
Not strictly politics, and it might sound autistic, but I guess early exposure to English language and culture since I was a kid (parents sent me to learn English when I was 5, I spoke English since I was 7-8 or so, then visited England for extended periods few times) kinda turned me into a low-key Anglophile.
Do other foreigners with similar experience feel the same?
Do you feel some kind of vague subconscious attachment to England and English culture?


Eternal Anglo reporting in. Loyalists must take up arms, and band together to squash the colonial rebellion once and for all. We must restore law and order to rightfully British lands. We shall paint the valleys and hills of the new world with the blood of the savages; eternally cleansing our beautiful landscape bathed in a golden and glorious sun that never sets on the British Empire. God save the Queen.


well i think [opinion redacted due to opinion stated being outlawed in country of posting]

forgot the picture

Stay the fuck away from this shithole from now on please, this nation is already dead and there is no going back. Just appreciate our past from a distance and leave it at that

>there is no going back

you lack imagination

When you learn about how past generations screwed us over and then see how fucking dumb, degenerate and consumerist the average person is today, there's little to do apart from abandoning society's sinking ship and go more and more innawoods until there's nowhere left to run

Great Britain is cool, they are our nation's father. We fulfilled his paternal dream by becoming the greatest that there ever has been. Anglo pride world wide!

I hate this country and it's people. Cucked beyond belief. It's worse than Sweden, Germany and France combined. Every time I have to travel there on business, I have to do spiritual cleaning of sorts. The Sweden, while it is fucked has based groups like the Nordic Resistance. The anglos got nothing. They are ready for butcher's knife. Seriously slavbro, examine your head.

I went to England when I was 15, worked first for few years, learned the language but I was always treated like a second grade citizen. Then I decided to pick up books and went to Uni. Went to poshest place I could get to - Cambridge. I had more posh experience than many anglos around. Never felt a part of the club... and I will never be. To be honest Anglos from what I have observed over 17 years have no real culture, it is mostly borrowed from French.

Wrong m8. You can turn the clock back.

Yes. I I love Britain and I'm angry that the British are allowing it to all go to shit. He'll this British girl I've been talking with wants to marry me to leave Britain. How could you let it get to this state lads?

Our culture is similar to French but distinct, you would know this if you weren't a foreign parasite who we put resources into only for you to pack your bags and leave.

fuck those beedy eyed niggers

join the empire

>implying historical progress is linear

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Bomber Harris do it again.

I'm not being funny or anything but maybe they would have been cold to you even if you weren't Polish.

Fucking kek

It's fine but we need a war big enough to require conscription to thin out the neets. Mind you the coming changes to benefits should kill off a lot. Everyone on to UC. Must have a UJS account. Fail to do enough jobsearch evidence and it flags you. Go to sign on and all they can do is tell you to phone the premium rate number to appeal your suspended benefit. Due to the nature of UC you get kicked out on the street to die. Ian Duncan Smith wanks his dick red raw looking at the bodies.


>identifying Anglohood with Britain
WRONG! You are a burger, you are the highest tier of Anglo, the most central and definitive Anglo of the entire world.

1. the "white American" ethnicity is just a regional flavor of the greater Anglo macro-ethnicity, kind of like Irishers who speak Irish at home, or Australians or Anglo-Canadians
2. I could have sworn I had something else to say