Gakusen Toshi Asterisk

Funny that the least interesting battleharem anime of the Fall 2015 season was the only one to get its source licensed.

Grabbed a copy of the official English release of Volume 1 because why not. The translation is competent enough as far as I can tell but it's not like the original was a Shakespearean masterpiece in the first place. The translator is Melissa Tanaka who seems to be among the better qualified translators YP has hired overall, so clearly they expect this to sell.

Anyone else bought it?

Comparison of official (right) and fan (left) translations, out of interest

>Anyone else bought it?
You can read it for free, why buy it

To support the author? To own a tangible copy? To be able to peruse a version that doesn't read like it was spat out of Google Translate via Chinese?

>To support the author

Fair point

>To support the author?
He should get punished for this, not supported!

>support the author
Trashy battleharems that only want to be the next Infinite Stratos should not be supported. Only support good things.

The fan translation reads like it's trying too hard.

>The deep sentiment its owner held for that handkerchief was clearly conveyed. It was inconceivable that it had been intentionally discarded.
>He could practically feel the affection its owner had for it. This handkerchief couldn't possibly have been discarded on purpose.

Or perhaps

>The current time would still be regarded as early morning
>It was still early

Or perhaps

>Looking at the scenery, so abundantly favored with nature's grace
compared with
>Surrounded by such natural beauty

Fan version is a little overwrought really. It's not War and Peace, it's just a cookie cutter battleharem for middleschoolers.

Sex with Kirin-chan!

The author's not at fault, he's not doing anything a hundred other authors aren't doing by writing a IS clone. The ones who should be punished are Aniplex for throwing money at this almost at random thinking this would be their new cash cow.


Also the school uniform is great.

>the least interesting battleharem anime of the Fall 2015 season
I'm pretty sure that was lance and lolis.

>the school uniform is great
You must be joking.

>Fan version is a little overwrought really. It's not War and Peace, it's just a cookie cutter battleharem for middleschoolers.


Obviously the fan translations fail in the basics in creating something readable

They have this deluded notion that being "faithful to the Japanese" means being wordy and full of purple prose

That's because Japanese has a very detached and roundabout manner of referring to things with omission of parts of sentences implied by context also not helping matters.

Oftentimes they aren't even translating from the Japanese but instead from Chinese.

Bladedance and Absolute Duo are really cute.

japanese love purple prose anyways, its big in re:zero

Bahamut and Antimagic are fine, everything else is trash.

If we did, then yen press would get it and Volume 13's translations would be even more delayed.

Just the way Haunted wants it!

But despair turned to hope in the end.

top row, bottom row, and absolute duo a best

>Yen Press
No thanks. I hate localized translation.

Coming up with new generic uniforms must be a challenge.


I'm with you. Learning Japanese is the way to go since you can put a brown paper bag over a book and read OreImo at work during your lunch break and if anyone asks what you're reading, you can tell them you are reading a mukashibanashi.

Behold, gentlemen. Proof that the main heroine of battle harems are always the most boring looking and low tier girls in their own series.

Except Ouka, she's actually really great.

Cause Aniplex and Bandai made a huge push on it in the West expecting it to be the next big thing and even announced it at a Western convention. All of this was pre-planned with the assumption that because they were backing it at A-1 it'd be a smash hit.

>the main heroine of world break was imouto

I REMEMBER that's wrong

I hate battle harems so much.

She may not be best girl, but I have to agree.

I honestly love everyone.
Usagi is a bit on the weaker side but I like her too.

Who's the girl on the left? I didn't see her in the anime.

That's Ikaruga five years later

Same, they're just all great in their own way.

Damn, she maintained herself well. I should have been able to tell from the moles.

Mari is...not the same

What is this YP dev shit? YP's version is overly simplified, streamlined, and localized to suit the general English masses who aren't familiar with LN writing that commonly puts emphasis on action/details and descriptive prose.

She just let her small pigtails go

Nice bum

>Bahamut, Absolute Duo, Bladedance, Trinity Seven
The only good ones.

>Yen Press
If it weren't them then I might had been inclined to buy. I simply can't stand translations that doesn't retain honorifics or otaku lexicon. Worst, if Americanization is involved.

Wait, who won the Takeru?

Metaphysically, Lapis.
Physically, ambiguous. He married someone down the line.

>Physically, ambiguous. He married someone down the line.

>LN writing that commonly puts emphasis on action/details and descriptive prose.

And a chunk of them are needless descriptive mastubation

Didn't mind it too much. I ended up staying for actual plot and I was happy with what I got. It would have been nice if he ended up with someone for real but I don't think that was the most important part.

You are part of the problem.

Didn't he promise to marry Ikaruga to take care of her daughter or something like that?

He pulled his "share your burden" shtick on her and she threatened him with that notion. She didn't hold him to that though.

I don't mind if I can like every single girl. Liking only one girl in these is like hell every episode.

I feel you.

I like most, but I have a favorite.

get off my board