Shingeki no Kyojin 85

Spoilers very soon.

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Happy birthday best girl.

Sasha is best girl

Do you think this would ever happen to cheerstoria?

LM soon.


I wonder how these two would interact

chain me to the desk

Is EH still stronk, boys?

Best shingekis.

Why didn't Reiner save him?

The EH artwork is very pretty, gotta be said.

I actually like this pic of them. It's darker than most fan art of this pairing. A lot of fanart tries to make them seem like a super cutesy couple but Historia is fucking nuts and so is Eren so maybe it could work.

which kyojin is built for shingeki'ing?

weirdo fault

Because he literally couldn't. No limbs, wasn't able to transform.

He was counting on him not being a little bitch for once, after talking all big in front of boss Zeke.

Big mistake.

>be so useless that you never win
>be lucky enough that you never die either
>fuck up over and over and survive
>your friend fucks up once in saving you and is killed immediately

Reiner must feel like shit

AM is endgame.

Literally Zeke.

Reiner jobs at saving Marcel, Annie, and now Bert. This Fucker has caused the death of two of his friends, he's officially worst friend

I sure hope they end up together, user. They just fit each other for some reason.

It's kind of funny. Marcel and Bert both died because they saved Reiner. Technically Ymir too, if she really is dead.

I want to see Armin come up with a genius strategy to prey upon Mikasa's pent up sexual frustration.

Well Reiner does have plot armor right now. His surname was on a serum bottle.


Reiner had it harder than anyone else in the manga.

I hope Flocke punches Armin if he starts crying again.

So, spoilers in a couple more hours or tomorrow?

Couple more hours.

According to 2ch Levi might do it.

Why do you say that?

Mikasa will rip his face off. She had enough of him before he even opened his mouth.

Post pictures of crying shingekis

When did hisu have an ass?

Mikasa a traitorous shit that deserves to be executed.

>muh demon

There's so many EHfags here, figure I may as well share a recent sketch as you guys might like it.

Go on...

I hope Flocke doesnt end up becoming cannon fodder

he's a big guy

I hope so too, user

>first mission
>watch everyone else get pulverised by flying storms of rock
>haul the Commanders boulder of a body back from a charge outside the walls
>shit's hard you but labor through because this man is an inspiration to humanity and you may get promoted
>done in by a shrieking she-beast and a faggot wailing toothlessly like a toddler about large bodies of water

Flocke will probably die saving one of the 104 losers

He's going to die getting in between LAME drama. Just watch.

>was insited against the people on the walls just like the wall people were insited against the titans.
>Lost his childhood for intense training so he could become a shifter.
>Is forced to kill a person when he still isn't 10 years old.
>Is send off with a bunch of other kids to the unknown.
>Witness one of them die to save him. Likely his bro.
>Young yet, can't barely grasp the monstrosity he just commited.
>Turns into the mission's captain and has to be an asshole to the only friends he'll ever have.
>Loses it after Marco.
>Annie goes down and he couldn't even help her.
>Is chicken handled.
>"You're unreliable" is one of the last things he says to his live long bro.
>Best bro could've ended the war there but stops it because he jobbed.
>Wake me up inside.jpeg
>Job again.
>Can't save Bert and knows it.
>Childhood hero don't even try.
>Best bro last words is his name and Annie.
>He's all alone in the word.
>Pic related.

>Be Flocke
>Model soldier
>Nearly got a fucking broken back from carrying the commander
>All for nothing, manlet went senile and saved the random grunt
>Oh well, what's done is done
>Court martial for the retards will have to wait, let's just get on with our mission
>Suddenly the faggot we saved over the commander starts sperging out
>Captain Manlet gets pissed, gives him a well deserved punch
>Oh shit
>Toothless retard and psycho-bitch also start sperging out
>Mad scientist is still jerking off to the commander's cadaver
>Have to sort this out myself
>Try to step in and stop the retard party
>Suddenlty get stabbed by psycho-bitch
>Begin contemplating on life choices leading up to this point

I think they work together because they don't bring out a bad side to each other. They also seem like they can just genuinely enjoy each other's company and joke around, with Historia being able to take Eren's temperament and bluntness.

Nice. If you're who I think you are, you're an LMfag mostly right? Are you also a EHfag too?

>don't bring out a bad side
No one does this with Historia. Only the WC and her family did, but this time is over and she changed.

Do you think mule titan would an ugly girl or a pretty one?

I mean that all sucks but i feel like you could do this with every single main character (except Jean)

Reiner has had it bad but I wouldn't say necessarily WORSE than anyone else.

If it's really a girl, which I doubt, she would have very short hair.

I just think that even as friends they work well together because Eren didn't put her on a pedestal and got to know the real her, even helping her along the way.

I'm pretty sure she is fine now with everyone.

Nah, Jean said she acts like his mom. Then again he compared Eren to his mom too.

It's a little more complex than that for a character like Historia. I would argue that the bad side of Historia is her FAKE side, her "nice side." Christa was a mask she put on to be liked, it wasn't sincere.

Eren and Ymir have both pulled out her honest self, though it's hard to compare fully because with Ymir it was in the middle of a battle for their lives and after some pretty ugly confessions, and with Eren it was in a quiet, safe room. But both Eren and Ymir accepted Historia's true self.

It's pretty obvious that Ymir/Historia is as endgame as a couple can get in this series but it's an interesting discussion to have.

Yup, well said. Plus this doesn't have to be all about shipping, just an exploration of some nice friendships in the manga.

I like a lot, but yes I'm mostly LM. I really like EH too. Thanks user.

Man, this thread is a ghost town... Do you guys want to post some cringe art?

I want Hisu to blow me under the bleachers.

>I would argue that the bad side of Historia is her FAKE side, her "nice side." Christa was a mask she put on to be liked, it wasn't sincere.
That's what I just said
>Only the WC and her family did

I like the way RayRay draws titans. It's just with people I don't know where the fuck it all goes very wrong

Fucking RayRay. She really is talented, why must she be a corrupted tumblr tranny?


It's pretty strange none of HELMN were included in the au. Anyway I think if they were it would be like this:

>Erwin, Nerd who gets bullied because his dad is one of the teachers
>Mike, Stoner
>Banana, the bad girl
>Nile, Class president
>Hange, that weird queer kid everybody teases
>Moblit, gets bullied for always hanging around that weird queer kid
>Levi, the school shooter

>pretty obvious that Ymir/Historia is as endgame as a couple

Shame for such a good post you went full deluded with that line. I highly doubt Historia likes someone romantic.

Erwin is top of class and captain of the football team that always loses and tries to trick Levi into joining his team all the time.

Levis parents died early and he has problems reading and writing and teachers hate him for his rude behaviour. Best in sports, worst in art and maths

Hanji always excessively tries to befriend the teachers which annoys them to no end, everyone finds her creepy, but somehow she gets the most invitations for prom.

Mike never says anything in class but smells the right answers during exams and always gets the best grades.

Levi would be similar to Eric cartman his mom would still be around and single and she would be a massive whore. Everybody would rip on him for it.

When are the nips going to post spoilers? I might as well go to bed at this point


>Everyone expected a mind blowing ending
>It's just the main protagonist fucking

Based isayama.

Pathetic EMfag.

Well Isayama did say you shouldn't have high expectations.

It was sunk by Isayama so many times.

Funnily enough the guidebook didn't give Eren any credit. Not that there is really much to give, since he barely did anything.

Nothing wrong with this ending.

You ship EH and LM i suppose? They will never happen, never you delusional fags.

Don't really care, since it's a shit containment ship. They can take Armin as well.

>EH and LM
LM is fucking disgusting and I prefer EH as friends. Nice try EMshit. Not all of us are shipperfaggots.

>EMfags calling anyone else delusional

Finally some people who doesn't care about ship

Do you guys think that the subplot of finding a way for Eren to harden was a metaphor for Erectile Dysfunction?

Who cares about Eren? He is annoying and boring.


EMfags and LMfags think they still have a chance. Kek

All Levi pairings are freaking dead though.

Come back when you have something that isn't already confirmed to post, Frodo-kun. I miss your abstractly sensible but dumb theories

Christa and Armin are twins

Zeke is Eren's mother

Mikasa's is a time traveler and the next Doctor Who

What do you think their child would look like?

>any of these
>abstractly sensible but dumb
Frodo impostors pls go



Did he have a heart?

Of course he did! He was lovely.

Mrs. Smith if you had to choose between LE or ErwL, which one would you choose?

Is LE Levi and Eren?
I'd probably have to choose ErwL, even though I'm not fond of it. I hate Levi and Eren as a pairing.

Why do you hate it? It's kinda cute

That's acceptable because Eren is clearly a baby Shingeki in that image. It's not a romantic pairing in this instance. As you know I support the proper love and care of all baby Shingekis. Levi is a good guardian.

Kys cow