>the left can't me-
The left can't me-
no they can't
They could at least use the French with the Maginot line, but I guess that'd conflate mexicans with Nazis.
>berlin wall
>prior to occupation and end of ww2
this is just a goof on lefties right..kind of a shit thread my fellow queef
Stalin & the commies built the wall, fucking revisionist history from the left
But that's wrong....... Jesus christ.
You deserve to be banned for stupidity
Hitler didn't build the Berlin wall, Soviet Communists did in 1961. Try again.
Yeah, that's everything left can do, try to assassinate character. Using logical arguments is too much to expect from them
Global rule #3 & #6 Are violated by your post OP.
From now on I will notate the exact rule broken
Hitler built the wall for the Soviet Union... not sure if serious...
>hitler built a wall 15 years after his death
>he still thinks hitler is dead
It doesn't matter. The point they're trying to make is
> Trump is hitler!
Which is of course failure of argument in the eyes of any conscious human. They're not trying to say why protecting your borders from drug cartels is bad, all they think of is equivalent of tossing their feces.
No one could actually be that stupid, right?
Try Israel for a relevant wall.
Yes I could have worded that better but my bemusement remains the same.
Except hitler didn't build the Berlin Wall. Fucking cucks
>the wall will never be built
Everyone who ever built a wall is hitler, I'm calling police to take down local mason as I type this.
The left certainly can't history.
Not the kids, fault though, history was replaced by social studies and stopped focusing on dates because it's easier to blur history that way.
fucking kek.
How can Canadians be this totally FUCKED?
I mean holy shit.
Did we ruin you last thread, maybe this time it'll be REAL communism!
that dick is too big
This is obvious larping. Everyone knows the wall was built after WW2. Not sure who. Supposed to look stupid with this. However, the Berlin Wall was built to keep people in because when you go Communist people want out.
hahahahaha this is awesome my g
Do not respond to shills
If you're responding to shills then at least do pic related
It was a good wall what's the problem
look how mad all the wh*te bois are... just a meme boys
The Left: Too stupid to realize Mexico has a border wall. Racist ass mexicans!!111!1eleven!!
This just in folks, Hitler was the king of Ur.
Lefties dunno history, spread OPs image. Makes them look retarded
This. The wall worked out great.
The left can't meme, this is proof
this is a common CIA tactic to get people to not respond to shills. do not listen. user is a faggot . i repeat, user is a faggot
What did they mean by this?
you are such a fucking retard lol
Where may I find these global rules you wax lyrical of?
>build the wall
go back to the tree farm leaf
>berlin wall
yeah it get demolished haha hitler couldn't even keep it u- wait a minute..
But their leftists, reality doesn't matter. I think they are stupid enough to believe it.
me, yes.
it isn't funny because
>Hitler didn't build the Berlin Wall
actually communists did
you're trying to say Trump is like Hitler because he wants to build a wall? it doesn't work because you're sending mixed messages.
this hitler meme is funny because he killed himself and hipsters are depressed beta males, who should go full kys if they haven't already.
not really that hard to get.
Sage hasn't worked since 2009
another quality thread, my dude.
This is actually legit bait, we should meme it.
The Blitzkrieg doctrine which Hitler actually did prescribe to is in fact the exact opposite of the wall building mentality but we can't let facts get in the way of a "good" meme now can we.
>t. a fat hick dipshit pussy retard
This is a joke, right?
Hitler: Yes Jews good plan, the Israeli West Bank Barrier will keep those Palestinians out.
>41 Poster
>52 Replies
>The aussie isn't aware that Sup Forums has rules
Color me surprised.
kys immediately
False flag.
But you're already coloured
>lol xd
woah we got ourselves a tough guy
Ye no kidding big leftie raid happening on PoL this week. Good thing they are all critically retarded
didn't the wall actually prevent people from leaving east berlin?
i'd say it worked
What idiot thinks Hitler built the wall?
But Hitler didn't build a wall it was the Soviets...
>I guess leftists really can't meme
Donald wants a wall to keep people out, the commies need a wall to keep people in. That's the difference
Fucking tard
The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989.[1] Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany), starting on 13 August 1961
This was the east Germans that built the wall after the war due to the number of people trying to free communism. I would say this is more a case of the left can't history than meme.
>hitler built the berlin wall
American college education...
this makes no sense
1 post by this ID
Why are they so cringy stupid?
Why am i feeling bad for them?
It is wrong to feel bad for a communist.
Here's the joke: The commies sold the wall to the East Germans by saying it's to keep out those fascist capitalists from the west.
Blimey mate, we don't follow rules in this country. We do what we fucken like.
>hitler built the berling wall
pitty is a fairly common response
just don't let it cloud your judgment when the ropes come out
Does the person who made this think Hitler built the Berlin wall?