>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Draw a boy
Tomboys are terrible.
That doesn't apply to what OP said at all.
Reminder that tomboy =/= reversed trap
Stupid sexy boy
Are you implying that Kino is girly? Beccause she's 100% tomboy.
Much better than the alternative.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>draw a bike
>call it alive
>gun, knife, and bike nut
>wears masculine military clothing
>generally more mechanically inclined
She's a tomboy alright, but is too calm and reserved to be what Sup Forums usually thinks a tomboy is.
/o/ please leave.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>make him a better girl than all the girls and a better bro than all the bros
She's small and still has a girl's voice though. She looks like a boy maybe but not a man, and before puberty there isn't much difference between male and female bodies. She's also wearing loose big clothing so you can't tell what her body looks like anyway. It's not shocking kino is a girl when there's those "Draw a girl call it a guy" traps out there that are curvy and basically have past-puberty female bodies.
Kino isn't drawn like a boy. Just her clothes.
It's the cloth magic, cunt
>Circumstances forced a girl to dress and act like a boy for some time but turns out she's normally really girly and feminine
>Is a total cutie out of disguise
Is there something like that? It would be interesting.
Rose of Versailles? Sort of? maybe?
Isn't that pretty common?
Is this Japanese Kino?
No. Usually Tomboys rejected or never explored openly their feminine side. In this case she would be a complete girly cutie having to pass for a boy.