", and "Marxist" are Sup Forums buzzwords
I did wonder why someone like you would prefer an anti 2nd amendment, pro-blm, "movie review" podcast over based infowars, but I now know why.
It's very simple really. You're a faggot.