Hi /pol
I've been lurking around from time to time for about three months, and I just wanna hear why you believe in what you do (racism, sexism, antisemitsm, etc.).
I'm not gonna argue against you, I just want to hear why you believe in what you do.
Hi /pol
Other urls found in this thread:
I believe that OP is a phaggot
first ask yourself why do you think every culture that has been in contact with Jews, hates them enough to expel them from their lands, enslave or otherwise try to exterminate them?
They're thieves and swindlers, moneylenders and inventors of usury, coin cutters and kiddie diddlers
They seek to destroy the established people, culture and religion of whatever host country they occupy and then be the ones in power when the dagger comes down in their back.
Antisemitism isn't exclusive to Hitler, he was just the most adept at recognizing their (((virtues)))
Evidence of significant racial differences in IQ and criminal behavior.
I do not do this. Idiots do.
Because of evidence that they are in fact disproportionately in positions of influence and power and intentionally injuring other groups of people
Honestly OP I don't believe in half the shit Sup Forums says. I like the humor and the fact that Sup Forums is always right.
Also it's the only place where I can come and laugh at overblown feminism, equalism and other social justice movements. If they would all calm down for a bit I wouldn't be on Sup Forums anymore.
Hi OP.
Kindly kys.
>I don't believe in half the shit Sup Forums says
>Sup Forums is always right
you just contradicted yourself
>what is irony
>what are memes
it's just instinctual tribalism. no need to go looking any deeper than that.
op always makes these threads just sage them.
anyone who's even spent 3 weeks here, let alone 3 months should understand this shit.
Equality is a myth, in every sense of the word. If one dwells for even a moment on the mathematical definition of "equal", it is patently obvious that nobody is equal, neither individuals nor demographic groups. (I have to wonder, looking back, how did I ever believe in it in the first place? What did I mean by "equality"?) There are differences in height, skin color, genitals, IQ, personality, income, etc., etc., etc. On almost any metric, people tend to vary to some degree. Even "identical" twins are not exactly the same. Yet for some reason, our society seems obsessed with this myth of equality, and to deny it publicly is to be branded a heretic.
Perhaps, as with many myths, the idea of equality is propagated to reveal a deeper truth. Maybe something about treating all people with some baseline level of dignity and giving everyone a "fair shake". But if you want to inspect the world and know the truth, then you have to be able to accept the implicit lesson while disregarding the explicit lie.
Stay a little longer, read some nice statistics, make your own opinions.
You’ll see why we think these things in time.
lurk more
I'm not sexist, but racist and anti-semitic, yes.
>crime stats
>info on non-asian/white mixes
>homogenous vs diverse societies
>government corruption often jewish
>all pro-mass immigration schemes and organizations are jewish
>media and entertainment twisted by jews to support their jewish mulitcult agenda
>control the economy, use this control to benefit other jews, while preaching to whites about white supremacy
I believe Americans arent white i believe this because they race mix then there kids claim to be white and then there kids claim to be white they look white but inside they are still niggers
Honey, have you ever seen how they get olives from olive trees? They shake the tree.
All the "racism" and "sexism" and whatever-ism you think you're reading on here, it's just people shaking the social tree. Shake it hard enough, and the rotten fruit starts dropping.
You're correct. Everything has multiple layers of analysis