Best girl

I would do things to her if she was my sister, you wouldn't wanna know.

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you mean her? i don't understand, seems like perfect height to me. unless you mean one of the beatles

That was at 14 though, I'm sure she is taller by the end.

>bigged up as the "cutest little sister ever"
>is a fucking giraffe

if you're a manlet maybe, that's normal girl height

In the Netherlands, maybe. Not Japan.

Who would want to be an asian work drone though?

>being a manlet
If you're not at or over 6'0, none of your waifus will ever love you.

this, being short sucks

Go back to the nether.
I prefer womanlets.

If you like lanklet woman then you should kill yourself. A Japanese schoolgirl being 5'5" is not fucking normal.

Short girls are better than tall girls.

For men, not woman. If you want to discuss men then /fit/ will gladly have you.

>being little tiny men
>wanting to further pass down your manlet + womanlet genes to a poor child
Kill urself, my man. Short women get approached ALL the time because even manlets like you wont be as intimidated, enjoy the bigger competition pool. Girls who are ~5'8 are master race

Genuinely can't tell if you're baiting or /fit/ has actually corrupted people this much.

Tall girls are Staceys anyway. Short girls are virgins. Enjoy your sloppy seconds.

Im sorry, children arent allowed here, you need to be at least 6'0 to get on this ride sonny.

Ironically height hasn't mattered or caused problems for me since high school.

sister's friend > sister

very true but you posted the wrong picture mein freunde

Oreimo truly is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told.

Pure love is always a beautiful thing to behold

it's also sad because it's impossible for me, i'll just stay in my cold room alone until i die

what the fug? my captcha is some masonic lodge, illuminati confirmed

You will never be this happy to be with someone
Any relationships you have will be cold and one sided
You will die cold and alone, miserable at all the chances you missed

you see my dear friend, here lies the real problem

I have no sister

wake me up inside.

In that case, your only choice is suicide. Maybe you'll have a cute imouto to love in the next life, user

Who cares about a shitty subhuman place like Netherlands though.

i can live vicariously through my children! i will build a normalfag facade and pretend to be sane on the outside

Nope. It's too late for you, just bite the bullet and hope for a better afterlife

Ooh, I need your love, babe
Guess you know it's true
Hope you need my love, babe
Just like I need you

Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love, babe
Eight days a week.

Love you every day, girl
Always on my mind
One thing I can say, girl
Love you all the time

Hold me, love me, hold me, love me
Ain't got nothing but love, girl
Eight days a week.

my life is pointless, there's nothing to do.

please take me away from here

She's around 170 by the end of the series, while Kyousuke is around 180. Manlets, will they ever learn?

ok manlets, cool story
please go now.

>tfw oreimo is unironically my favorite anime out of every single other anime I've seen
>tfw people make fun of me liking the show and best girl Kirino

Nice falseflagging. Fuck off cancer.

>kuronekofags in the thread
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

these siblings are out of control

Is a great anime, which people dislike literally only because "Kirino is a bitch" which is a false statement. Even while the anime simplified all the characters and gave them a single mandatory trait(in Kirino case, her "bitchness"), is not so hard to notice her change through the anime, though this change gets screwed up plenty of times by adding filler and cutting like half of the content that doesn't involve Kuroneko in it.

I'm glad there are other people out there that understand why Kirino and loving imoutos is the best.

She's only good because she's his sister. Other than that kuroneko out does her as a waifu because she can cook and is much more demure.

I guess she would be more useful as a wife, but that doesn't deny Kirino's imouto status or its significance.

I hate incestfags and waifufags like and . Go away.

>Other than that kuroneko out does her as a waifu
If you want a submissive doormat I guess. Kirino's more fun and involved and being with her would be less like playing house and more like actually living.

i reciprocate your feelings friendo, non-incestfags like you are disgusting pig fucks

>kuronekofags still at it
The asshurt was real. Get fucked losers

>tfw you're sharing a hotel room with your imouto and she gives you this look

the best feeling

L-lewd user

Join the club. Never has my imoutocest fetish taken off after experiencing Oreimo.

This imouto is leaking

as one ought to be

Any good onii-chan should plug their imouto's leaks.

>laugh at her
What are you doing, pervert?
>tickling ensues
>caresses and kisses

Imoutoleaks are not a negative thing, friendo

Don't push your insecurities onto me. She's fucking tall.

170 is not tall, my mom is taller than that manlet friend.

And she's only 15/16. She'll be the big spoon sooner or later
>No doujins where a tall Kirino lovingly bullies a shota Kyousuke

What's wrong with tall girls?

She's not going to outgrow Kyousuke, he's like a full head taller and they have the same genes.


Shut your mouth and let me imagine tall Kirino, jackass

>they have the same genes
this is making me hot

I like how the author is basically forced to make Kyousuke a giant because he made Kirino so tall.




He's like 5' 9
Taller than average but not a giant

Why are all siblings so damn suspicious?

Plus it makes sense that if one of them is tall then they'd both be because genetics

Isn't he 5'9" at the beginning, though? I heard they grow throughout the story, so he must be like 6' by the end of it.

Is he going to turn into bara fuel like oyaji though

I think we can assume Kirino grew a little but all that's really said is that Kyousuke had gotten much taller than Kirino

Probably not. Nightly fucking with Kirino will keep him slim, and I can't imagine him being a cop like his dad, so he won't put on too much muscle, unless Kirino develops a new fetish

You would fold down the corners on the covers of all her doujins? You monster! I'll bet you'd take her limited edition figures out of the box too, wouldn't you?

A girl at 15-16 is probably at her final adult height.


So who would propose first?

>below 6ft is "gigantic"
>manlets in charge of height measurment

Kyousuke already proposed though.


So that's it? She didn't force him to do it properly later on?

Kirino is love.

She forces him to ask her to consummate it

Thats because weebs all think japanese guys are manlets, because muh anime highschool 12 year old MC is 1.50m... Been there, plenty of japanese guys around who are 1.80m-ish

Or they seem to believe that average height means everyone's height and have no concept of distribution

So how would they be married? Would it be done completely in secret? Would they invite friends? What would they do about their parents, and their inevitable children?

They can't be legally married so they're already as married as they can be.

Kirino cant handle feelings herself
She needs her big bro to make up her mind

Does she get really dere when she tries to show her feelings, or really tsun? This is important

Well of course there's going to be some tall Japs. But the average isn't the average for nothing. I guess Kyousuke wasn't intended to be average.

she's alright i'd hit it from the back and never call back.

These posts are the correct option

real shit nigga
weed does own

Also she can sew and look after kids. Perfect wife and mother material

Exactly. However Kirino beats her using plot armour. You can't say no to incest in an incest anime after all. And I agree with that too.

>plot armor


So you're just shitposting. Figures.