This was suppose to kill DAL and Infinite Stratos.
How come it sold like crap and still has no season 2?
This was suppose to kill DAL and Infinite Stratos.
How come it sold like crap and still has no season 2?
Claire was too much of a shit and killed the sales.
holy shit thank you for reminding me that existed
Wasn't even the best harem when it aired that season.
This. Claire a shit. Worst girl of 2014.
Boring volumes and lazily produced.
Claire a best.
Est a shit.
Fuck off Clairetard.
I love this meme.
>kill DAL
Haha, no. Who the hell told you that? DAL was always superior. STnBD is smalltime compared to DAL's popularity and quality.
Restia a shit. A SHIT.
Same triggered Clairetard.
This. Est is overrated and shitty. Ellis is best girl.
Epic meme.
Let me guess. You also like Houki?
>Liking Blue Houki
Ellis a shit.
That's the real worst girl.
I don't think there's much of a difference in quality.
Guys please. The only shit in Blade Dance is Claire.
Everyone but autistic Clairefags agree with this.
DAL has better setting, characters, premise, interesting stories, and more consistent writing. Better designs too.
This. Fiery red twin-tailed tsunderes are as bad as they come.
So where can I get the light novels volumes? I need something to fill in the time between the two other light novel releases I keep up with
I like everyone except Ellis. Quit forcing your opinions onto everyone.
Well meme'd, samefag.
Fuck off.
DAL has a normal setting with the exception of spirits and therefore DEM/AST.
>interesting stories
Volume to volume basis. I don't think it will ever get as good as 10/11 again.
>more consistent writing
See above.
>better designs
That's a given.
Bladedance has better girls.
Only got one (You), sorry.
Nah, Claire is pretty good. But Restia is edgy shit and she's a bitch on top of that to boot
No, just no. Bladedance has the shittiest girl out of all.
>Claire is pretty good.
I respectfully disagree
But I admittedly need to read past where the anime went for blade dance.
So this is what shit taste looks like up close.
Classic BD thread when THK is lurking.
>Claire is pretty good
Respectable taste.
>read past where the anime went for blade dance
You should user, it's pretty good. The anime was another case of having the worst volumes adapted.
Rinslet a shit. Stop forgetting her, you faggots
>Clai-retards are frogshitters
She's more middle of the road. Nothing exceptionally good or bad about her.
You mean Est. She's the most overrated girl of 2014.
Hi, THK. Here's a non-trigger version just for you.
How can anyone say this?
>She's the most overrated girl of 2014.
That's this bitch.
Claire is perfectly fine and very cute in her iwn right, but hating Restia makes you a fag.
Only a butthurt Clairetard would say that because no one gives a shit about his crappy girl.
Master Detective isn't exactly overrated. She's just the only good reason to watch a boring show. that had a bait and switch main girl.
Because it's the truth. Why else?
No, not really. Est overratedness is legend compared to her.
There wasn't enough of best girl.
Learn some fucking vocabulary, underage.
Almost right. Only Aoi and Lilith were worse.
Mai red-haired brother from the same father.
Claire a cute. CUTE.
THK a shit. A SHIT.
At this point, I hope Fianna steals the main heroine position. She's the only heroine who gets development besides Claire anyways in this series.
Claire a shit. A SHIT.
White roses would have suited her more.
That's not going to happen. New arc is setting up major Claire plot and is close to reaching full circle with her development. Also, Claire > Fianna.
>only heroines who gets development
Ellis and Rinslet certainly do now don't they?
What the fuck is this series even about now? Is there an endgame? A last boss?
It would look nice, but I still can't fully agree. The artist and author was going for a color scheme to match and I think they did a great job at capturing her charms and instilling a fiery motif that's wrapped around a delicate, but fire rose.
No, but Est and Restia do.
I love triggering THK and seeing him meme up like a moron in here. It's so fucking easy.
Meant for
>BTFO by DxD
>IS killer
>Clairetard projecting
Maybe user meant continuous development and not some development once after X number of volumes have passed by.
I honstly can't even remember Est's development. And Restia really hasn't changed that much. She's still acting in Kamito's best interest and looking out for him as usual like she did since even before the start of the story. Her personality hasn't changed in that regards.
>Case in point
Awesome meme.
Not enough Est.
>it's a meme if it makes me angry
I honestly can't wait until the day all your spamming, trolling, and autistic shitposters comes back to rape you in the ass with a huge cock named karma.
Keep waiting forever schizophrenic maniac.
Est and Restia don't receive any real development. They're pretty much the same shit as they have been and super popular because they're cute. I don't really care for them that much because they aren't actually that interesting as characters.
Both Est and Restia are really overrated.
This reminds me. Leonora is a side character, but she has more development than every main heroine except Claire and Fianna.
Careful, user. You would want a certain autist to sperg at you with muh Clairetard now.
Claire and Est
Yoshino and Kotori
Laura and Rin
Best girls in the series mentioned in OP
I see what you're saying, they certainly did do a great job at that.
KN33S0XXX was the only worthwhile thing to come out of this series.
That's mostly agreeable. I would personally switch Yoshino for Natsumi, but a Yoshinon is perfect too.
>I would personally switch Yoshino for Natsumi
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>How come it sold like crap and still has no season 2?
Because unlike in the other two, the Houki is not the main girl.
Natsumi's true form and not the fake mega bitch Natsumi. The former is super, super cute.
I fail to see why people call Ellis blue Houki when she's nowhere near as violent and stupid. Claire is more fitting for that classification
Natsumi's true form is that of a loli so insecure it's boderline rretarded. A girl so insecure that she would rather cockblock Yoshino than seeing her friend happy. A lousy excuse for the writer to keep pushing yuri subtext in the series along with Miku, who he killed in 1 volume and 2 short stories. Natsumi is by far the worst character in the whole series.
Claire is literally the most docile tsundere ever
Ellis just has the ponytail and violent attitude going on
She screams, whines, tries to act solo, and tries to enslave the MC. I found her way worse.
I don't think you read volume 14. Magical Natsumi surpassed Yoshino. Her insecurity is handled better than Yoshino on average. It's cute and the kind of moe that makes a person wants to sincerely help that child.
Yeah I dropped the series after Nia's volume, I guess Natsumi got better, but until that volume she was just abhorrent
Ellis is the only girl who used deadly sword attacks on Kamito. That sort of violence, ponytail, tits, and the strict no nonsense type tsundere makes her a literal Houki clone.
Claire doesn't look the part and is mild as the small animal, almost pet like behavior tsundere type and in terms of violent attacks compared to Ellis
So flaming whips don't count now to violent attacks?
Didn't say that. You could get burn and welts with the way Claire handles her whip, but it isn't deadly in the it could fatally wound you way.
You could say it's played for laughs and all, but Ellis does attack with a serious disposition. Her sword is deadly and it requires comical fast reactions from Kamito to avoid them. That's one of the main reasons why she's like Houki.