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Post an archive you fucking faggot

>Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a lying cunt

And no one will go to Jail
so please people shut up allready

>Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz both privately denied to congressional Russia investigators that they had any knowledge about an arrangement to pay for opposition research on President Donald Trump, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

>The interviews happened before this week's disclosure that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid for the research. Senate investigators may seek to further question the two top Democrats and dig deeper on the origins of the so-called Trump dossier, one of the sources briefed on the matter said.

>In recent closed-door interviews with the Senate intelligence committee, Podesta and Wasserman Schultz said they did not know who had funded Fusion GPS, the intelligence firm that hired British Intelligence Officer Christopher Steele to compile the dossier on Trump, the sources said.


>tfw I don't know who Shultz is.

the fire rises

Why would anyone ever tell the government the truth about anything?

Debbie knows she's fucked with all the Awan stuff so why not roll the dice and lie about this?

This. You can call us shills, fucking leafs, shareable, etc. But the fact is they are committing crimes right in our faces and none of them are facing any sort of punishment.

The most beautiful jewess in history

You blockhead

related question

What is the penalty for lying to congress?
When has anyone ever been prosecuted?

Think about Ramen noodles real hard and it will come back to you in the form of horrible PTSD flashbacks.

not a credible source of information.
thread is fail.

and the nose and teeth of a bag full of LEGOs

Archived link. Fuck CNN

I wonder what a thousand more years of inbreeding will produce.

Part true....in this case, understand that the reality of what theyre reporting is actually many measures worse

According to P.J. Meitl in a 2007 Quinnipiac Law Review, ``only six people have been convicted of perjury or related charges in relation to Congress in the last sixty years.’’

Nevermind, I figured it out

Is lying to a congressional committee purgery? That's jail time in bongland, dunno about over there.

Can i ask you guys something?
Why do you waste your time on this??
You do know no one is going to jail its not going to happen so why do you always come here posting this stuff??
its like your in this world that you thing laws matter?
they don't not for them

Debbie should be jailed, but whoever does her hair deserves a lethal injection. She looks like she's been out in the rain.


Aww Chuck.



Just a hobby for me, a bit like following a reality show, only more interesting and unpredictable.

The Lynch Justice Department set the precedent that perjury is A-Okay as long as you are involved with the Clinton foundation

Because its fascinating.
Why not just suicide yourself if you're going to devote your life to being an annoying ironically clingy nihilist?

Meanwhile Hillary's claiming any democrat-Russian collusion is "already debunked" (without back it up of course) while the leftist media is looking for anything it can to deflect from the truth.

how did the committee know that podesta lied?

pic related.

can someone PLEASE tell me where to find an image converter that still does this

Last month he was "helping" the committees....pure gold

Hey everyone! Just stopping by to let you all know that, when it comes to complex political issues, a lot of fake news floats it’s way around, muddying the waters of truth. Luckily, we’re here to care of the hard stuff you people like you can have access to the unfiltered truth. Based on the investigations of some of our best news-hounds, we have determined the veracity of this story for you already! Have a great day everybody :)

They will go to prison, tho.

>>Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a lying cunt

That feel when the only way you hope to persuade people with shilling is to agree that your side is full of terrible people who routinely commit crimes.

Her hair is actually ramen. She boils a fresh head every morning and nibbles on it throughout the day.

Classic obstruction of justice.

If there was one still available we would be shitpostng that shit all day.

But you've probably seen her tits.

A fucking leaf.

Theyll in day of the rope


CNN's FB page manager is on suicide watch.

Now would be a good time to sell off all your Maruchan stocks lads



someone's doing the converting tho


that's not the real gold, though.

read the whole caption for the photo twice.

You're right, they won't end up in jail. They will be executed for treason instead.


Embezzler and his porn star wife

So he met with investigators or just Senate staffers?

These are old converstions from an app that instantly removed this feature cuz of SJW's

The attorney Podesta authorized payments of $5,600,000 to who then forwarded most of that money straight to Fusion GPS was literally sitting right next to Podesta while he lied to Congress.

The alternative possibility is that Podesta's attorney committed misconduct and FEC crimes sufficient to have him disbarred from ever practicing as an attorney again, which would also make him personally liable to pay the $5,600,000 back to the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

If that's what happened, the attorney also likely committed fraud by misrepresenting expenses, which is also grounds for permanent disbarment.

What's really more likely? A horribly corrupt attorney doing something that didn't personally benefit him and exposed him to huge personal risk or already infamous politicians and their staff committing more misconduct and crimes while their attorney performed their perfectly legal duties to their client?


> Republican foes of Trump -- whose identity is still not known -- initially hired Fusion GPS

> It is not clear whether Hill investigators will press to learn the source of the Republican funding of Fusion.

Kek the absolute state of CNN damage control

John Podesta spoke behind closed doors on Monday with Senate Intelligence Committee staff members.

No Members attended the interview.

What's Chester Bennington gotta do with the dossier?

I think we might be winning again user

You are a shill, and this specific time frame shilling is one of your cornerstones these days. You do it with the wall most acutely, too. It's literally the same as posting a big image of David Brock with IM A SHILL as the macro text.

I'm not sure how you think it's working, it gets (You)'s but that's about it.

>not my president
>pussy grabber
>nuclear codes

Is every lefty repeating the same points over and over? It sounds like a reddit thread.

That kike manlet only wears that yarmulke to trigger us

And you think that faggot Sessions will do anything about it? He's too busy worshiping a Jew on a stick and throwing white men in jail for boycotting Israel.

opiodes, high as fuck am i right fellas.



so you guys settle that whole embezzling money for prostitutes thing or what?

HAHAHA this is hilarious. Trumpkins used to love Russia, what happend?

Aw, did the trumpinks just get a 4D Yu-Gi-ho bowlcut fakey-fakey backflip latter stalled all over their 4-heads by superior minds?

>w-wtf I hate Russia now


its still just calm b4 the storm -


Ooooh. I hadn't thought about the attorney.


Let's be realistic now, Drumpf has all the NSA tapes of everything after the fact. Existing laws allow all the parties to be unmasked, since Steele was a foreigner. So unless all these idiot Democrats and Never Trump RINOs were smart enough to keep absolutely quiet about all of this except mouth to ear, they're fucked.

I happen to know a very powerful RNC chair and he told me offhandedly, in the summer of 2015, that even if Trump won they'd get him impeached for something within 18 months. He was very smug about this too. If he knew he had to have gotten the news from somebody.


They get paid for (You)s, because when you're replying to them, you're not discussing anything useful, and you're helping them slide the thread. That's "how they think it's working." It is if you reply to them.

anyone have more plebbit damage control?

They had no idea about who paid for the dossier, they just knew about it, and its contents, and whom to give the details of it to...
Elijah Cummings was the 1st time I heard it Shilled, it was During the Oversight hearing with FBI after the "StoneTear" episodes....
Trey Gowdy and everyone was asking questions related to the topic at hand.
Cummings and other Dems pivoted to What a bout Trump and His ongoing investigation, What about his Other Ties to Russia???

Since Cummings was the 1st one to Drop the Red Pills, if I was a Reporter I would ask him Who told him about it, or did he pay for the dossier

I'm thinking of producing a set of limited edition memes where I shop his face onto Sheldon Cooper with *BAZINGA* as the image macro text. I don't know why but Shapiro seems so memeable.


I’ve seen this pasta quite a bit lately.

HAHAHAHA omg that's rich coming from a Trumpkin who's leader is going to die in a prison cell.


Hey CIA, are we going to get a reset soon?

Tired of this pretend hate game, playing our roles.

Hmmm.....by who though? The people that are supposed to execute those convicted of treason? Or the people that are supposed to execute those convicted of treason?....maybe both?

It's funny because they don't know shit but I know that many people knew about the dossier or plans to create it shortly after Trump announced his candidacy.

Pretty common for congresspeople have their staffs do a lot of the closed door questioning and then get a 1 or 2 page rundown

It's tech that was too accurate, was pulled and probably used by intel now.

Oh, Skippy....

Podesta goes to minimum security, but Hillary goes to Leavenworth.

i have a new tactic for defeating them. reference them in every comment you make, but ignore what they said. spend those soros dollars up, but keep the conversation moving.

the "interviews" happened like last month and the month before that. wtf?

Huge kek. Lawyer here. A law firm doesn't contract an investigator without confirming it with the client, who is, after all, paying for it.

John Podesta spoke behind closed doors on Monday with Senate Intelligence Committee staff members.

No Members attended the interview.

(the below is a shill)

I don't think she's going to come back to the USA user. She left the country for good, she has a gravely injured toe which will of course interfere with her ability to travel.

I suspect we'll start seeing other high profile people also going on sudden international trips too. Very soon now. Watch Skippy, Huma, Rice, Obama, Holder...

no he was questioned either 2 months ago or last month. re-read it.

Is she out of the country right now?


I don't think so. She's so incredibly arrogant that she probably thinks she can lie her way thru it AGAIN. I bet she fights it. with all her $ and jewy lawyers.