Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
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>Start learning Japanese again
>"Yeah, this is fun! I love learning!"
>Try to read something beyond my level
>Feel my brain collapse in on itself
>Lose all motivation to keep studying
This has happened like five times. I just want to die.
jesus thats a long time in publication, what a fucken champ
>Try to read something beyond my level
so back it off, whats the big deal
Because my level is retard and most everything is above my level.
I've been having this issue lately where a bunch of cards in my vocab deck just refuse to stick. Cards from two months ago even, and they're taking a considerable amount of time when going through my reps.
I've been thinking about what to do about them since those cards are really disheartening (especially when you look at your results and notice that you've hit again on 40% of the cards), and I remembered the leech feature. I've got it set to not suspend any cards, but should have it suspend leeches and try and learn them at a later point?
Read books for children or something. Alternatively develop a stronger vocabulary and try again later.
>tfw I know every single word/kanji in this sentence but can't make heads or tails of it
How do I into grammar, DJT? Just bruteforce it by reading more^tm?
>he fell for the "kanji and vocab are the most important part of japanese" meme
Read all the DOJG. Why do people learn a shittone of words but no grammar?
I mean, I did read Tae Kim and the first two volumes of Yotsuba, but doing 30 minutes of Anki per day is an easier habit to fall into that consistently reading.
because anki can take a fat dump on your brain for vocab but grammar just gets throw around passively and never meshes quite as well
at least for me
>30 minutes of anki
>I spend 2 hours a day
What am I doing wrong?
Either bad retention or too many cards (or bad retention caused by too many cards).
I usually do around 130~150 reps + 20 new cards per deck. I've got a kanji and vocab deck. It's killing me, but I endure it.
Tae Kim is basically nothing. Do the DOJG they cover a good amount of grammar. You will still encounter new grammar points from time to time but with the DOJG you should be good to read. Just read the DOJG site in the OP and add them to Anki or download the DOJG deck.
If you add the grammar to your mining deck it will stick. Especially if you read because otherwise you can't read.
Any page that has all the different 挨拶 for different situations (going into somebody's home, leaving a shop, etc)?
just use おはよう こんいちは こんばんは さようなら for every situation
oops こんにちは
just say 調子はどうだ for all of that imo
some guy on lang8 wrote that usage of 俺 is rude and we should always use 私 or 僕 if we are male
I know a few people here consider 僕 dissatisfactory but i didnt think 俺 was that bad
the guy who mentioned it marked his native as english so maybe he was just having a gaff
What's the difference?
when u say オレ the other party has 2 immediately buy in 2 that if ur presence does not extrude the necessary traits required 2 use オレ then it looks very wack and u seem like a huge poser retard
did he also say that he enjoys watching videos?
This is why I can't create accounts on these sites, I'd be too tempted to troll these retards into oblivion and get my account banned
If you're an adult, don't use 僕 unless you're cute in a boy-ish way. 俺 is the default for most people, or even 自分. 私 is only if you're uptight, a woman, or in a formal situation.
If you want to really be like a native, say おいら、あっし、 or わて。
gommennasai my name is ken sama
As for me I live in the Tokyo (Edo) district hence I use でげす でげす
i personaly use でかす
Depends to whom you speak. If you speak with your friends you can say 俺. Anyone over the age of 14 is using 俺. When you speak with older people you don't really need to use it because it's kinda rude. If you ever go to Japan, make a Japanese gf or read enough LN / VN you will probably get a feeling for it. Most people here say 僕 is for boys without knowing why. When I worked in a Japanese company a lot of older people used 僕 when explaining something to me and only one of my bosses used 俺 after some days because he started to speak casuall.
>inb4 I don't have been to Japan and don't know what I'm talking about and I'm probably new and ESL anyway
bottom seems way more obscure
stand down virgin basement dweller
Not gonna take that shit now. Believe me or not. I only come here to discuss and sometimes shitpost.
Okay, I'm going to assume you're N5 then.
no one cares what bubble you decide to live in idiot
I would need to know some grammar to pass N5 user. Ankidrones can't pass N5
Is there any reason not to use 私 instead of 僕 in situations that require a certain degree of politeness?
boku is being polite and humble while giving the impression that you are doing so intentionally
watashi is like I have no personality lol
having an age under 50
1秒はone second.
0.1秒は zero point one second"s"?
I was able to find 0.1 seconds. nice OP
Only learned 私 in textbooks or school. I can't remember I ever heard some guy say it. Like I said most guys use 僕 at companies when they spoke to me. I think only some people used it at the beginning of a conversation when they speak super slow because you are foreign and everyone thinks you can only speak English.
Maybe people feel uncomfortable using 私 because it sounds girly. Never figured it out desu but because everyone was using 僕 it seems acceptable to use it in a formal context. It's also often used in LN by the narrator. Never saw 私 so far.
Am I the only one that really enjoys anki?
Seeing the words I mined pop up, and having my pie chart expand a little every day is a nice feeling of accomplishment. And then when I start reading for the day and see words I did in anki beforehand? Pure ecstasy.
>Am I the only one that really enjoys anki?
no, i enjoy it as well, but i can see why others dont
its exactly what you need to push past your short term memory, making your brain accept it as important long term information
He also takes dicks up his ass every night.
t. been studying for 1 week
A year actually.
>tfw they don't let you take the test if you are a school drop out.
same same
Not him, but it comes and goes. I've had it happen as far as 3000 kanji in because I felt like a badass, but then eventually you get to the point where none of the kanji ever appear again after you mine it once.
That's why you register your school as University of DJT
I fucking hate anki
It's just so mind numbing and monotonous, I find myself constantly getting piss easy words wrong that I wouldn't even think twice about if I saw while reading
I realise it's a really helpful tool for remembering vocab but it still just feels like aids using it
0.1 second = 100ms
ms = ミリ秒
Can someone explain to me different dictionaries? Like, what's edict since I heard that one is bad. Is jisho using edict? What's the best alternative?
>tfw worse than Yotsuba at Japanese
>it still just feels like aids using it
is that because it aides your learning
delete this
0.1secondsですか? 0.1secondですか?
All J-E English dictionaries are inherently subpar, but you should use Jisho until you can use J-J dictionaries.
>0.1secondsですか? 0.1secondですか?
if only those 2, 0.1 second
otherwise 0.1 of a second
still prefer ミリ秒
0.02s = 20ミリ秒
1 second = 1000ミリ秒
Pretty much all online dictionaries use edict, jisho as well as rikai by default are not exceptions. There are other J-E dictionaries, but they are harder to find. The best alternative is to switch to J-J dictionaries as soon as possible.
Is this a good J-J site?
The explanations are usually very short and simple, I might be able to use it. Or is there are better one?
That's the one I always use, sometimes they don't have some shit though so I end up just googling "word意味" and using whichever of the results, usually kotobank
>kotoba nk
I hate when they use irregular readings. Why can't they use fucking hiragana instead of two kanji with a reading which is only used in one fucking word
Worst word is still 吹聴 doe
i don't suspend
if I don't recall what I need to recall I hit again even if it's 1y+ card
if reviews pile up - don't add new cards
reviews for the day below x - add y new cards
adjust x and y to your liking
mine are pretty low, but it works for me
a anをつけられなくてたいへん
you should suspend them
I don't suspend mine, but I should
You should suspend yourself from your ceiling
maybe after I'm done suspending my balls in your mouth
havent seen this much banta since i last saw star wars
I come here for the quality discussions
googled around, didnt find it in here
is it like 'as i thought, considering [shes] a genius, looks like i can't win..'
It's Kansaiben for かなわないんだろうか
ah so in most cases i can swap the へん for ない?
I thought DOJG were pretty comprehensive? How do I find grammar that's not covered there?
In case of negative verbs sure.
Grammar that's in none of the DOJG books is usually more like phrases and expressions rather than grammar. Just google the phrase and add 意味 to the end of it, usually gives some yahoo answers thread or something.