Is it true Sup Forums doesn't like the new Star Trek show? The show is completely redpilled against diversity and women holding positions of power. Every POC/WOC/Woman who holds power in this show is clearly incompetent (See examples below). The only competent person who holds power in Star Trek:Discovery is Captain Lorca, who happens to be everything SJWs hate (uncucked, old, white, male)

Michael Burnham - INCOMPETENT (Martyrs Klingon leader and unites all the Klingon factions against the Federation)
Captain Georgiou - INCOMPETENT (Enables mutineer who just tried taking over her command - see above - and gets killed in the process)
Commander Landry - INCOMPETENT ("Security Chief" lets tardigrade she dubbed "ripper" out its pen despite knowing phasers don't do shit against it, gets ripped to shreds.)
Admiral Cornwell - INCOMPETENT (Falls for obvious Klingon trap)

I prefer the Roddenberry vision of the future but I agree this is the most right wing Star Trek yet. Not sure if it was on purpose but it is. Vulcans are extreme Vulcan nationalist, Klingons are Klingon nationalist and Star Fleet operates like Section 31. If anything it's too right wing for my tastes.

It's only Star Trek in name though. Completely different tone. More like the Battlestar Galactica reboot.

It's watchable and entertaining but as a Star Trek show honestly it feels a little insulting. It's like they're intentionally pissing on real Trek fans.

It's not Star Trek. It's like we're watching Firefly from the Alliance's perspective.

I don't like it, because the writers are retards. They even mention Elon Musk as one of 4 people who advanced humanity the most. WTF?

>It's watchable and entertaining
Is it really? I watch it, but it truly doesn't entertain me. I hate it for the most part. I watch it, because I have watched every episode of every Star Trek franchise.

what a piece of shit show.

Elon Musk will be remembered as the Edison of our times. Do you really think Edison was as great of an inventor as he has been mythologized to be? He was just a good businessman.

Elon Musk wouldn't even exist in Trek's timeline there was WW3 already. They don't care for the source material.

Fuck off to /tv nu-male, nobody wants you here.

I don't think general electric ever relied heavily on government subsidies... not back in his day anyway. I will make electricity so cheap only the rich can afford to burn candles is a completely different mentality from please subsidize me because global warming.

Mr Bashir, i am Section 31.

>Star Fleet operates like Section 31
Discovery is a Section 31 ship. Look at the number.

Its better than all previous versions. Although the cardassians and the ferengi will be missed which the highlights the one thing this new version lacks which is some humor even though it is superior in other respects

seems like a "muh superior black womyn" type of show more than anything else


you won't redpill the masses without being under the guise of progressiveness.

Sup Forums doesn't like STD and they like DS9 the most, so I'm guessing it sucks

someone kfc this webm pls

I didn't notice that. Could be.

Many people hated Enterprise but man was it better. Everything in STD is wrong.

I expected the show to be the most pro gay loving gender fluid ever made. Elements of that are there sure, but people die so fast its ridicolous.

The klingon reboot sucks. They look and act weird. The spore drive is odd. Starfleet officers beeing evil and selfish.

Maybe this show should have been a part of the new timeline in the jjuniverse.

As it is now it is just a massive dump in the face of the fans and I dont see how the hell theyre willing to spend 8 mill an episode on this.

CIA Niggers are influencing the show too much now.
It's all an attempt to 'Humanize' the population for jewish views.