>Canada is almost 50% nonwhite
>most of the remaining whites are gay
Canada is almost 50% nonwhite
Hnnnggg, that puss looks Grrrreat!
Do you think after all of us are wiped out the other races will look back on us as some sort of mythological beings? Sort of like Elves in many fantasy stories.
They'll be to busy trying to figure out how the toilets used to work.
or maybe we wont be using toilets in the first place.
Poo in loo is probably from Toronto DESU
and i still haven't had sex in a decade
>wew lad
You're a good cunt pajeet.
I hope all of humanity is extinguished simultaneously, to leave it to jigs, chinks and street shitters would be a travesty
More of this Canadian beauty, plox
Nobody gives a fuck leaf, also it's kind of funny because if you were to accept romanians in your country you would have less faggots, but then again we are gypsies, am i rite?
I thought it's about 25% nonwhite.
I thought we were like 76%
>t. Canadian in America
Romanians aren't white
Fuck off, we're full
Still whiter than you jew-sucking faggot
We are getting the RAISE act soon, maybe you can move here
Romanians are Gypsies and everybody knows Gypsies are just autistic jews
Quebecker here.
Personally I would love to see our province become a mixed brown race so as long as we're all speaking French, similar to how Latin America is entirely mixed yet everyone speaks Spanish.
t. Angl*
Non. Je suis français.
what the FUCK is wrong with you
You can't hide angl*, I can smell you from behind my monitor
I'm francophone. I've never had an issue with immigrants so as long as they learn French. That's why I support letting the Haitians in since they either speak French or a French Creole.
why dont you move to france then they have all the africans you want
In my town, we are mostly white (I think like 90%). I am fortunate. Toronto is like fucking Pakistan
Je parle français aussi
As of 2016, it's 73%.
>I support letting the Haitians in
Jesus Christ, you fucking leafs get worse by the month. I hope the tonton macoute cut you head off, I doubt you'll mind as long as they laugh at you in French.
That would be a decrease from about 85% from 2011.
He's a leaf my man.
>That's why I support letting the Haitians in
I saw a picture of a woman like this before with a less butterface. anyone have it?
top bantz
We had our chance and now it's gone.
Kill yourself.
You fools did this now it's over. It's all over.
Fucking kill yourself.
Yeah? I'll be up there in minute to claim the non lesbos.
What is the source on this information?
Trudeau has taken in millions of immigrants
>almost 50%
>implying that having BC, Ontario and Alberta drag down the average means the rest of the country is non-white
Beautiful! This is such a perfect recreation of Baby-Boomer "nationalism" that Jean-François Lisée himself could have said it
We'll be the only white province left in 10 years with the maritimes.
Canada is chink
>it truly doesn't matter. even the most genetically perfect White men don't stand a chance against the ultimate males of Pajeetland
I'd mispronounce 'about' for some time with her.
i ran into a sheboon cashier up in hope, bc. haven't wanted to go to canada since.
Yes, I'm sure they'll leave you guys alone forever, lol.
>"lard tunderin" Maritimes
Sure as fuck hope not. The French aren't white.
Every province is fucked except Québec.
The trend has been that areas with immigrants tend to get more immigrants, since the immigrant communities already exist there. I see no reason this would change
>The French aren't white
If the English are white, then the Jews are also white
How do we stop this madness?
That crap you speak is not French.
Are NT and Nunavut saying that thinking of Inuit religion?
No competition then for the women of the JAPANESE AND KOREAN PERSUASION!!!!
Just a decade or two behind us, leaf. Better get used to it, it's only getting worse from here.
Seems more likely they're thinking Protestant Inuits vs Catholic Inuits
>an American comes in, makes a dumb post, and leaves
Wow this never happens
Concede that France was occupied by Muslims during the crusades and is now occupied by Kenyans ffs.
>>most of the remaining whites are gay
Yacub's Grafted Devil.
WTF are you talking about? The most the muslims ever got into France was a few raids by the Umayyads, like 300 years before the crusades
And Kenyans immigrate to English-speaking countries
But we're talking about French Canadians here
>That's why I support letting the Haitians
Because you know they'll book for BC or Ont the second they scrape together bus fare.
>making serious responses to troll posts
tue toi criss de fag
les quebecois de souche haissent les esti de races qui envahissent notre pays
maritimer spotted
Toi tul sais mon gars
Who are you fags voting for in next election for prime minister?
>Sup Forums
That's not really a problem desu. It's a minority religion, but not foreign. The southern maritimes and BC are the cucks.
I will not vote, like I did last time. I only vote in provincial/municipal elections
We prefer the portuguese beauty, wanna change?
Non j'po blanc tapette.
J'ai des grosses levres des ti yeux une asti dstructure faciale pis plein d'autres traits mongole parce qu'au debut les premiers colons devaient se metisser pour pouvoir faire affaire avec les indiens.
Non, les vrais qc sont pas blanc.
Jsuis metis indien.
Va chier lneg a patate.
There'll still be "whites"
They'll just be jewish though. They'll also probably be enslaving OUR mongrel ancestors. So nah, the last "whites" will probably demonize the true whites once we're all gone, while enslaving the rest of the degenerated excuses for "humanity" left over.
No right to complain then
Or like the green eyed blondes that inhabited New Zealand before the Maoris arrived? Watched a documentary about this the other night. Apparently it isnt just injun legend, it was documented by early explorers in the 1700's. One such explorer noted that on an island in Tahiti about 10% of the population had light hair and fair skin. When others visited again years later the white people were all gone. The injuns claimed they had died from disease shortly after the first explorers visit.
Apparently the NZ government doesnt recognize that there were any inhabitants in NZ prior to the arrival of Polynesians around 900CE.
This man was the last who could have saved this country and now our chances are over.
Ferme ta criss de yeules osti de Montréalais, c'est pas parce qu'à Montréal vous êtes tous des criss de Métis que le reste de la province le sont
sage this non-pedo non-JFK distraction
I have every right to complain, idiot. I'm not voting for some cucked loser who just wants to shove more and more immigrants into the country while presenting himself as some worthless faggot to everyone. And I won't vote for Justin or the pajeet either.
>Romanians aren't white
If they aren't nobody is my dude
Hon hon, j'aime manger les grenouille, hon hon.
We have legends like that too
>According to the Iroquoians, there was a kingdom to the north, of blond men rich with gold and furs, in a place they called Saguenay.
Possibly a legend that came to exist because of the Viking colonies