>be me
>show up to math class
>teacher tells is to imagine something that doesn't exist
>more than two genders
>teacher tells me about 1024 "documented" cases where people have been born different genders other than male and female
>complete bullshit.wav
>teacher proceeds to call me ignorant and continues "teaching math"
> 30 minutes later it, talking about albino africans w/ friends
>call them disgusting bc they are
>teacher, who I don't know who or what it is, calls me to its desk
>tells me that I am a horrible human being
>I ask it if it has ever seen one
>calls me a racist jerk
>I laugh in its face
>walk to my seat
>I'm on the other side of the class as it says that I'm a sexist, racist bigot
>snowflake melted
>pic related
Flag fits
You're too dumb to function in life
She teaches Maths? No wonder America is retarded
You need a big hunk of a former engineer to teach maths, fact.
I'd slip your teacher a length 2bh
a good 'ole willy'ing
with my willy
also sage
this is who you browse with Sup Forums, a bunch of high schoolers wanting to act rebellious and cool
You remind me of my little brother, lol. Cute.
is your math teacher a tranny?
There are rare birth defects where there are people with fucked up sex chromosomes, you aut. Should've payed attention in biology. Of course it's rare and doesn't justify the tumblr lol-kin shit
genuinly better than the nigger loving faggots who start bbc threads
you must live in commiefornia
What's with the salad dressing and ...peanuts?
Do Americans eat snacks and drink sugary drinks during class?
A teacher should be old and strict, not some stuck up young leftist cunt. She is hot though, probably sleeps with the principal.
You really are a fucking embarrassment.
>be edgy underaged cunt
>just wants attention and personality confirmation
>spaghettis in DayCare Lvl. 3
>blogs to Sup Forums in last effort for affirmation
You seem like you'd be more at home on plebbit my friend
There are documented cases of being born a different gender. They're genetic abnormalities with chromosomal disorders. They are real. Dude looks like a lady's just dumb tranny shit. Next time get your teacher to say thank you so the men in class can beat their engorged penises on their desks as you say, my privilege.
You must be one of those cool chads I hear about
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Why is your math teacher discussing politics instead of teaching you maths?
we never stop eating snacks and drinking coke nigger. Get fucked.
give her a couple of years, bet she's gonna get fired for "seducing" some "student"
definitely a tranny
Yeah this is true, my ex's friend was born with a vagina and a dick and balls, but the vagina was fucking small as fuck and under his ball sack.
Guess which one was kept.
lmfao what a stupid twat
The dick because he fucked your ex you cuck
The dick since you said his. He had a real disorder. That sucks. Trannies can fuck off.
so true
>food, drinks, fucking sunflower seeds everywere
>phones all over, earbuds on desk
>teacher has no control over students
what kind of shitty fucking classroom is this?
Why are politics being taught in math. Your teacher needs to leave
cute dog
I'd probably just agree and go about trying to get my fingers smelly and sticky with her.
Not from reddit. It's fucking gay
Try not to cut yourself on those edges, lad.
Overall, though, you're on the right track.
>be me
>teach 5th grade math to retards in hs
>over hear fat kid with the kekistan sweater and backpack talking about how there are only two genders
>”you know about gender dysphoria right user?”
>kekistani gets up from his seat and comes up to my desk
>shrills at the top of his lungs THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS
>yells PRAISE KEK and goes back to his seat where he high fives his clinically retarded desk mate
>mfw this is my life
You're trying too hard OP. It's embarrassing.
underrated poast
more snowflakes melted
Underage and banned.
ireland talking about math(s)?
jesus, if it wasn't for the wheelbarrow you wouldn't be walking upright.
When I was in school that wasn't a thing. At least not in high school, college was a little different.
That’s a man baby.jpeg
ask your teacher how many possible combinations you could make with 2 Xs and 2 Ys
>Hint: it's a maximum of 4, disproving her 170 theory, and furthermore as we all know the only possible combinations are xx and xy
better yet, ask her shy she's almost 30 YO and still single (as I presume she is). Her biological clock is ticking and she knows it.
Underage ban
Fucking gross
Math isnt the place to be discussing faggot gender theory
Get it fired, no matter how you have to go about it
These 'things" should be illegal in schools
good job.
you do realize you are fucked now, correct?
what are the four combinations please?
im not OP you inept rube
Good work user, you have my support.
sleep with her, record it, send to principal and police
If they are racist and hate trannies, they are cool.
I could care less the age of the mind, only it's content
Kys faggot
That's gay
technically you could have xx, xy, yx, yy
Well done user
nice try
Should've shut "her" the fuck down in front of everybody by just calmly asking into that ice cold stare "Are you even a woman? Because you honestly look like you're transitioning or something." or relative to that affect. She wouldn't have had a leg to stand on with admin after spewing all her bullshit at you.
lmao op gay now?
A public classroom.
cool story bro, now go back to plebbit
Gonna make myself perfectly clear and say I'm not from reddit. That place is for weird fucks. I'm here with the autistic fucks.
>teacher pulls out penis
you're retarded, reread my initial post.
>with 2 of each, the maximum no. of combinations is 4, disproving her theory of 170 different genders
I went on to say that there are only 2
Its actual fact that you can be born with almost what looks like both sex organs. In general i think a decision is made right then and there. But apparently this is like ultra rare to happen..like dumb rare.
This is your next move
When it punches you, you win
theres more than two genders because people are born female with an x chromosome and some have a brain that is the opposite gender of what they were born as.
>using sex to argue about gender
>using a binary to argue there is no binary
liberals are so retarded, i dont understand it. i think the biggest loss to western civilization was the ability to form a proper argument.
triggering the left is reddit tactics? man im in the wrong place.
Not that i agree that genetic fuck ups are new genders, but you're forgetting 0, the absence of a chromosome. 0X, 0Y, etc. Not to mention there are some genetic fuck ups like XXY.
Calling these new genders would be like calling people with extra limbs or no limbs new species however.
It's 3 Xs and 1 Y. And the possible combinations (that matter) are 2, disregarding mutations like mentions.
not your personal diary faggot
You must be 18 to post on 4chin.
>kekistani flag
>HAHA look at me guys, I'm TRIGGERING (XD) the left! I'm totally not doing it for attention!
xx, xy, xxx, xxy, xyy
Your teacher looks fuckable OP. POST MOAR FAGGOT!
>This is Sup Forums
>Not Reddit
How do you reach this level of newfag?
awww dont like it when people hurt your friends feelings? awww im sowwy :-((((!!!!
Post moar trap teacher Op
Give her the d OP, she looks like she might be suffering from hysteria, and is kinda sexy
It's not even a she, user.
lol this is the saddest thing I've ever seen
a guy hiding behind the confederate flag thinks he is hurting my feelings
typical plebbit behaviour
this is 2017, everyone
Those aren't "new genders", they are sterile mutants.
Potatos are surprisingly smart despite what bongs say
TITS please, KEKs demands it
>everyone from the right is reddit
ahahahahah you cry yourself to sleep dont you?
and what do i have to hide?
if you troll an SJW, you don't have to be right wing
I have mostly potatonigger blood and have an IQ of 138.
turkish BLACKED poster is based
you need to be 18 to post though
What the hell is that around her neck? a Body Cam?
chicken nugget scoon
ah thats true but on average you really dont see many democrats or what ever trolling them.
you know what i mean.