Syria General /sg/- Getting /comfy/ Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Syria Oct23
>DeZ Oct24
>Random Oct25
>Raqqa Oct16
>SE Syria oct11
>N Hama Oct10

Developments Oct26
>Iraqi Armed Forces impose full control over the H-2 Airbase and several villages
>Led by Tiger Forces SAA liberate Saqr Island in DeZ following 15 hour op that began last night
>Hama; Republican Guards and Qalamoun Shield manage to reclaim Jubb al-Abyad
>RU MoD; US forces, armed groups impede access to Rukban Camp, prevent Sy govt from organizing safe corridor/delivering supplies to camp
>Genl Hassan informed that his Tiger Forces will lead the offensive from T-2 to Albukamal, will not commence until DeZ City is liberated
>Tiger Forces, SAA enter Ummal District after overrunning the front-lines of IS seize municipal post office/impose fire control over Al-Safa Mosque
>PMU/Iraqi Armed Forces storm last IS positions at Rawah, liberate large patch of highway leading to strategic border city of Al-Qa’im
>SAA/Hezbollah officially liberate T-2 Pumping Station after several days of fighting
>Tillerson: Assad family reign coming to end, "only reason Syrian forces have been successful has been because of the air support they have received from Russia.”
>Erdogan; Operation in Idlib largely complete, other potential military targets in Sy, namely the Kurdish held Afrin


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Post yfw Tillerson drones Assad and /sg/ performs mass suicide.

Re-posting for a new bread:

When did the Iraqis get so good at fighting ISIS? They're fucking steamrolling them towards Al-Qaim. And in Hawija they didn't stand a chance.

The ISF have come a long way from the early war. Hell, they seem to be performing better than the SAA. It's like their entire military are made up of the Tigers.



Every Single...
>X unit
>Nautical Mile
>Earth Radius
>Lunar Distance
>Astronomical Unit
>Hubble Length
>Classical Electron radius
>Football field
>strand of Hair
>Horse length
>Double-decker bus
Every single one!


>“It is our view and I have said this many times as well that we do not believe that there is a future for the Assad regime and Assad family. The reign of the Assad family is coming to an end. The only issue is how that should that be brought about.”

Really makes you think.



Insurgency against who? The PMU seem happy with the current government, being more Iran-leaning and all. Not to mention the Iraqi government isn't bowing down to Kurdish demands, the main thing that would have turned PMU against them.

Although, that doesn't answer the question. Why are the PMU forces better than the NDF and other SAA allies?

please let me live in peace worst jew



OP failed to update the DeZ map. Her is the Up-to-date map on Deir Ez-Zor city.

They basically have been forced to make the Army more Meritocratic and less of "wasta system"

Also they have oil money to help them get what they want from both Russia and the West

Then you add the Hashd and Iranians advisors who kept there Iraq Iran war veterans rather than get purged by Americans

No it's not is a time based measurement.
You can convert it to what you want retaded American measures acient leingh of arms measures and superior metric.

It would be metric if it would beak to a number dividedable by 10 and ending with only 0

But but...muh God Emperor.


>distance light covers in the span of a year
how come its not time based measurement?

It is, roughly 300.000m/s, second = time

it's speed not time

its not 3e5, its 3e8 meters/seconds

>double decker bus

no fsa metric system pls

a light year is;

3e8*365*24*60*60, 3e8m/s being the speed of the light and 365*24*60*60 being the approximate seconds in a year.

thus in order to find "light year", you need time measurement. hence it is time based as opposed to what claims

>/sg/ is one person

*No it's not, it is

Light-years is 9,461x10^12
It would fit into metric if it was 10x10^12

a year is time
light speed is speed
a light year is distance

Remember when SDF said they would liberate deir ezzor and put it under the government of a civil council?


>there are people here debating on the philosophy of whether a light year can be interpreted as a unit of measurement or not



remember when issam was alive


you know you can divide

9,461x10^12 by 10 and you would get 9,461x10^11 hence it is divisible with 10 without having a remainder, making it metric.

it is distance but light year doesnt have a meaning unless there is time measurement. unlike other regular distance measurements such as meter, kilometer etc.

Saved this one too

They even have the bridge on the DeZMC's flag despite it being under SAA control.


>doesn't have any meaning unless there's a time measurement
It does
9.4605284 × 10^12 kilometers

The light year is both a measurement of time and distance at the same time. Truly remarkable

Wheres Abu Azrael?


>but light year doesnt have a meaning unless there is time measurement
nigga please
a light year always has mesurement because as the name suggest it use 1 year as time measurement.
you can also use light minute or light second but it still carries the time measurement in it since it is defined by the time referential it uses

okay, calculate the light year as a distance without using time.

>inb4 9.4605284 × 10^12 kilometers

how do you end up with that answer? how do you calculate it?

Does it end with a 0?

Unknown. Unconfirmed reports of him being dead.

it ends with a zero,

what is 10^11?

Do I have to join Hezbollah to get qt majoosi wife?


I don't need time to express what a light year is
Mate when multiplying the speed of light for the amount of seconds it takes for the Earth to fully rotate around the sun you lose all time-related units
It's got as much to do with time as any other distance measurement, none.



Might as well.

What is 10^11x0.X

shame that this pic isnt more clear

SorryI fucked up.
It has to be all 0 besides the first number

it is closely related with time though, which is my whole point. without time measurement light year doesnt have a meaning because we cant calculate it.

Kek, also, are we moving away from it just being an apartheid? Is it just a genocide now?


Havent visited these threads for a while. Seem like the only ones not invaded by newfags (t.newfag)
So when approximately do you guys think Isis will be practically defeated?

Omaetachi wa mou shindeiru Tbh

i dont think thats how "metric" is defined though.

Or this classic

It's going so well it seems to be heading there.

>I don't need time to express what a light year is
>multiplying the speed of light for the amount of seconds it takes for the Earth to fully rotate around the sun
>multiplying the speed of light for the amount of seconds
>the amount of seconds

Yeah that's a good one saved for later use.

exactly what i am trying to point out. thanks man someone finally got what i meant.

>without time measurement light year doesnt have a meaning
>without time measurement
>light year
>without time measurement
are you baiting?

i think we are saying the same thing but having a bit of misunderstanding of what other say.

should i make a one like the "assad must go curse " but with current politicians who want him gone?
it will be a waiting or loading one

yeah sure do it

Early next year imo

Yes please!

I'm also not sure.
I made this they up.
Metric is basically 10x10

Fun fact dho is you can't measure anything without time.
So basically every measurement is based on time

dude its in kilometres, so its a measure of distance.
the meter is defined as the distance light covers in 1/299792458 secods so you can say that without time you cant measure distance or that without light you cant measure distance or that distance is related to time and all the other mildly autistic assumptions but the fact of the matter is that any scientist will confirm that light year is a measure of distance end of story.

is time really a measurement? isn't it linked to the spatio temporal grid which makes it a consequence of spatial measurement and gravitational force


>you can't measure anything without time
measurement is intemporal
a distance (in a static framework) isn't influenced by the time dimension.
there is a reason why time is called the fouth dimension, because it's a layer added to the pre existing three dimension but not necessary to the existence of spatial dimensions


It will never truly be “defeated”, as it will go on as a terrorist organisation once it’s short life as a state comes to an end (probably by the end of the year or early next year).

It will probably relocate it’s operations to South and south East Asia and Africa when it has lost all of its territory. We can see this already happening with Somalia, Egypt and the Phillipenes. And the Rohingya Crisis is creating a fertile ground for ISIS recruitment.

You can measure without light.
It doesn't have to be light that travels.

But you are right uou can't without time.

Time is the least understood mechanic in physics exactly because our way of perceiving time is based on our calendar system and the idea of a past, present and future. So far it's just a way for us to measure something in relation to something else. Seeing as a time-travel into the past is impossible because it would require us to reverse entropy by essentially by creating an infinite amount of energy that is required to roll back our universe into a previous state. There are so many violations of contemporary physics that you could write a book about it.

Given how quickly the US is having them incorporate into the SDF could be done by Christmas.

Hey OP is that the Jefferson motel ?

Partly teue.
The thing is dho
Without time everything would be at the same place.
Since uou would be everywhere at the same "time" so you couldn't tell if you're at home or somewhere else. Because you are at the both places at the same "time"
Therefore everything would be at point 0


nice rucksack (we call them Berkin bags but i cant find any mention of the word in english, it really puzzles me where that word comes from)

better than mine, mine shows that twitter went through my phone contacts and now peddles people I actually want to ignore

Generally in today's theoretic physics (delta)t means indeterminacy of time measurement.
The same uncertainty can be tried in the following example: Imagine that
we make a photo with a camera. On the photo we see the car, of known length. Depending on the shutter, image of the moving car will be more or less blurry. If the exposure time is high, then the car will appear in the picture longer. If we measure the length of the car on the photo, we can determine it's
v = (d' - d) / t, where d' - the length of the car in the photo, d - actual length of the car, t - time
Shutter speed (d' and d must be in one scale). In this situation, however, you can not accurately determine the position of the car because the picture is blurry. By reducing the shutter speed, we get a smoother image that will allow for better images
Determine the position of the car at the time of taking the picture, however, it will be less blurry and accurate definition of speed will be harder. In the extreme case (t = 0) you will be able to accurately determine the position, but you will not get any speed information.
I hope it explains uncertainty of time in today's physics a bit.

nvm found it its Bergen

Just done watching the movie "threads"
very interesting insights
has anyone other movie/books titles worth reading/watching with the same themes?

Also Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle is very important to this, but let's not derail any further.

Isaam is dead.

pic related, fsa preparing another offensive against aleppo


>When you post hot models as an argument

>all you had to do was follow the damn green bus, CJ

>my autism turned /sg/ into /math-physics general/
feels good desu

What has made Iraq fight against terrorism so successful compared to Afghanistan's and Somalia's struggle against it even though both are also receiving help from US & the West.
Is Iranian help so impact full then?

>NE. #Hama: #HTS destroyed today 2 Regime tanks with #ATGM|s on Jub Abyad front & repelled an attack on nearby location.

>E. #Damascus: Faylaq Al-Rahman blasting Regime positions in #Jobar.

>#Syria After #Assad-forces seized Saqr Island they now advance on
Hawiqah Island against #ISIS