Should women be provided free sanitary wipes, menstrual pads, and tampons?

Should women be provided free sanitary wipes, menstrual pads, and tampons?

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Should people be given free toilet paper for the shit that comes out of their ass too?

The answer is no.

i mean ,it is pretty hard to argue. I'd rather not have chicks bleeding out randomly


They'd bleed less if they were pregnant.

Paper is free at the public bathrooms. What more do the pussy-commies want?


People are given toilet paper every day in public washrooms lol

>presses gas button

Most women's bathrooms have things for tampons.

>being poor

>often miss out


how did the Founders miss this basic right? oh yeah they were all cis white male racist scum

I guess if I get free razor blades and shaving cream, yeah.

No, they can afford it with the money we spend on them just to fuck.

Can I get free fleshlights? After all it's unhealthy not to masturbate.

They do along with tampons, but they're low quality in comparison to sold products. I remember wiping shit and my finger penetrated four layers of toliet paper.

Shaving supplies should then be provided free for men.


I’m so tired of women.

>Should women be provided free sanitary wipes, menstrual pads, and tampons?
Of course they should. Provided they pay for them


free lube so no one misses out.

What kind of bullshit is this? Tampons cost less than 10 dollar a pack, and you probably won't need more than one pack per month. If you're too poor to buy this sort of stuff, you're too poor to buy deodorant and soap, both of which you'll go through more of.

>Should women be provided free sanitary wipes, menstrual pads, and tampons?
A washable rag and one of those reusable silicone cups, once every 10 years should be enough.


Toilet paper is a human right.

Sure, they can have all the pads they want. I just don't want to pay for any it.

that's not provided by the government, you fucking leaf. private businesses have restrooms on the premises for employees and PAYING customers. businesses are not obliged to let random people from the street use their bathrooms, at least not in the freest nation on earth (not sure about cuck trudeau's socialist wonderland)

>I remember wiping shit and my finger penetrated four layers of toliet paper.
just don't finger your ass when you wipe gay lord

Yes. If you ever had a "freebleeder" that you worked with you would demand all women to be plugged up at all times

If women are incapable to earn enough to pay for their tampons they should not have vote rights.

The tampons will be the very cheap kind
Beggars can't be choosers

>basic right
It's no such thing, stuff some old newspaper down there princess.


Try going for a job interview looking like Robin Williams from Jumanji and tell me it's not necessary. Women really are a bunch of whiney cunts.

Funny thing is the women that are complaining that they have to buy tampons don't use tampons anyway. It would be like german girls complaining that razors aren't free.

yes see Honestly girls bodies are fucking gross and giving them things to contain the gross shit is probably a good idea.

If they get this I require mandated birth control of all females, licences must be issued to have kids, when issued, kids must be had.

That's the price.

You already get NEETbux if you don't have a job, pretty sure you can use that to buy tampons.


Easy way to shut this argument down:
"I don't support free tampons or pads, as they are bad for the environment, but I would be open to two free eco-friendly reusable menstrual cups per woman per year." Watch the ladies cringe and scramble for a reason why they're too good for those.

Women have survived thousands of years without tampons that were invented merely a few decades ago.

What were the founding fathers thinking when they forgot to add this essential human right to the Bill of Rights?

>the government shall be required to provide tampons to all women free of charge

How did we not see this? Why didn't the great thinkers of our time, Aquinas, Locke, Jefferson not consider the fact that it's the governments job to make sure women aren't bleeding from their fuckholes?

I miss out on job opportunities because they require that I shave, but I can't afford razors.

>gib tampons

This is how disgusting and petty the commies are now.

shouldn't be taxed, shouldn't be free

Stopped reading there.

is toilet paper a basic right

>Basic right
It's a sanitary need, but not a right. By that logic we should all be given free shit paper and kleenex

Why should they?

Telling it how it is: The post

Just use a fucking lighter, you pussy.

Do you have a cell phone? Then you can afford tampons

Are tampons that goddamned expensive?

Fuck no. Do people get free toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, and deodorant? Your personal hygiene is on you.

They should be provided with chains and punches and stay at home.

aarrgghh More gibsmedat shit. It's a helluva good excuse to lay out of school. Isn't that enough? (Or do schools not accept that as an excused absence anymore. LOL What am I sayin? Of COURSE they do! They wouldn't dare not. You can probably get TWO weeks off nowdays.)

>Should women be provided free sanitary wipes, menstrual pads, and tampons?
Taking a shit is a bodily function but I still pay for toilet paper

Sure, they can open up a factory and give away their tampoons for free. Will anyone do it? Not likely, no.


of course they should faggot. if you're so jealous go to thailand and stop being a little bitch.

no shit, thats what dicks are for.

Nothing is a basic right except oxygen and photons. Everything else is a privilege, and one that shouldn't be provided by the state.


use your sock you whiney welfare parasitic cunt


Its all about the free gibs and feeling special about your vagina user

Short answer: NO.
Broader scope answer: Nothing that needs to be produced by others can be a "right".

I'm so fucking sick and tired of people thinking that positive rights are actually a real thing.

Is it in the Bill of Rights?

That's your answer.

They shouldn't be given them for free, but they should not have a luxury tax placed on the.

If you can't afford a tampon then how do you afford to eat so much?

Shouldn't we all get free food ? It seems that somehow I can't survive without eating while people have been successfully wiping their ass with their hands for thousands of years

Here is my stab at a HuffPost title.

> Woman does life hack that is epic while clapping back at Trump

Three zeros for a fucking idiotic post

Hey, Im all for it but she has it wrong. Its the Asian privilege I tell ya

Junk food is a basic right you sexist fucking bigot!

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness, ass cleaning paper and vagina tampons.

I wonder what it would cost to give all women free tampons. Or at the very least, low income people. Politics is tit for tat. If we give Dems this, they'd owe us something in return, like relaxing CCW laws or something. It's not an idea I reject out of hand.

Tampons a right ?

Short answer, nothing is free.

Long answer, only if men get free blowjobs to compensate.

Then I demand free razor blades for shaving. Most jobs require you to be clean shaven, we have a right to free razors.

food, water and shelter aren't even basic rights.

They aren't needed. My wife never used them. She just goes to the bleeding shed and stays out there till it's over. Hell, now that one my girls is old enough to need to I exile her out there too. Fuck, I wish I could've got rid of her already, fuck the law.

Or free food, free water, free shelter. You will die without all but maybe the last depending on local climate.

One they don't have in socialist Venezuela.

>being bad with money is a basic right

If men receive free prostate exams.

Under their logic toilet paper should also be a basic human right. You listening India?

Basic male needs
>Shaving lotion

That's just gross... we had a "freebleeder" in our school back in '13 during senior year. The class smelt like her rotten vag with the blood covered. Hell on loose.

And not those shitty razors either, the good ones. Or else these bitches are getting a toilet paper roll with cotton balls in it.

>that's not provided by the government, you fucking leaf.
Many public parks offer free toilet services.

>Here's Why Woman does life hack that is epic while clapping back at Trump - And The Internet Loves it

In 2016, there were approx. 164,148,777 women in the US. The average woman uses ~25 tampons per cycle, and roughly 12 cycles per year.
164148777 * 12 * 25 = 49,244,633,100 USD/year
So another $50 billion dollars per year to the deficit in the US alone.

Blessings and peace be upon you Achmed.

The real problem is when they don't flush the fucking pad

Just what the world needs: more pregnant liberals and niggers.

That's the one. Do you write for HuffPo?

>public washrooms
Which I have to pay to use.

>eleanor (((goldberg)))

Or course it has to be some parasitic leftist kike. I have to go with Crowder on this one, the left label everything a "human right" and then claim that human rights are something everyone else is entitled to steal money out of your wallet to pay for.

No, rights, are not commodities. This glorified blogging kike, Goldberg is entitled to using something to soak up the blood from her wretched rotten vagina. THEREFORE, she has the right to go buy a commodity such as paper towels, rags, tampons, pads, or anything else, hence these products are legally available.