Why are women so afraid of the new sexual revolution?

Why are women so afraid of the new sexual revolution?

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>The Absolute state of white men.

And you wonder why your women prefer black men.

This is a joke right? Like that's an art show or something.

a Sup Forumstard thinking his opinion has any value for a woman is like a homeless man thinking his opinion has any value for wall street.
have fun with your robots, meanwhile the same people who were having sex before will still be having sex, the only diference is that with losers too busy fucking their plastic dolls the gene pool can actually be improved in some sort of smooth eugenics that will get rid of ugly incels with autism.

You can have 'em.

>suppose the other guy is picturing a girl also

how's he gonna do that with a dick in his mouth?

They really don't outside of Sup Forums memery. No one chooses porn or sex toys over real sex. More of it isn't going to change that.

no heart

Thank God I am married, and if I end up single,
I will just get a dog.


How do you do it Holmes?

its not a dick, its feminine penis

They are? Got a source?

we're not, finally angry virgin dweebs can get off our backs

Arent girls the ones invading nerd subcultures tho? Dweebs are dweebs for a reason. They usually sstay away from girls.

The waifu revolution might be quite something though. I tried the VR porn games and they're fun (you can get a 2B model in HS kek). But when they'll get AI that will just keep getting more and more advanced and they'll become little virtual companions that can pop up on all of your devices it's going to be cool. Still not something most people would want instead of real relationships though. Not for many decades anyway.
>Arent girls the ones invading nerd subcultures tho?
Fucking this. Male spaces are absolutely fucking VERBOTTEN now. Even when it's harmless geek stuff that takes nothing away from them. Feminists still have to ruin it.

The female can't help but ruin everything she touches


I didn't know sheep could talk



>the last two clips
fucking gold.

The fuck is this shit?

i didn't know euros still had internet privileges but here we are

i'd lvoe to see some arabs walk by and get their day ruined, just like everybody else

This. I used to be an angry virgin dweeb. I stayed away from girls on purpose. I wanted nothing to do with them.

wait so that's actually in a "gallery" yeah
probably gov sponsored

Beats me. I saved it from another pol thread about this same topic. No idea what the source is.

Oh boy I sure do love when my fellow country beings get hyper evolved stds!!!

Hey they're the ones staying away from me senpai. It's OK though, they're not important.

just put hentai in front of everything
hentai robotics
nobody can say
> you're not allowed that interest
> you have to open it op
they can't force you to generalize
but if you say "robotics" they can say "well you can't have hentai in here"
so state your mission and accept all
call it hentai robotics
and make bipedal trains or whatever - nothing really hentai at all
and if a chick joins - hey there's a chick into hentai who wants to join
she can talk about hentai while you make trains



I welcome the VR take over because men are conflicting as fuck sometimes.
>Woman: 'I wanna be a stay at home house wife and mother.'
>Man: 'Wow look at this lazy cunt wanting me to do all the work.'
>Woman: 'alright, I'll get a job and help support the family and be independent as well'
>Man: 'Wow, look at this cunt, why is there no trad women anymore?'

It's shit like that is making me welcome my own robot husbando and VR lover.

>tfw VR is dying already

goddamnit brehs I wanted to get a headset this holiday so badly but it's looking dead in the water already. there's no fucking games for it.

So what you are saying is different people have different wants from their partners? Wew. Never knew that

It's other women that shame ladies into the workspace.

holy fuck this is great


>Woman: 'I wanna be a stay at home house wife and mother.'
>Man: 'Wow look at this lazy cunt wanting me to do all the work.'
Virtually no men are actually like this (the exception perhaps being if times are really tough) despite what your feminist blogs may tell you.

i wouldn't mind some flying games with vr. gta with vr would be cool.

Fulldive VR porn when?

It's the same with woman though, some woman want stay at home husbands while others want to be taken care of by their husbands, it's hard to hit the interests right on the head to match everyone and when you think they do, they pull a total /r9k/ on you.

I fucking wish it was just other women, but from personal experience I've had to completely change my life to start a career path because an ex-lover didn't want a stay at home wife. After things were getting finalized and my education was almost complete, the faggot went total MGTOW and pissed off that I changed my mind about being a stay at home mother, but hey, at least I got a career now and one less retard in my life.

See the comment above, you'd be surprised how fickle men can be.

It can't come soon enough, I could fuck any waifu I'd want.

You're alright roastie, maybe you can stay.
Don't act too important though.

>not having collision on

what career do you have now?
Get married around 24, don't try to get married in your 30's. It's too late then.

t. mentally ill transgender male

>art show
What gave it away?

As a white man....my shittiest day....is better than your best. Remember that next time you drop a mixtape, get a new pair of Jordans, or when your 33 yr old mother who had you when she was 14 gets her G.E.D.


I like the way you think, maybe that was the plan all along

I've been here for a long long time user, I just normally don't play 'look at me Sup Forums, I'm a woman, lolololol XD' card.

Bioengineering/Medical and I'm at that 24 age limit, dating just seems so fucking hard now, no time to set aside to go out on dates, and the few times I do they're just looking for sex. I just ain't that type of femanon who can dip into the hook-up culture like that.

I fucking wish, at least I'd have a dick.

Quit pretending to be black Mitch.

>not a horse
>not a dolphin
Step up your bestiality game.

Roasties leave REEEEEEEEE

doesn't look safe, could contract a Sexually Transmitted Computer Virus.

>Sup Forums is one person
Some guys want to live the double income no children life and never worry about resources again, and some want to smell a freshly cooked dinner every time they open the door after work.

find an older man, late 20's or in the 30's maybe.
I know you're situation. My older sister found a great guy younger than her when she was 26.
She's also in medicine. They study together and that's how they met.
She only had 1 bf before that.
So, only advice i can give is to first get fit and orderly.

Oh no poor you it's almost like men aren't a monolith and different men have different opinions on things

meanwhile here's life for men

> be born, get dick sliced up
> go to school, get put on brain-fucking meds because little boys apparently shouldn't be energetic
> become teen, get taught that boys are rapists, meanwhile what they don't tell you: Girls will use the rape excuse to toss you under the bus when they get drunk (doesn't matter if you were both drunk) and cheat on their boyfriends with you
> get actively discriminated against when applying to college despite being a minority there
> college is a bureaucratic nightmare where you basically lose all your rights and go through kafkaesque courts if some girl accuses you of looking at her funny
> Out of college:
> "I dunno, I don't want to marry a girl that's had like fifty dicks inside of her -"
> "Okay, I'll beta up and marry the carousel reject to have a family-"
> Family courts designed specifically to fuck over men, lawyer industry full of shitheads that encourage women to claim rape and abuse just to get an edge in divorce proceedings. So if you get married, there's a huge chance you'll get divorced and never see your kids
> Basically have to pay slave wages to your ex wife for decades
> Get old and sick - but lol who cares about you, healthcare dollars overwhelmingly go to women
> Die. If you managed to do anything worthwhile you'll be spit on by future generations who will assume you must have been a rapist

But yeah man wow different guys having different opinions on what they want from women man sounds rough

Bull fucking shit! You and I both know who's responsible.


that shit didnt happen to me lmfao
glad to be born in the 80s

>people praising this horseshit
>thinking one side is better than the other
Get educated mein snownigger

>be born, get dick sliced up
Yeah nah

they are all yours lmao

>a Sup Forumstard thinking his opinion has any value for a woman is like a homeless man thinking his opinion has any value for wall street.

A roastie defending hypergamy...
If everything is allright, why then you biocunts get all worked out about VR sex and sexdolls?

...I never got the damn things to work for me anyway

official video from a pretty good song


You done mansplaining?

stop being a fucking cuck and stop believing this man role playing as a girl. I swear im going to laugh when swedan falls all a bunch of pussy mangina's.