Can other girls even compete? Shirou and Sakura are clearly made for eachother.
Can other girls even compete? Shirou and Sakura are clearly made for eachother
Do you want worms?
Because that is how you get worms.
I agree. I'd never pick Sakura myself, but Shirou and Sakura go well together. They're both crazy fucks. And they're basically family already.
le epic worm meme xD
>Implying the worm situation isn't under control after the grail shenanigans
This man gets it. It's like they've been a married couple for several years already.
Sakura is best girl and everyone should just accept it already.
Sex with Rin.
>liking wormslut
worm worm worm worm worm? Worm worm worm worm worm worm worm wormworm.
Is anyone actually offended by this, you just look stupid.
t. Wormfag
>not being a wormfag
I don't have it on me, but there's a comparison pic with Saber holding Shirou in the VN and he's thinking to himself that he wishes the roles were reversed, come HF he's the one holding Sakura.
They are indeed perfect for each other.
Can the other girls' orifices even compete? Shirou's dick and Tohsaka's anus are clearly made for eachother.
The FSN ones are all hilarious in hindsight.
The Hollow one is pretty great though. Had Shirou at least being playful and tickling her belly.
Also love how Grand Order has brought out the Shirou and Sakura fans again, their costumes really complement each other as the pure Nippon couple, while also being cool. The samurai look for Shirou while the milo like outfit with an evolution of her battle glove in Hollow for Sakura.
I just hope Sakura has it (or something similar) as an ascension when she gets added as Parvati.
He's a Sakura hater, of course he's stupid.
>And they're basically family already.
>pure Nippon
Finnish blood is superior.
that's true
>canon wife
The union between Shirou and Sakura is perfect, PERFECT!!
There is not a single crevasse for any outsiders to interfere with their love.
>There is not a single crevasse for any outsiders to interfere with their love.
Indeed, for the worms are on the inside.
I do think that Shirou and Sakura are more interesting than Rin and Shirou as a couple.
I like Saber and Shirou better than any just because Saber has that vibe of cougar going on and Shirou being a clueless high school kid adds to my fetish.
Probably a more motherly figure type of outfit.
Unless Nasu decides to write Parvati with her other aspects to harken back to the different aspects Sakura has. Like Parvati's war goddess aspect comes out to align with the more cold aspects of Sakura and the motherly features of the main personality are aligned with Sakura's maternal parts.
Considering how crazy GO has gotten, I won't be surprised by whatever they do.
>Saber has that vibe of cougar going on
She's younger than Shirou
Sakura has mixed blood, but they have her as the more traditionally Japanese of the two sisters anyway. Nasu seems to never call out the fact that the two are related to the Edelfelts except in joke materials. Then you have these craft essence designs in GO, that are almost proof Nasu has Rin's Finnish blood come out with huge bazongas later in life. Pic related. So it seems TOHSAKA wasn't just a joke and she does get a banging body. While Sakura just keeps getting curvier.
It'd be nice if he would acknowledge Luvia is their cousin in a canon storyline.
>filthy secondary
Nah, Rin is a shit.
Swords > Women.
>Do you want worms?
>Because that is how you get worms.
I'm on class reading this, laughed hard, everybody heard me.
>the people laughing at worm jokes are phoneposters
Just like the people who voted for Sakura in a phone poll!
Let the butthurt flow through you, Rinfag.
user, please.
There's only one for me.
wormslut a shit
This. Blonde-haired foreigners can't be beat, after all!
It's kind of ironic that the Saber and Ilyabros shit on Sakura, but she has some of the better actual friendships with them. Sakura was probably one of the only people in Hollow, let alone female, that didn't have any shipping with Saber or treated her like some divine being, and they just ate pie like bros.
Indeed so.
>Shit attracts shit
Surprisingly i agreee.
Only the Prism Ilya lolicon newfags are butthurt about Sakura, though. It's always been mainly Rinfags shitting on Sakura.
jeez, why this king is so adorable?
I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, I just find it funny how those people miss out how cool and chill Sakura is.
Even when I pointed out Saber and Ilya fans, it's only really some of them, and some Rin fans are nice too. I'd rather we all just got along desu.
Speaking of Rin, the awesome scene in Hollow where Sakura tells you the story of how she got the ribbon was sweet. I favor both Tohsaka sisters.
Saber a shit
Seybah is shameless waifu pandering for ronery otaku. Sakura actually has her own character and had to earn Shirou
Remove sabershit
Just put some food in her hands.
Really, you can thank Gawain in a way.
Literal semen demon. Oh Shirou pls recharge my mana with your semen so I can protect you! How can anything be less of a shameless waifu pandering.
Also this is Sakura thread so go away and make your own thread
Rinfags have inferiority complex just like their waifu
>Literal semen demon.
We've seen a real semen demon in F/GO now, Saber is nothing like it.
You ever get tired of making the same shitposts over and over again? Can't be good for you.
This is now a thread for our king.
Reminder that Saber gets literally blacked.
Saber x Gil OTP
Gate of Baby Ion
Saber deserves a harem of her own
>...But before that.
>You must be wondering how I ended up in this situation.
TEX MEX did a pretty good doujin of kid Gil mindbreaking Saber and Rin.
At least Gil makes sense within context. So many NTR Fate doujin involves faceless fat old men
But Saber is for everyone
TEX MEX need to do more Black Lagoon, is what he needs to do.
Black Lagoon doujins?
I am still to find something for Zouken x Sakura. Or even Shinji x Sakura. The one where Shinji rents her out doesn't satisfy the scratch, so to speak.
Even Shirou knows Sakura is perfect.
That's not a suplex, that's an izuna drop.
Except she's not. She stopped growing at 16, and is around 25-26.
Can other girls even compete? Shirou and Ilya are clearly made for eachother.
Illya route never, but that's all right. She's best girl anyway.
She already have her own, they are called the Knights of the Round table, which obviously could cover many fetishes already.
How old is she anyway?
Enough for a good fuck.
I heard she was 8 years old in Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night happened 10 years after so 18 years old probably.
HF Shirou best boy.
What happened?
>Rinfags meme on Sakura for years for being 'unpopular'
>Sakura turns out to be more popular than Rin
>cue immense butthurt and damage control from Rinfags
I like Sakura because being contrarian is fun
Reminder to make the right choice