Why is Sup Forums mpt talking about the current genocide in Myanmar? buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims, the Rohingya people
Why is Sup Forums mpt talking about the current genocide in Myanmar...
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*not talking
burma belongs to the buddhists.
try and take it from them and this happens.
that's irrefutable.
So who does Europe belong to?
At least they aren't letting the meat go to waste.
muzzies are not humans, therefore they are not people
Nothing wrong with that at all.
I've seen several threads about it, from Sup Forums's perspective there really isn't much to talk about.
They know that they are in a fight for survival, unlike the virtue signaling Christians in Europe.
I dont give a sh*t about it.
Kicking out invaders who start wrecking your lands is not genocide.
Firstly, that picture is completely unrelated and showcases the victims of an earth quake.
Secondly, you already made the threat and got BTFO a couple of times.
Thirdly, the Muslims are trying to genocide the Buddhists, who are doing nothing but trying to keep their country a Buddhist country.
Fourthly, even if they were ethnically cleansing Muslims they still wouldn't be doing anything wrong.
i dont care
based buddhists
why will peaceful buddhists kick out invaders but /pol conservashit pussies won't do anything about invaders?
Praise be Buddha for Buddhists, I guess.
>Why is Sup Forums mpt talking about the current genocide in Myanmar?
there's a thread here everyday you utter retard.
also who cares? theyve ethnically cleansed people since the conception of islam
based warrior Buddhists
NO (spencers)
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims
We talk about it all the time.
>all for it, thanks for asking
We fell out over how big their medal would be, I said bigger than a frying pan, others suggest as big as a London bus, which is patently ludicrous.
whoever takes it.
Need a bigger picture of this
The bankers and elite. Then the muzzies
Those digits
you mean defending themselves from a violent decades long muslim insurgency?
I recommend you to read the history of Afghanistan before it was Muslim.
someone had to do something about their rohingya privilege
call saudi arabia
us polish americans dont give a fuck
Because this is THE correct way of dealing with invaders. If only we all would follow their example.
The Enlightened Chad vs the Virgin Islamist
Based ex-colony
This war has been going on for decades, yet we are believe that the Buddhists have only now decided to fuck their shit up? We are to believe that in Myanmar, where evry ethnic minority has at some point laucnhed an insurrection, it's only the poor innocent Muslims who get """genocided"""? We are also to believe that over one third of the entire Bengali population has fled? These numbers simply cannot be believed.
They've cried wolf before. Doubtless the terrorists saw how the genocides committed by their brothers, ISIS, drew attention from various miltary forces, and seek to manipulate our compassion to further their own ends.
Trick the atheist and Christian into killing the Buddhist, and laugh. A good plan, if it works, of course.
Why are muslims such pussies? They can't fight for shit.
Myanmar gets most of its weapons from the Chinese.
Good on them. Get rid of the scum.
If we talk about it then someone might try to stop it. best keep it quiet. Let those guys solve their own problems.
You've been bamboozled OP. That's a picture taken in China after an earthquake in 2010. It's okay though, I've seen about a dozen other retards posting pictures from past fucked up situations and claiming them to be slaughtered Muslims.
Chicago diaspora here and seconded. In fact, we encourage the Buddhists
>Why is Sup Forums not talking about this?
There's practically a thread on this daily.
Some nice asses in that picture.
Kill all Asians except Japs. They are just a waste of resources anyways. Problem solved.
>Muslims flood in and colonize Myanmar
>Muslims rape Buddhist women and assault Buddhist men
>Muslims burn Buddhist temples
>Muslims impose their ass-backwards ideology on everyone
>Buddhists get fed up
>Buddhists drive them out
I am sick of this shit, and am sick of leftists who refuse to open their eyes and accept that Islam is simply incompatible with the rest of civilization.
Based kraut is right
as someone who has been called a Jew and conservashit multiple times here, I can tell you that most of the asshats on Sup Forums never bother to ask a position. They just assume that because you aren’t a part of Sup Forums Nazi fetish, kill all niggers gas the likes race war now memeing, that you don’t support real conservative concepts like protected borders and not encouraging massive influxes of unskilled people primarily interested in gibs and hold little to no love for the country outside of that.
I think they should get Sweden as medal for this.
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims
This. Buddhists have faced persecution at the hands of Muslims since the middle ages.
they're not very efficient. then again, what can one expect from peace loving buddhists?
Isn't this picture from an earth quake?
They democratically elected a nobel peace prize recipient as their first chancellor last year.
Nice try fake news, Burma is doing just fine.
This guy is telling the truth, fuck you up your retarded ass op.
all these claims and STILL not video evidence and STILL all the images are falsified
How have you not been arrested yet
Would they allow a white atheist to assist them in cleansing their land?
because buddhist rock
Where can I donate to their cause?
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims
Feels good man, thanks for sharing!
Bless Buddha.
Is that something worth talking about?
if i aint mistaken the rohingya tried to steal arms from a weapons depot and tried an attack on a small municipalities police department.
also if you miss spell it rohangya it auto corrects to Pyongyang. Coincidence?
holy fuck i misspelled misspell, brb killing self
Who you gonna call!
and they're doing a good job at that.
Nice, so many dead mudslimes.
Godspeed to those buddhists.
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims, the Rohingya people
the thing you should be doing is causing infighting with lefties on twitter. they've worshipped bhudist monks for decades and their current love of muslims will surely cause mass infighting if we could get them debating it on large scale, bunch of em could end up disillusioned and become right-wingers.
Muslims getting blown the fuck out by based buddhists is praised on occasion on here
You should be a role model to all young Krauts out there
it's awesome.
Daily reminder that any Christians that support Pagans over misguided Muslims who worship the God of Abraham are probably dooming themselves to hell for eternity.
Now the left loves China and doesn't care about Buddhist at all, a lot of them are falling for this evil genocidal Buddhist poor Muslim invaders campaign.
Buddhists are some of the most chill people to ever live.
Whoever the fuck pissed them off so bad to commit genocide, truly they deserve it.
Allah is a pagan moon God.
“We worship the same God” is a lie
This we need to commission a Sup Forums man of the year medal and send it to Wraithu
>misguided Muslims
whatever you say Yosef
Wrong, idiot. Do you know how many times in the Quran it states clearly that their god is the god of Abraham?
Stop playing your mental gymnastics. Just because they worship the same God differently doesn't mean it doesn't come from the same tradition/venerate the same deity.
God will punish you for attacking the children of Abraham.
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims, the Rohingya people
you don't genocide islam..
you cleanse the world of a disease
Muslims are not people. They even managed to piss off the REAL religion of peace.
>“We worship the same God” is a lie
It really isn't.
>Religion of peace
Oh you're so ignorant of world history.. Please KYS 56% idiot
islam really is a religion of peace. Pajeets and Changs are actually working together to help myanmar kill muzzies. Chinks send equipment, and pajeets send paratroopers
Muslims are invading my home land. Why should I give a shit about them?
More so than islam, you idiot please put yourself in a closet.
Muslim detected. That's one reason I support killing you when anyone does it.
The Muslim and the Jew cannot be reasoned with. They can, however, be stabbed, shot bludgeoned, lynched or burned along with their supporters.
Op is this really a picture of earthquake victims?
>buddhists are basically ethnically cleansing Muslims
I know, it's pretty rad