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that's very disrespectful and unprofessional
It like his real account IS his parody account.
Olberman has mental problems.
Drumpf is literally high German and is literally pronounced Trump
late stage Trump Derangement Syndrome
What a fag. I guess Junior triggered him.
Hes so batshit insane that even MSNBC thought he was too insane to work for them.
Keith Olbermann is fucking cancer. And so what if Trumps family name used to be Drumpf?
drumpf btfo
Trump really is a real estate genius because he's living rent free inside Olbermanns head
They’re talking about people who literally cite Harry Potter in arguments and use things like “Doody Head Drumpf” to describe a president. They’re are literally at the mental state of 12 year olds.
yeah and youre a dumb racist motherfucker that likes to suck drumpfs cum up. fuck you
>pepe whispering into ear "Drumpf".png
And Current "literally who" TV.
And his entire livelihood is made by complaining like a spoiled kike and getting his way.
What is Keith Olberman's real jewish name?
That kike faggot deserves a seizure for his posts.
Perfect time to call out Jews.
In all fairness, Keith hasn't been either of those things for a very long time.
Hi, Keith. I hope you get the help you need.
Um... wait... what?
Keith will die before the year ends. Check em
Do people actually take this bat shit crazy faggot seriously?
it's childish. It's literally a grown man acting like a child and feeling good about it too
I really don't understand this Drumf thing. Is the left being culturally insensitive to the president's German heritage they need to check their heritage privilege. I mean, I guess if his original family name was something like Dump or Dum I could understand them having some kind of childish insults that amuse them but the name is literally just a German name. If they knew the first thing about history they'd know that many families either changed the spelling of their names or had it accidentally misspelled by the person making the passenger manifests. Hell, even my family history is British and my surname is spelled differently than the typical brit version.
I've never witnessed a creature so weak and ineffectual.
its weird, it would be like if people badgered charlie sheen with "YOUR NAME WAS ESTEVEZ, FUCKING ESTEVEZ YOU FUCK REEEEEEEEEEEEEe"
How is Olbermann in bed? Or is that you? Either way, dick, no dick- you're a libfag.
This is how sane reasonable 58 year old men act.
i wonder if (((they))) think this will work?
Labia minor
>tiny Kuati shaker
On an unrelated note, Colbert's name is from a group of of people who lived in southern France and northern Spain called the Cabot, they had the distinguishing feature of having either no or uneven ear lobes. They were discriminated against by the people, the state and the church for 800 years and didn't have a proper last name instead they had Cabot or other substitutes, Colbert is a Cabot name. They wanted so much to distance themselves from the name that during the French revolution they burned birth certificates so people wouldn't know they were Cabot. They were treated as second class citizens because of their last name. Colbert was one of those who made fun of Trump's grandfather's name too, right?
Yep, and has the same meaning.
This guy is fucking seriously afraid of something.
My guess is he's a pizza creep.
Drumpf is a fine name.
But Trump's family name has never been Drumpf?
It was literally Trump back into the 1600s.
His family name is Trump.
The Drumpf thing isn't even an alternate spelling. It's literally just made up.
I remember when they used to.
Come to think of it, he was the genesis of "TV Personality COMPLETELY DESTROYS Politician (Video)" blog posts.
He's always struck me as wanting to be the news anchor who becomes a moral/political conscience of the nation, a la Edward Morrow vs Joe McCarthy, or Howard Beale from the film Network. In reality, he's always been an ill-tempered whiner.
when Ann Coulter murdered Olbermann
Damn you anti trumpers have serious mental issues.
Is he making fun of someone's ethnic last name?
Sounds pretty racist to me. Does his employer know he's a racist?
>He's always struck me as wanting to be the news anchor who becomes a moral/political conscience of the nation
that's exactly what he wants to be but if he's acting like a child to try and be that person then that's just fucking sad and pathetic. Literally not worthy of our pity and time
Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People.
Is he still employed?
He runs a youtube channel out of his basement
>Is he making fun of someone's ethnic last name?Sounds pretty racist to me. Does his employer know he's a racist?
But its not racist when you mock white people.
They have been telling us this for at least 20 years now.
Should he ever be employed again?
Sounds like hate speech.
Better get the ADL on it pronto. I thought they suppressed hate speech on jewtube now?
Fuck, you got me. I'm with her now. INPEECH FODYFIE
>Old durr man
>Old retard
I’d be so happy if he died.
Old Jon Stuartshekelgrubbergoldsilver and company are still ass hurt about Trump literally naming the Jew all those years ago...
Drumpf is done! It's over for him!
lol - the guy is mental. He is really about certifiable.
Isn't that being racist against people of German descent?
The irony here that based Trump never fights back with, is that he himself didn't change his family's name.
Stewart DID, as is the jewish m.o.
That singular difference makes Stewarts, and Colbert and Oliver as well, look like blabbering assmangled idiots.
>all this butthurt
>nobody even tried to deny the accuracy of Olbermann's statement
i watched a JRE episode with that roach Cenky Uygurt a long time ago. he claimed he worked with KO at one point in his life. On a scale of 1-10 crazy, Cenk gave him a 10
oh he needs to retweet this
Because there is no accurace to his statement, dumb shit. Entertaining moronic accusations is a liberal thing. Precisely why Stewart and his cronies still dwell, seething and furious to this day about Trump naming the jew.
Literally the only person in his own family to pronounce his name with a silent T.
>Stewart DID
As did William Jefferson Blythe, as did Barry Soetero
I'm convinced he comes here to Drumpfpost