uh oh
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Do you have anything from somewhere not gay?
They are not part of our species and should not be treated as such
alt right is gay? why tf are you on Sup Forums then jew
Were all of the "feed the children" and "cure AIDS" campaigns for the past 30 years all just leading up to this?
Spoiler: Yes.
if alt-right is gay that means you're gay because Sup Forums is synonymous with the alt-right
>spencer faggot
>Sup Forums is alt-right
No, I'm a WN not a follower of the cult of feminine Spencer.
ah well, hope you got plenty of room Europe.
Nice source
me, my wife and her son can't wait!!
shut the fuck up bitch Spencer is out actually spreading out message while you're too much of a pussy cuz "muh reputation" to do shit. You should be thankful guys like Spencer are out recruiting more followers for us, you're just like cuckservatives.
Wow! This is BEAUTIFUL!
>no I'm some guy on a mongolian basket weaving imageboard who won't go do anything about IRL even though I have no reputation worth protecting or career worth preserving
Can't yellowstone erupt already, fucking damn it
No, God wants us to suffer for as long as possible.
exactly, people are so afraid of Derek from high school math class thinking they are a Nazi so they never leave their little bubble like a good goyim and anyone who actually challenges the status quo with arguments that agree with is suddenly a fag because they are putting their reputation on the line to fight for our freedom of speech. Makes no sense to me, if Spencer is so feminine and wimpy how come he has more balls than any of us?
>shut the fuck up bitch
>spreading the message
>pussy cuz
>"muh reputation"
>thankful for guys like Spencer
Why can't you idiots wrap your head around the fact that you can do more harm than good? No one gives a fuck about how much you're trying dipshits.
Why does TRS/Spencer attract the niggers of the white race?
all that cheap labor my hearts racing goyim
There are people who are against it, against all the degeneracy modern society has brought to us and yet he lets us suffer, why?
>'cheap labor' is worth anything in the age of industrial production lines.
Fairly sure these guys don't possess the engineering capacity to do anything.
you dont need much to work a farm
Western Europe is already lost... more only accelerates the process.
You need to be 18 to post here, lil fella.
Why cant you wrap your head around the fact that "doing nothing is doing something" is LITERALLY what got us into this mess
Im not saying spencer is the answer but you calling yourself a "white nationalist" is the most inpotent bullshit in the world if you arent doing one of three things
1: Organizing
2: Attending/Supporting
3: Having a covert career that prevents you from doing 1 and 2 but allows you to financially support those who do
If you arent doing one of those 3 you are impotence defined, the only excuse for not being involved/trying to start something, is if you're doing #3 and to do so would jeopardize your solid career
i'm convinced that all the "let's do nothing, alt right are faggots" shills are all jews tbqh
Yup, if they prefer one group or are talking about doing other things then maybe not, but all the ones screaming "NOBODY LEAVE Sup Forums WITH THESE IDEAS, ITS BAD FOR US" are highly questionable
>an army bred for a single purpose
>to destroy the world of men
I know right!!! So much easier to shoot when their all lined up like that.
>is if you're doing #3 and to do so would jeopardize your solid career
Yes, because I'm not a white nigger. Who do you think men like me prefer? Charles Murray and Jared Taylor? or Spencer and Mosley? I like'd Damigo, he seemed to understand the larping shit was nothing but counter productive. Frank Collins was vocal as well, as was Dan Burros. Do you support those kikes as well?
Blimey! Only the EU can save us now, isn't that right Spencer, youc olossal bummer!?
you need to be not a nigger to post here, brown shit fella
You don't use laborers on farms anymore, you use combine harvesters, and nowadays they aren't even driven, they are increasingly being operated by robotic servos operated remotely by a computer via wireless.
fucking germany alerted the horde again
Just admit you're an angry little nigglet
link to original?
I don't know why but this is hilarious to me
Whats the context here?
There really wasn't much in his head was there
this, we need more panicing
There is 50 miilion of invaders waiting.
>oy vey goyim you should like getting blacked, that's a truly masculine movement lead by strong bucks
Did he died?
They aren't cheap labor, they're imported consumers. African immigrants don't work.
das right, love me some diversity all up in my tight white butthole mmmmhmmmm wattamelon
i see them working places like mcdonald, walmart, gas station, grocery store, shit like that
it's not the labor, it's the debt; labor is noble, workers respect workers. The jews just need another generation or two of debtors to keep the charade going
That's here in America, dude. We managed to teach them to be capable of basic tasks after 150 years, and ours have white admixture. Europe gets full-blown niggers. They don't work.
They got us good
This was on the news here just a couple of days ago. There they said the problem was that they didn't have capacity to deport the niggers back fast enough, they are currently deporting, but not fast enough.
Also confirmed that these gangs/clans are holding the niggers there in these camps, in hopes off being able to profit from smuggling them later
>Fuck Germany
>Fuck Sweden
>I am so fucking sick off this crap
Fucking just kill them all
Soro 18 billions niggers
And stupid boomers like my mother in particular fucking give them all shekels with tears in her eyes....
It's why it never gets better there either you know, they are not helping them with shit, they are just doing damage. Like how you shouldn't give food to wild animals, they need to sort it out them selves.
>To learn a nigger to fish....
They think the earth well europe and north america just got limited less access to food and it all drop from the sky.... That fucking garbage generation, they are burning the entire world as they leave it
You see the LDS church used to be the one true church like they claim it is. Jimmy Carter is the anti-Christ cause in 1978 he made them allow niggers into the priesthood even though it was against the curse of cain doctrine. The curse was to be lifted from the nogs in at least the year 2000, it was prematurely "lifted" in 1978. There is another rule that nigs were to be the last allowed into the priesthood, and they were, but that doesn't negate the time rule about it only happening in at least the correct the millennium. As such, the curse was not truly lifted in 1978 and it's possible the curse may never be lifted due to the false declaration against it. The day the LDS church renounced the priesthood ban was the day it stopped being the one true church. What we're seeing happen with the Africoon population explosion and mass immigration is man's punishment for going against God.
I believe it's true, but is there a more normie-friendly source?
Found the stormweiney
Stop shitting other people’s beds you so-serious fuck
>niggers working
>niggers amount to anything, ever
>tfw no undiscovered Yellowstone in Africa
not everybody here wants to suck on spencers peepee
africas population went from 100m to 1b
what do you think happens when the aid stops arriving?
you think they going to sit around and starve to death? no
they coming to europe my nigger.
holy shit i shouldnt laugh, its awful
This is actually good news as it gives the right in Europe power. Had this happened over a much longer period then the fight vs the left would have been much, much tougher. Mass immigration was going to happen anyways, much better that it happens this quick.
then why don't you stop her you fucking pussy
>peace sign
retarded hippies are worse than niggers