This is real
>that face
satire became real life sometime in the past 5 years
The absolute state of... reality
everytime I play grand theft auto I imagine life in the USA is just the way as is portayed in the game
is this real? tell me that's not real.
Woodbury my KenBone, I'm diving deep
>grand theft auto
looks like a cool game just google it
>Scream helplessly at the sky
Oh, so just like Christfags?
I came home from the bank, saw what was on the TV, snapped these pics. Literally like 20 minutes ago. Real as it gets.
we livin in the Onion now.
that shit is not fucking real give me that sauce
I think they cancelled it after people started saying how funny it would be.
Would hate fuck that Puerto Rican slut.
I can give you another picture? I snapped three. The files are raw and untouched
>fox "news"
i thought Sup Forums hated mainstream media?
god bless you
>t Sup Forums hated mainstream media
Sup Forums is one person...
>Facebook events around the country invite people to gather together and let out a "primal scream over the current state of our democracy" on Nov. 8.
>More than 33,000 so far have said they are interested in the Boston event, with more than 4,000 planning to go.
>Meanwhile in New York City, more than 15,000 said they are interested to scream in Washington Square Park, and more than 2,000 plan to go.
>Fans in Philadelphia are encouraged to scream in solidarity from their own backyard if they cannot attend.
look at me
we create the reality now
>plan screams on November 8th
>election was November 9th
Fucking libtards can't even anniversary correctly.
*2 years
Guys, I love you all
Pretty much. The people are much uglier though.
[autistic screeching]
your trips don't lie but around 2012-2013 was when the feminism started really ramping up, then the muh racism, then the police brutality/gamergate shit and ever since we've been caught in an avalanche of insanity
But imagine if those crazy, absolutely deranged people won?
Why can't they do something productive?
Like blowing their head off to protest gun violence?
KEK, sounds good. I know that if I ever visit the US, it won't be to visit one of your cities
It would be a world without guns, after the Vegas shooting Hillary would have deepthroated them all in the name of safety. Or Monica would for her, heh, you know, cuz bill used her for head? Heh
This. Better make it worldwide.
They can be lucky if even a tenth of those show up. Clicking "interested" or "planning to attend" or even "confirm" or other bullshit on such internet sites doesn't mean shit.
Though I really hope there's enough for it to be covered in the news, it's always fun to broadcast how retarded liberals are.
>tfw too smart to win the election but also smart enough to scream helplessly at the sky about it
Nice try, liberals are the largest secular party.
fox news because she looks like a fox
What the fuck lol
>when memes create themselves
What the actual fuck? They going to be REEing in real life? tapes must be made of this. The real world has a tare in it.
how can they become even more meme tier? mass suicide seems to be the next step
pretty much. at least its a nonstop laugh riot
you must have forgot about this
Let's bring back #JumpAgainstTrump
And some people doubted that Donald Trump would be able to deliver on his promise to make anime real.
Just wait!
suicide against the right, sounds like one of their gay chants
Babies love to cry and scream, and there are no bigger fucking babies than leftists.
It's really sad how far they've regressed on the left, next up is them shitting their pants in protest.
Is it actually real?
all i saw were pictures. this is the first time i ever watched this.
Go search for some tapes of The Chalkening. Got some good reactions along the way.
man if only this could be real, nothing since that year felt real anymore
Yep its all here:
i remember the inauguration screamer and thought it was a single confused individual
i love you too, user.
Why is nowhere safe? Nothing is sacred...
I hate to say it but people need an iron fist, they are for the most part stupid and need a righteous hand to guide them
Imperium of Man when?
just to think of it THEY organised this event and they are calling it
screaming at the sky
its like even they know they cant do anything worth shit
holy fuking KEK!!!!!!
>The Chalkening
Wut? so much shit was going down at the same time how could I get plugged into it all.
>chalk got banned cause of hurtful words.
You know, maybe not trying to understand why they keep breaking down is a waste of time.
election night was something else. it's really hard to describe the joy of winning and also the joy in watching the left go into the most childish and epic meltdown. it's a moment I wish I could live in forever, it was so good
^didn't mean for the not to be in there.
but they were doing it for a year now anyway..
What is wrong with that bitches face?
People on college campuses would organize to write TRUMP on the sidewalks in chalk (very common to chalk the sidewalks here for any or no purpose). Result: people freaked out, colleges had to open mental health sessions, etc.
There were a few good vids of kids in the full fever of autism washing off the chalk. One of my favorite sidelines from the election.
Fox isn't good either but it's unironically the most balanced one out there right now. The rest are unbearably bad.
she's a 48 year old former beauty queen with a bit too much plastic surgery.
You can as there is limitless media that covered that. It makes for a comfy night.
I just wish there was one Trump supporter in that Hillary Crowd just laughing his ass off when she lost.
I even seen this on cuckbook. well not the five but an invite to an event to scream helplessly into the sky on the anniversary
I myself if I do hear screaming am going to scream Make America Great Again!
its real
Beast mode for number of the beast.
maximum cringe
But..How did such cancerous autism exist?
yeah but it's like watching a recorded game where you know the outcome. the sublime beauty of watching liberal smugness slowly develop into panic and then full blown autistic screeching, it's all very tied to the moment but the video will always make for great nostalgia.
Their screams will echo in chaos.
he would have been lynched but that would have been epic
Will illegal mexicans scream in Spanish?
would look better with a few lgbt symbols though
gotta resupply my fuel tank
There is a picture of a chick smiling as all her friends are balling their eyes out.
Its pretty great.
Got it.
this picture really brightens my mood thank you
>tfw you have one of those barbour coats
>but you don't use that stupid ass hair cut
feel sgood
>looks at the sky
How are these numbers correct?
Seems like no one is getting out on the 4th to get rounded up if 54k are doing this stupid shit