Name one thing you love and hate about your country

I’ll start: Britain
Love - The past.
Hate - The present.

Fuck man, deep.

Love - The freedom.
Hate - The people.

You would have said this same thing a century ago.

love - bunda, sopa
hate - crime

Nah. We are living in exceptionally degenerate fucked up times.

We didn’t have Islamic slime spreading across our country a century ago.

Love: My culture
Hate: Islamic shit eating kiddie fucking degenerate curry eating cunts.

You love the past? When the niggers was slaves and living over there legally?

>Love - The past.

Love - White people
Hate - non-white people

love-the history
hate- the left here they are fucking cancer

I love guns
I hate fags

>Hate - The present.

what happened to your women, user? why can they not be trusted?

>Nah. We are living in exceptionally degenerate fucked up times.
yes, you are. your women are all thieves and liars.

like every single one.


Love: When mummy spies on us and tells us what to think.
Hate: When I'm making toast in the morning and my butterknife gets confiscated and Mohammed gets mad because I don't bring him his toast in time and rapes me as punishment whist my Theresa May and Amber Rudd gather round the CCTV camera installed in my bathroom and laugh at me.

Love - marmite
Hate - bovril

They was always the same.


Enjoy your cultural enrichment british goy.

Love - The native people and the nature
Hate - Leftists and non-whites

You got that the wrong way round.

Love - the country
Hate - The peolple

Excluding the obvious, and relating to present things only.

Love: The small pockets of homeliness unique to this nation only. The warm, intimate pub. The small cold seaside town. The church, sitting on a green rolling hill.

Hate: The atrocious manners and immorality that is now seen not only as normal but as a requirement.

Love - the diversity
Hate - the wh*te people ruining it

Love - Apartheid, South Africa genuinely was a great country back then especially military/police and daily life
Hate - The end of Apartheid and giving control of pur country to corrupt, lazy nigger terrorists

Love - Beer
Hate- Asylum Seekers

Love - Texas
Hate - California

((((Aryan Race))))

Love: Countryside English
Hate: City English

Love: poutine
hate: Trudeau dynasty

Love - Past Nationalism.
Hate - Nigger lovers.

enjoy being a literal third world niggerland

Good god, this only on some many levels.

LOVE: My fellow gay faggot men.
HATE: Women.

>enjoy being a literal third world niggerland
Hey hooked nose brit nigger, nobody of them wants to stay here! They want to live over there!

Can you name at 3 things Greece has contributed to the world since the death of Aristotle? You know, since 322BC?

If not btfo Turkish slimball

1)First victory against the Axis powers while you was hiding at your basements.
2)Test pap
3)The fall of the Soviet Union

I have a lot more.
This guy is the reason why nerds like you can work in the army and stop using eyeglasses.

>Love: The patriotic spirit a lot of people have
>Hate: The amount of people that leave, including my parents


Love the Queen

Hate gray squirrels

Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs have been part of Britain for centuries. We were the first to end slavery. Racism and bigotry has no place here.

How about freedom as opposed to islam ?

Me too my friend, I pray that one day I can return for good.

Love: neetbucks
Hate: Osloistan

Fuck off civy no one asked you

Love the Constitution & Bill of rights, hate the ammendments post 1865.

Already looking on how to return to Poland, family can help but I want to be independent.

Hopefully moving back in two years after university

not..quite. European nations got together to make slavery illegal because Africa had enslaved a million white Europeans. Africa wouldn't stop though because it had gotten rich off its slave trade, so Europe had to go to war a 2nd time with them to MAKE them stop, and Britain's navy being what it was it was the largest armed force of those wars.

France took over north africa caliphates after the 2nd war to enforce Africa's behavior this time. The French foreign legion was planted there, part of their job was to route out pockets of slavery. This occupation by the French military, opened the door to opportunists and entrepreneurs and colonialism.

You had the biggest navy and you bombed the caliphates to make them regret enslaving white europeans. And your captain Edmund Pellew was a hero because he freed 1800 white slaves from a cave in Algiers. But it was a joint effort between you and france and other euro nations.

>part of Britain
No, you really didn't get any blacks until WWII and those were in the form of American soldiers leaving you some presents with your womenfolk. maybe a rare one or two, but come on, you only got Sikhs and Hindus after the Raj.

Hate - The Present
Love - The Future

Love the white French people
Hate the shit skins

Love: Idyllic rolling countrysides of based communities, the most beautiful in the world
Hate: Urban cesspits

Love rural Britain
Hate our multiculti city scum


Love - 1st and 2nd Amendment, the flag, Oregon, Alaska, Northern Texas.
Hate - spics and nogs

We can only hope

Love - Variety and quality of food, I guess?
Hate - How left-leaning and trigger-happy the government is.

Good job, I'm in sixth year of secondary school and probably will move back to study in Poland, unfortunately I'm going to have to live with my grandparents, but they're good people, I hope to get out of their hair as soon as I finish Uni.

Love - people
Hate - current government

Same boat. Stuck here, waiting to get independent and move back.

I never believed in all that "you'll miss fatherland when you leave it" shit but now I completely understand

Everything up to about 2010 was either nice or tolerable.

After that it just went to shit, thanks to fucking American Liberalism being spread here like the cancer it is. Pic related.


Love - our beaches and food
Hate - our need to copy others