I tried my hand at translating a chapter of The Takasugi Family's Bento, and I'd like to dump it for you today. This is my first time translating manga, so I'd love any proofreading feedback you might have on the translation.
I'll be trying to typeset a bit during the post timer, so as long as the script doesn't have massive errors, I hope to put out a fully typeset version before too long today.
Julian Moore
第15話 ソーセージの秘密 Chapter 15 Secret of the Sausage
p2 暑く なったねぇ It's gotten pretty hot, huh
p3 先生こんな感じで Professor, like this?
ん!上出来 Yeah, great job!
p4 これこれ若者たち 単位とか関係ないし自由参加だから Hey you youngsters, This is open to anyone, so things like credit requirements don't matter
恒例の滝打たれ巡検、本年は猿投七滝です。 藤岡の養蜂見学、風化花崗岩から陶磁器用原料を作るために使用されたトロミル水車、国指定天然記念物 「球状花崗岩 (菊石)」 などの見学を行い、猿投七滝で滝打たれを行うコースです。 参加自由につきご家族友人など誘い合わせの上ふるってご参加ください。 *車を出せるひとは高杉まで申し出てください。 This year for the Waterfall Expedition, we'll be visiting the seven waterfalls of Mt. Sanage. Fujioka apiculture group: For this course, we will inspect natural treasures, such as orbicular granite, and the Toromiru Waterwheel, which was used to make raw materials for ceramics. Please invite your friends and family to this open-participation evaent. * If you need a ride, please ask Takasugi.
日時 Date/Time // literally what it says
Ryan Cruz
p1 何で海じゃないのよっ 何で滝なのよっ 何でわざわざ 打たれなきゃなんないの Why couldn't we go to the sea? Why did it have to be a waterfall? Why do we have to go out of our way to get hit by it?
とか言って水着おニューじゃん香山 Even though you're complaining, that's a new swimsuit, right, Kayama?
p2 コキコキ crack crack
滝の水圧がねェ肩こりに効くんだこれが The waterfall pressure is great for stiff shoulders, you know
猿投山一帯はサバ土と呼ばれる風化花崗岩の地盤でねとてももろいの 大木が育ってないことに注目ね あそこは崩落地ね土壌の下の地層がどう見えるか観察してみて Mt. Sanage is entirely made up of extremely brittle granite Notice how none of the trees have grown very large Over there, the ground has collapsed. Try surveying how the rockbed looks just under the soil
p4 先生水着と地層同時に観察できる巡検っていいですねー Professor, I'm overjoyed to be able to survey both the rockbed and your swimsuit
ゼミ生福田くん Fukuda-kun
女子がいる年はね男子ばっかりの年はムサいよ~ Classes with girls are one thing, but classes with just guys are always dirty-minded
Hudson Brown
p2 どうだった?丸宮くん How was it, Marumiya-kun?
p3 滝打たれって肩こりにもいいけど The waterfall is great for stiff shoulders, but...
身体に溜まった邪気みたいなのも抜ける気しない? Doesn't it feel like all the built-up negativity in your body falls away too? // The phrase "邪気落とす", etc. shows up a lot, and I'm not sure if I should localize it to something that flows a little better, like "meditation"
p4 さあ? Whatever
p5 どうだった? How was it?
けっこー痛いよ It hurt quite a bit
p6 どうも丸宮兄には嫌われている気がする Somehow, it feels like the elder Marumiya really hates me
学生は教授選んでゼミに入るけど助教は選んでないからねぇ Well, students pick seminars with their preferred professors, but they can't really pick their assistant professors, right?
Jordan Russell
p1 まあほっとけばいいけどね大学生だし Well, he's a university student, so it's probably best to just leave it alone
p2 教員から学生に歩み寄って指導するのは高校までだろ? Looking for compromise between faculty and students is only necessary through high school, right? 大学は学生が教員に教えを請う場だもんね University is a place for students to ask staff for help when they need it
これこれ Now now ウゼェよっっ Shut up!
先生っ教えてくださいっ Professor, please teach me!
p3 そーゆー理想論たれ流してる限りアンタは一生助教とまりね With that kind of idealism, you won't make it past your first year as an assistant professor
p4 この少子化時代こっちの貴重な研究時間削って クソガキどもを手とり足とり In this age of declining birth rates, our precious research time is being shaved away patiently looking after all these bratty kids
香山さんっ滝に打たれようっ 邪気を落ちとそうっっ Kayama-san, go under the waterfall! Please meditate and shed your negativity!
p5 そうだよなあ あっちが嫌ってるからと言ってネグレクトはよくない That's true though It's no good to simply ignore it when someone hates me
Carter Ortiz
p1 フィールドに出たら好意的な村人のみとコミュニケーションを取るか 否だ After going into the field, did I communicate with the villagers? False
p2 そうとも自分は久留里という最も想定外の存在と生活を成立させた経験 有だ Well, I guess living with Kururi has given me extremely surprising experiences True
p3 大人として 社会人として 研究者として As an adult As a member of society As a researcher
丸宮兄問題真摯に取り組むべきではないのか Is there really no way to sincerely tackle the elder Marumiya problem?
ポロリ 邪気 ~sfx Falling Negative feelings
p4 ぷしゃ ~sfx Pop きゃきゃ ~sfx kyaa ahh
p5 若者が邪気を落とし子供が無邪気に自然とたわむれる姿をアテに飲む While the youngsters shed their negativity and the children play innocently and naturally, let's drink
これもまた邪気落としとゆーことで This is my favorite way to shed negativity
p6 ぎゃあぎゃあ ~sfx gyaa gyaa
Adrian Cruz
p1 ギリギリギリ ~sfx grind grind grind
元くんのハルっちへのつっかかりぶり なにかあったでしょう~はきなさいマルくん~ Hajime-kun is acting so coldly towards Harucchi Something happened, right..? Cough it up, Maru-kun
香山っギブっギブ~っ Kayama, I give, I give!
これを無邪気と言うんだろうか Can you really call this "innocent"?
p2 小坂もど? Kosaka, you want one?
私ドライブーですよ~? I'm driving everyone back, you know?
ごめーんそうだった Oh right, sorry~
p3 オレ免許持ってます で酒飲むない体質です You know, I have my license and I'm not one for drinking // lit. I can't handle my alchohol
p4 そ…そお?どっしようかなっ Oh, really? Maybe I'll have one then...
p5 元くんもしかしてこさかっちにラブ? Is Hajime-kun...in love with Kosakacchi?
p6 香山魔女? Kayama, are you psychic? // lit. a witch
どうする~?くるりんこの展開 Kururin, what should we do about this new development~?
Juan Foster
p1 とりあえず滝に打たれてみる For now, I'll try standing under the waterfall
高杉クンにはあげないよ~ん Hehe, and I'm not giving you any, Takasugi-kun~
要りませんっ I don't need it anyway!
p4 そこ詁めてねー 全員座れるようにねー Let's all pack in over there There's space for everyone to sit
p5 ひょこっ ~sfx whoosh // lit. suddenly
p6 このヒト 座る気だ 小坂さんのとなり 座る気だ This guy wants to sit he wants to sit next to Kosaka-san
Adam Perez
p1 すちゃっ ~sfx zoom
p2 みんなおかず持ってきた? Did you bring the sidedish for everyone to share?
p3 持って来ました I brought it
p4 出して出して Alright, let's take it out
p5 今回のお昼のルール 主食 (おにぎり等) と飲み物は各自用意する 分配用のおかずを一品ずつ持ち寄る Rules for today's lunch: Bring your own maindishes (onigiri, etc.) and drinks Bring one dish to share with everyone
p6 ウチは手羽先ねっ We got chicken wings! まわしてまわして Go ahead, pass it around
香山先生お手製ですか? Professor Kayama, did you make those yourself?
スゴーイ Wow~
この味は某有名手羽先チェーン店お持ち帰り… しかもタッパーに入れ替えて偽装を It tastes suspiciously like takeout from a chain restaurant... that you just disguised with your own tupperware
p7 ウチはこれを Here's what we brought
あー高杉家のハンバーグですか? なつかしー Ah! The Takasugi family's hamburg steak? I remember that~
p8 その節はお清和になりました Yeah, you helped me so much when I was learning // figured I should help jog the reader's memory
Logan Sanchez
p1 高杉さん昨日もいっしょに仕事してたじゃないですか いつ買い出し行ったんですか? Takasugi-san, we spent all of yesterday working together Where did you get the time to go shopping?
p2 いや久留里が… Oh no, it was Kururi 特売ひき肉水曜日にGETして冷凍しておきました I got the ground beef on sale on Wednesday, and froze it until today
p3 いいですねーこういう時一人暮らしって不便ですね That's so nice. For these occasions, living alone is a real problem.
p4 ということで小坂は買い物行けなかったので冷蔵庫ストックもので… Since I couldn't go shopping yesterday, I just brought what I had in my fridge. あっ飾り切りだーっ Ah! They're cut into fun shapes!
p5 見た目だけはちょこっと頑張ってみました Yeah, I was able to put a little effort into the appearance, at least なつかしー How nostalgic よこお母さんに作ってもらった My mom always made these for me
p6 風谷教授奥さん作 マグロの煮付け Professor Fuuya's wife's: Mackerel simmered in soy sauce 福田くんお母さん作 春巻き Fukuda-kun's mom's: Spring rolls 平野くん自作 シンプル卵焼き Hirano-kun's: a simple omelet // Tamagoyaki 伊藤さん冷凍食品 チキンナゲット Itou-san's frozen food: Chicken nuggets 井上さん タマネギとスモークサーモンのマリネ Inoue-san's: Marinated smoked salmon with onions
どっちが正しいの? ソーセージ ウィンナーソーセージ xxソーセージ なのでどっちも正解 Which one is right? Sausage Weiner sausage Other kinds of sausage So both are correct
p3 長くて赤くないソーセージだわ It's a long, brown sausage
おいしそー どうして出さないの? It looks delicious, why didn't you take it out?
p4 弟くんかわいい… His little brother is cute...
元くん小坂ねーさんとかぶっちゃったから遠慮しちゃったんだよ ねー? Hajime-kun, it was too similar to Kosaka-neesan's, so you held back right?
p5 光っ Mitsuru!
Oliver White
p1 カメラ目線 Looking at the camera
このソーセージはね 岐阜の農家さんの手作り品 元くんと父さんが直接頼みに行って仕入れることになったスーパーまるまる産直シリーズ第一弾… You know, these sausages are handmade by farmers from Gifu Hajime-kun and dad went in-person to request them, so we could introduce them in our "Farm Fresh" line at the Marumaru Mart.
p2 おしゃべりはこの口かーっ I told you to shut it!
ばきっ ~sfx SNAP
元くんギブっギブーっっ Hajime-kun, I give, I give!
いい子じゃないか I guess he *is* a good kid
p3 そういえばさっき藤岡でも Come to think of it, a while ago in Fujioka
藤岡 養蜂見学記念 Photo from the Fujioka Apiculture Excursion
p4 「ここのハチミツ直接スーパーに卸したりしないんですか?」 Won't you sell your honey to our store at wholesale?
p5 いきなり失礼でしょうっ It's impolite to ask so abruptly
そうなんですか? Really?
「丸宮くんの所みたいなに独立系のスーパーは液性出して行かないと厳しいんだろううね」 Independent supermarkets like the one Marumiya-kun's from can be pretty strict about not showing your personality, you know
p6 「消費者と生産者をつなぐことに意識的な若者が地理を学んでくれることはとてもよいね」 For a youngster that needs to be conscious of connections with consumers and producers, studying geography is fantastic
Brayden Peterson
p1 御曹司のボンボンかと思ってだけど 目的意識持ったしっかりした子なのかもしれない I thought he was just a spoiled kid from a well-off family But maybe he's really a level-headed guy with a strong sense of purpose
スーパー継ぐんで就活しません みんな頑張ったください I won't be looking for a job, since I'm succeeding the family business Everyone, do your best out there
ゼミでの自己紹介 Seminar self-introductions
p2 オクラはねー ばーちゃんの友達が育てた無農薬でー おいしいんだけど入荷が安定しなくて店に出せなくてー You know, the okra was organically grown by grandma's friend It's tasty but since we only get it once in a while, we're not supposed to take it from the shop
だまれっこいつっっ Stop talking, you brat!
ギリギリ ~sfx grind grind
p3 ビールにあいますよー It goes great with beer, you know
オクラ甘いね The okra's sweet, huh
素材がいいと料理はシンプルが一番だよね Aren't good ingredients and simple cooking just the best?
コラコラ 最初は引いてただろう君たち Hey now, you guys disliked it at first
p4 背景を知らずして 何事も判断することなかれ だな I shouldn't just judge people without knowing more about them
そういえば 去年の今ごろ久留里の背景知りに東京まで行ったなぁ On that note, It was around this time last year, that I first learned about Kururi
ふむ ~sfw hmmm
p5 ならば丸宮兄の気質に沿って コミュニケーションを取れば上手くいくかもしれない Well then, if I pay attention to the elder Marumiya's personality, I should be able to communicate better with him
家業LOVE Family Business LOVE
久留里さんの応用形 おトクLOVE In Kururi-san's case: Bargain LOVE
Owen Nelson
p1 じゃあさ 丸宮くん 小坂さんにソーセージの飾り切り教えてもらいなよ スーパーでの試食に使えるよね Hey, Marumiya-kun You could learn how to cut sausages into different shapes from Kosaka-san And then use them for samples at the store.
p2 ハルっち 素ボケにも程が…っ Harucchi, there's a limit to how dense you can be
邪気がないって凶悪 Even after shedding his negativity, Hajime-kun's a jerk
あれ?怒ってる? Huh? Is he mad?
Ryder King
p1 うちも あれ Us too That
p2 なるほど こっちも習っとくか Oh I see! Let's learn how to as well
弁当に入れようね We can put it into our bento!
p3 あ あたしもーっ M-Me too!
このお魚どうやるんですか? How did you make this look like fish?
p4 わき あいあい ~sfx chatter chatter
くるりん 滝打たれてクールダウンしよっか Kururin, let's go cooldown underneath the waterfall
オレも行くーっ I'm going too!
p5 超基本 ウィンナ飾り切り講座 Super-basic Wiener Cutting Course
包丁はよく研いで! Sharpen your knife well!
定番中定番タコさん 無理に8本入れなくても可 Standard octopus-san It's okay if there aren't really 8 legs
意外に華やかカニさん Surprisingly flashy crab-san
ちょっとずんずん胴サカナさん こっちの切り込みはちっちゃく Kind-of-stumpy fish-san These cuts should be tiny
焼きor茹で Fry or boil
p6 さーて 帰るかー Well then, let's head back
Josiah Perry
p1 聞いてんだ 光から I heard from Mitsuru
p2 いいけどさ隠し事嫌いだし It's fine, but I hate secrets
p3 お前ら気遣いすぎっ 光といい おマエといいっ You guys are overthinking it You and Mitsuru both
フツーにしてろよ がきなんだからっ Just act normal You're just kids after all
p4 ガキをガキらしくさせられないって ちくしょう なんだよ ちくしょう If kids don't act like kids Damnit What is it Damnit // It feels like something is going over my head. Anyone feel like taking a crack at it?
p5 元くーん よんでるよー Hajime-kun~ You're being called
丸宮くーん 運転頼めるー? Marumiya-kun~ can I ask you to drive?
Hudson Green
p1 いいなっ Yeah, coming
p2 たーかすぎっ 元くんに何か言われた? Takasugi~ did Hajime-kun say something to you?
p3 あのね オレ高杉もハルっちも好きだけど You know, I love both Takasugi and Harucchi, but
p4 オレは元くんを応援じなくちゃなんだな In the end, I'm cheering for Hajime-kun
p5 そのことはごめんね 今のうちに誤っとくね Sorry about that, I really am
p6 元くんってさ 長男やる気満々さんなんだけど You know, Hajime-kun is the eldest, and he's full of motivation
オーライ オーライ ストーップ Alright, alright, stop
p7 ガコッ ~sfx clunk
p8 丸宮くんっ免許持ってるって言ってなかった!? Marumiya-kun, didn't you say you have a license!?
免許「は」持ってますけど Well, I do have *a* license.
「は」って何!?「は」って!! "*A* license"? What do you mean "a" license!?
ときどきかなーり空回りな人でさ ...But sometimes he can be a real airhead
Nicholas Hall
p1 元くーん 大丈夫ー? Hajime-kun, are you okay?
p2 結局運転手 高杉・小坂 体制 In the end, Takasugi and Kosaka drove
p3 元くんってね サイドミラー見てたらバックミラー見えなくなるし バックミラー見てたらフロント見えなくなるんだって You know Hajime-kun, when he looks out the side mirror, he can't pay attention to the rearview And then when he looks out the back, he can't pay attention to the front
それは根本的に運転しない方がいいんじゃ… That's okay, so long as he doesn't drive...
p4 光 もういい! Mitsuru, cut it out!
p6 あの… いろいろつっかかってすみませんでした Um... I apologize for acting coldly towards you.
Jace Brooks
p1 高杉先生があんま大人だから Professor Takasugi, you don't really seem like an adult
なんかすっげあせってました So I kinda just lost all self-control
えっっ Eh?
p2 ちゃんと仕事してて ちゃんと弁当作ってて You do your work properly, You make bentos properly
運転も上手いし 余裕あって… You're even good at driving And you're always composed...
p3 元くんいろいろ激しくまちがってる… Hajime-kun is very wrong about several things
いや そんなことは… Nah, that's kind of...
てれてれ ~sfx nervous nervous
p4 でもオレ 小坂さんはあきらめませんから But even so I won't give up on Kosaka-san
Lucas Howard
p1 キキーッ ~sfx screech
p2 だって 光から聞いて… え…ええ!? What? I heard from Mitsuru..! W-What?
ふるふる ~sfx shake shake
p3 かあああ
p4 へ…へぇー… そうなのかぁー… Uh, okay... I see...
p5 ぶすっ ~sfx sizzling
p6 元くん オウンゴール… Hajime-kun scored an own goal
Evan Martinez
p1 背景 知りたくなかったかも That was probably more than I needed to know
ヨ…ロ… ~sfx wobble...wobble...
p2 前の車誰も飲んでないわよね? Looks like the driver in front of us has been drinking, huh?
はい Yeah
p3 おつかれー Good work
ありがとうございました Thank you
じゃまたゼミでー See you in class
p4 何かいろいろあったねー 疲れてない?久留里 Well, a lot of things happened, huh? You must be tired, right Kururi?
ええそりゃもう Yeah, definitely
p5 も 今日の夕食弁当か何かで済ましちゃおっか あ Well For dinner, we can just make do with a bento or something Ah
スーパーまるまる Marumaru Mart
Ryan Smith
p3 こ...コンビニの季節限定弁当とか そういえば商店街に新しく弁当店できてたような You know, the convenience store has special seasonal bento Oh yeah, I heard there's a new bento shop in the shopping district
p4 今行けば スーパー夕方5時からディスカウント If we go now We can get the after-5-o'clock discounts at the supermarket
...はい ...Okay
p5 おトクはすべての恩讐を越えるなぁ She really loves discounts more than anything, huh この顔見れるならいっか Well, seeing her like this makes it okay
もふ~っ ~sfx fluffy~
5時以降に貼られるディスカウントシール After 5, these discount stickers get put on
Jonathan Parker
Well, that's the end of chapter 15 I guess I made the thread too early in the morning for most Americans