Crapitalists will defend this

>crapitalists will defend this

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In communism, this here gentleman would be awarded equal share for his contribution. A crumb. What everyone else is getting.

>52, doesn't yet understand how the world works and instead of using his ideas to compete, cucks out and gives the shit away.

in the glorious communism if anyone would listen to his suggestions (in case he does not end up in prison) he will not get anything. But the probability of him ending up in prison is around 99%.

Fake news, sage

That's just how it works, it's also why we don't let the free market too loose and have regulations.

>implying europe is relevant

That's genuinely shitty, but it doesn't mean he'd be wealthy in communism either, because private ownership doesn't exist and he is not entitled to the product of anyone else's labour :^)

Fuck him. Buy stock in the company next time. He assumed absolutely no risk for had the idea flopped.

Besides. From each according to his ability to each according to his needs.

hahaha oh wow you superior Americans sure are great

>absolute kike thought process

amerisharts are without question the best goys on the planet


H-hey Stalin I have t-this list of suggestions, I w-won't have to visit the breadlines anymore r-right?

It's rather obvious that if he was unable to leverage this into a significant promotion, his coworkers already hate him anyways.


Good idea.
We don't want to be too free now do we.

>A video game developer who created 5 billion dollars title which sold over 495,000,000 copies worldwide, received fuck all, because he was employed by the Soviet government.

You mean communism.


Oh shut it commie. If he intended for his 'ideas' to be private property, he'd have protected and leveraged them accordingly. Not whine on the internet for the 'comrades' to take care of him.

A future of human extinction is preferable to one of communism. So if a few people like these need to suffer to learn that there will be private property. Than so be it.



The greatest selling game of all time, in fact.

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov sure got a fat check n royalties for his invention!!!

Yeah, because a person's coworkers decide if they get promoted or not, not their boss or manager.

Are you ignoring this post?
You must address this commie, if you dont I will remind you of it as long as this thread stays up

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bolshevik? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at ?? Junkerschule Bad Tolz, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on Jewish Ghettos, and I have over 300 confirmed relocations. I am trained in gorilla anti-terrorism and I’m the top einsatzkommando in the entire Waffen ??. You are nothing to me but just another untermensch. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this delousing chamber mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the enigma machine? Think again, jude. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of collaborators across the Deutsches Reich and your Jewish ancestry is being traced right now so you better prepare for the sturm, parasite. The sturm that ausrottens the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking incinerated, kid. I can blitz anywhere, anytime, and I can exterminate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my pesticides. Not only am I extensively trained in the Nuremburg Laws, but I have access to the entire armory of the Wehrmacht and I will use it to its full extent to concentrate your miserable ass off the face of the lebensraum, you little shit. If only you could have known what incredible retribution your little “clever” culture of critique was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have signed on to the Havara Agreement. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit the glory of the herrenrasse all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, yiddo.

>Work your ass off
>Earn tens of thousands of dollars per week for your boss while he does next to nothing except "own" the property
>He rewards you with a few hundred dollars per week

Capitalism was a mistake.

Wow, only 10 people per room!

>Europe has a higher gdp than the usa
>less states, more money
Don't act so cheeky number 2

I notice you didn't mention anything about the risk involved. Some people risk their life savings in order to take that first jump.

Have you also forgotten you live in a system that allows you to do it too?

You don't have to accept less reward for less risk, but if you choose to, than you will.

In communism, he wouldn't have gotten anything extra.

'From each according to his ability to each according to his needs' If you don't need it, you won't get it in communism.

The difference is - under socialism your invention or innovation benefits society as a whole. You become known in your community as a good person who helped improve the nation. Your name enters history as a heroic figure for all time.

Under crapitalism, your invention benefits exclusively the crapitalist who hires you. The wealth that your innovation creates is expropriated by the crapitalist - only a small percentage "trickles down" to the rest of society.

>working class
But Boris, I thought Communism was a classless system, you fucking imbecile.

That's why you don't give econimically good ideas to other people for free. You either have them pay you or you start your own business.

What an idoit tbwh pham.
You don't just give companies ideas like that you sell them.

For context the suggestion he put forward is that Argos delivery vans should only fill up at Sainsburys petrol stations to reduce logistics costs, it was basically common sense.

Nice source brainlet faggot

>socialism and communism are the same thing

his name entered history as someone who got fucked by communism you fucking retard

Kalashnikov received nothing for the gun he stole from the Germans.

Kek, he did steal the german design, thats for sure.
Seriously though, with capitalism owners get tge profits, with socialism corrupt politicians do.

What does that have to do with capitalism?

1 million really isn't that much at this scale. Sure they should've given him more but this isn't a "flaw of capitism n shit" it's just a poor decision.

>Kalashnikov received nothing for the Intentionally flawed firearm design the germans leaked to Russia.


In communism he would have gotten nothing more

In Capitalism they Jewed him of anything substantial. But the effects of his idea in turn provided more jobs stability for those who work there, thus helping the workers and also increased capital to expand operations and hire more staff to facilitate that expansion.

The difference between us Capitalist and you Communicucks is that we can think more than one step ahead.

So under communism progress would become stagnate. Why would I want to support such a system?

Haha rick and morty is so smart and you're very smart for referencing it

>becoming a world-famous engineer, known by name by a good third of the entire human race
>everyone in your country knows your face and massively admires you
>every time you go outside, people gather around you to take selfies and get a chance to talk with this one of a kind hero
>highly respected in the field, considered a serious authority on engineering up until his last days
>"received nothing"

You know, not everyone in this world is a Jew. Some people are motivated by things other than money - like the desire to help others, to enter history positively, to become respected and admired by your countrymen, etc.

This .
And that is also the reason that people eveywhere know who Miyamoto is but not this poor son of a bitch.
>No Comrade you stay in Motherland and do not attend gaming or tech conventions (They were a thing back then). We will license to capitalist pig dog game companies for pennies on dollar


wtf i love breadlines and gulags now

>the desire to help others, to enter history positively, to become respected and admired by your countrymen

None of these things put food on your plate or a roof over your head.

Kalashnikov is a world famous and highly respected engineer in the same way that Bill Nye is a world famous highly respected scientist.

No one could get a hold of tetris in gommie countries, it was sold to crapitalists. It was craptalists who were able to sustain soviet reign for few years longer.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand communism. The ideology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of statistics most of the genius will go over a typical capitalists head. There's also Lenin's collectivistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature, for instance. True communists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this ideology, to realise that its not just a regular ideology- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike communism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lenin's existential catchphrase "Seize the means of production" which itself is a cryptic reference to Marx's Russian epic Communist Manifesto. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mao's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

You get the idea!!

Gommunism, not even once.

He is already getting paid?

Why would a company pay him more for doing his job?

>Capitalism rewards people based on contribut-
Shut the fuck up

easy when slave labour was still a thing. why the fuck do you we dont have top notch architecture anymore?

>not taking your idea and overtaking Argos

That’s how to capitalism

Maximum cuck


>If I dont like their contributions, they dont count!
>inheriting wealth is unfair
lol fuck off

>CAPITALISM - it just fucking works

Why are you advocating Communism when Communism was created by the Jews?

>give someone idea for free
>they do all the work to implement it
>wow why didn't I get the lions share of the profit for the idea I gave you for free and you took all the risk and put in all the effort to implement

How do you feel about the fact that Communism is Jewish?

I believe he was awarded some honorific title and got a nicer apartment and a lifetime pension so he didn't have to work ever again.

But Paris' father built a hotel empire from nothing, she's not supposed to work. Tesla never wanted to be rich he just wanted to invent stuff.

M8 come on,

Thinking of other is for communists, the the individual matters in capitalism

>Muh Nikola Tesla argument.
Tesla was a fucking quack who thought he could power Europe by sending bolt of lightning across the Atlantic Ocean. Now go back to /l/eddit where you belong

I never said they did.

>Communist Housing circa always

It's almost as if they know nothing of cleanliness
>it's India
Well there you go sport. They float dead relatives down the same rivers they drink from and also bathe in. India knows nothing of hygiene

>lol yeah but in communism it will be shitty too
Fuck both commies and capitalists. Fucking kikes

That's because communism is Jewish and only takes from the goyim.

if he didn't use this to negotiate a bigger salary he deserves what he got.

It would be pretty hard to put food on your plate when even your leader is amazed at the concept of a supermarket.

>posts photo from 1989, when the Soviet Union was run by a liberal social-democrat

Pic related is how it looked before Gorby took power

One knew how properly handle money and invested it wisely increasing her wealth.
The other person spent all their money on new inventions that didn't work out.

Now being shit with your finances is somehow the inherent fault of capitalism


Years ago when I worked at the now extinct Sports Authority, Budweiser was looking around at different exercise equipment stores because they needed 75 treadmills for a nationwide advertising campaign. My fat retarded boss kept trying to sell them the most expensive treadmill and when the Bud representative said they weren't interested and began to leave, I stepped in. I'm a fitness freak and know how all things exercise related work. So I sold them on buying another model that was more than $1000 cheaper and gave them a discount on a repair warranty for each treadmill. Budweiser ended up buying 100 of them for about $900 each.

My fat retarded boss took me in the back and gave me a $20 bill. Then he scolded me for interfering with his sale.

Cool propoganda pic. Here's a pic from the Nazi propoganda of death camps

the mental disconnect is amazing. I would think this was bait if I didn't genuinely believe commies were this stupid.

Funny how that pic doesn't show the jewish communists slaughtering the goyim.

he should have filed a business patent and gone into business for himself, used his contacts to sell his idea back to the company.

He gave his shit away for free and wuddya know, he didnt get paid for it.

funny thing tho OP. he wouldnt have even gotten the gift cirtificate if the country was communist. He would have gotten a pat on the back and a thank you for being a good party member.

so what exactly are you advocating?

>Company gives shit reward
>News of this goes out
>Public outrage
>Competitors capitalize, hire the dude and gain public approval

This is capitalism.

>why the fuck do you we dont have top notch architecture anymore?
We do - the top notch architecture is only for crapitalists though, not the working class.

>european nation

>brown asian nation

You just proved to us why Communism will never work, in communism these 3 groups of people will be one nation woriking together because at the end of the day, marxism is just internationalist socialism. If those south asian and indian nations could not even work out a simple system like capitalism what makes you think they will be able to handle a complicated one like marxism? I say this as a brown person myself, we cant handle any type of socialism, a mixed market economy? yes but not socialism, you need white people for that

WTF you mean the capitalist propaganda...was just propaganda?! Dam guess I ran out of arguments against communism guys.

Check out pic related and then unironically kys

>at least he got a pat in the back
The fuck else he want? He should be thankful he has a fucking job, inconsiderate kike.

get gift card for shitposting to new management
sign me up

Name a single pro-White communist Jew.

A bunch of shit TV shows that retards like and some perfumes, and yes these still count even if you dont like them.

But Marx was a Jew.

So was Trotsky and Lenin.

Stalin was in relationships with Jews.

The first soviet government was mostly Jewish.

Antisemitism was a crime punishable by death in the USSR.

How can you still deny that Communism is Jewish?

Marx himself was a Jew. No different than the capitalist Jews. Communism is a Jewish political movement.

Why do Americans and Europeans hate communism so much? Honest question

Google "pyongyang" wow so nice