I'm so done with this series.
I put up with some stupid bullshit but this gets more retarded every chapter. Not even good Ecchi as nothing ever happens and they throw this shit plot at you.
I'm so done with this series.
I put up with some stupid bullshit but this gets more retarded every chapter. Not even good Ecchi as nothing ever happens and they throw this shit plot at you.
See you next week you weak willed limp dick. I haven't bothered reading this series, just lurked the threads and drop by to see how hentai authors are handling mainstream. It's amazing how the talent must be shit from knocking down too many people in the past it's come to this.
i like it.
I don't understand the hate for he MC.
The hate comes from the fact its wish fulfillment fantasy at its worst
The MC is just a guy who has a girlfriend who shares mutual love with him but suddenly every woman in the world now lusts for his dick but he can't be bothered to fuck a single girl because muh loyalty
Literally the most beta man in the world which makes the plot and story meaningless since the MC won't do anything
It's probably because he's a literal faggot.
You can survive another herbivore man
>I don't understand the hate for he MC
The manga doesn't need him.
Cucks mad they keep getting BTFO by Sup Forums every time they attempt to post their cuck fanfiction
>inject herbivore mc with aphrodisiac drug
>he's immune to it just like the MK Virus
What's that? It gives a 500% boost to libido? 500% of zero is still zero. MC-kun lost his mojo while frozen just like Austin Powers.
Why is Kajou a Bond villain?
Herbivores are the strongest willed MCs; they cannot be tempted by sluts.
I remember something about women debating to rape him. Is the author reading from Sup Forums to fuck with us?
Well OP, after seeing that last page. I know how its gonna turn out next chapter. Still fucking jack all even tho in that situation you would have no choice but to go at it.
>how its gonna turn out next chapter
Pick one.
His childhood friend bursts in and protects his purity.
His bodyguard bursts in and protects his purity.
Number 1 bursts in and fucks everyone to protect his purity.
Not gonna lie, they all seem equally likely to happen.
# 1 only cares about celebrities. He even ignores his female agent.
it's definitely shit and it's gonna be that same garbage throughout the entire story's duration
Oh no!!! he's going have to breed with multiple girls, will someone make it in time and save him?!
What a cliffhanger!
The pieces of this manga are relatively interesting. I liked the fact that after he was confronted with the full weight of the current reality in his place in it, the Main Character just asked for time to look for his Waifu so he could Breed her good and proper, and if he can't he'll submit to being a baby factory. That's a good hook, a race against time for True Love before obligation requires you to sacrifice it in both the literal and metaphorical sense. And the conflict between the MC's traditionalism and the pragmatism of his situation was driven home really well I thought. The scene where he goes to see his brother and the other men in Cryo and they lay it out to him that its still possible to fix the world but time is running out was well crafted, it set the stakes for everything out and made it all very personal and relatable. Add in the mystery plot of the shadowy government conspiracy and the virus being human-made, and you've got a cool scifi medical drama/spy thriller with a good love story at the core.
Unfortunately, yeah, it seems like the stupid shit in this manga is destined to ruin it despite the solid foundation at its heart. The author uses a lot of tropey crutches and most of the characters outside the MC, his sister, the Main Girl and the Love Interest seem really one-dimensional.
Too bad.
Start up a blog and talk about your feelings some more.
>trying to read this seriously instead of just enjoying all the butts and boobs along with the silliness
Maybe, just maybe, you're the one that's retarded.
This is the most extreme case of it though.
Humanity is literally riding on him procreating with other women and instead he says 'No fuck that.'
To make matters worse he's A. A Fucking Liar because he said 'Give me a month to find my waifu, then I fuck. Oops wait never mind Imma cure the virus.' Which leads to B. He's being set up as a Gary Stu whose going to solve the problem to get out of fucking which also means he somehow knows 100% Certain he alone can cure it and doesn't need to fuck to ensure a generation of sons/daughters who can potentially help him. And C. It's honestly getting tiring even if the situation was nowhere near this bad. We've gotten so many Herbivore MCs you'd think we're in a T-Rex and Raptor-less Cretaceous period
In OP's defense this series is REALLY pushing this evil government that it thinks we care about down our fucking throats harder than Jump pushed Toriko. If it was forcefully pushed any harder it would be called Roman Reigns.
That's the biggest problem of this series, even bigger than the MC, is that they're trying to push some serious story in a male fantasy setting and honestly who gives a fuck? We've seen this before, and we'll see it again. So why not try to make it less Cliched? No? We're going to typical evil government?
Hes a loyal dude, saving himself for his GF
Dont hate him you horny fuckers
I'm betting Glasses girl falls for MC because 'NICE GUY NO RAPE ME'
We don't have our typical glasses girl yet.
Doesnt matter if she falls or not, she wont be getting his precious dick and semen
God this manga is so shit.
Nor will anyone else, doesn't stop this series from using generic tropes.
His girlfriend will when he finds her
I'm starting to doubt even that.
You better believe it
>I'm so done with this Thread.
>I put up with some stupid bullshit but this gets more retarded every post. Not even good Shitposting as no one ever gets triples and they throw this shit copypasta at you.
Ah, cropped panels, the bane of saucenao. Sauce please.
No, see the MC is going to learn the most valuable lesson ever. That you don't NEED to procreate! It's just a societal chain holding us down man!
Then he's going to go to the Himalayas, becomes Sorcerer Supreme, The Avatar, Super Sayain God, Soul Hokage of the One for All Pirates, and One Punch the MK Virus. The series will be heralded as a deconstruction of the harem genre and be called 2deep4u and then be made into a live action adaptation staring Christian Bale.
Truly the Evangelion of our time
I feel like that first part may actually happen.
Nah she clearly wants to be dicked like the others
Nah, she looks fairly terrified. Then again so does the girl on the bottom right, but she's short hair and thus shit.
>Number 1 bursts in and fucks everyone to protect his purity.
>yfw he turns out to be a really cool guy and MC's best buddy
Harem authors really need to do this more often. I hate when the only guys MC know are either scumbags, losers, or comic relief background characters.
Man killing virus was surely created by a man hating woman.
I dropped it this chapter.
I probably gave up when he declared that he was going to find a cure.
It's not even giving me a boner I realized.
Do you honestly think a series that has been 90% Forced Evil Government, 5% MC making sad faces, 3% T&A and 2% bad harem antics that something good will happen?
Have you guys been getting boners over this?
Harem Protagonist Syndrome in the most extreme of situations
It isn't even a parody, still utterly oblivious, just like the MC
No, I was making a statement for harems in general. This particular series has no hope.
Hell you know what?
This series pushes the evil government storyline down out throat harder than the scanlator pushes his mother shit down our throats.
No. That's the problem.
>Ecchi is uninteresting
>story is shit
>MC is unlikable
>cliches out the ass
>predictable in the worst kind of way
When i first heard the premise i thought this could be an awesome parody of harems.
In a normal setting I would have respected him but here, he's saving himself for a girl who's not even his GF, who may be dead as far as he knows and giving the D to other girls can literally help the world.
He's a faggot.
Or at the very least a decent source of non rape pregnancy material in official works and thus maybe a domino effect of it becoming more mainstream. NOPE
Is the Childhood friend a Vet or a Doctor?
Cause if she's a Vet, how the fuck did she figure out a human disease was man made
If she's a Doctor why was she in an animal lab and why did her dead dog make her a people doctor?
Quite simple really. All medical personnel from all fields of medicine (so vets too) were mobilized to find a cure. You'd be surprised how sometimes a specialist from a different discipline might help in finding a solution.
>doctor: we can't make heads of tails of this virus
>vet: hey this looks like a mutated animal disease X
Author don't need you.
This manga don't need you.
Also Sup Forums don't need you shit posting how you feel about it.
Maybe that was the intention, but then the Author found out the artist couldn't draw pregnant women because the concept is so foreign to Japan so they nixed the male fantasy and then gave us this terrible Final Fantasy plot
I'm waiting for the reveal that he actually has incurable ED or one hell of a botched circumcision and was just faking his loyalty so no one would know.
That would instantly make this series a 5/10.
It'd still be shit because of the evil government shit but a 4 is better than a 1.
The only reason it's not a zero is because the art isn't Mob or OPM webcomic level and they have actual writing that can be understood
People nowadays still get boners over eechi? Considering what the internet provides it would seem kinda pointless
The filename.
Honestly I'd ask if I could fuck her first
>claim you want to fuck the evil bitches because they are your type
>start off with anal to get into the mood
>"accidentally" shoot your load into their asses