THIS is what we mean by black excellence

THIS is what we mean by black excellence.

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Good for him

This os a troll attempt and a quite funny one at that.

You can tell because it is an entirely different person AND because there is a black surgeon


imagine having a nigger operating on your brain

Affirmative action is a beautiful thing that can work miracles.

it's the same dude
there's a few years between the pics

Yuck. It’s bad enough having Iranians and Indians as surgeons.

> neurosurgeon
> stethoscope

Lol OP

10 years until CTE makes him worthless at his job. also, probably a fake image.

he's a conch nigger
Not the same as a cotton nigger

Let me guess,he graduated in neuroshits because he played in the university football team,right?

Did all the concussions and brain trauma he sustained for normie bread and circuses actually make him smarter instead of dumber???

Does anyone have the “black man is the perfect man, let’s start with his penis” copy pasta that gets everyone on this bitch ass site in their feelings?



Good job. See what you can do when you know your dad? Now make this man an example to the remaining 99.999999% of worthless black men that live off gibs and sheit.


blacks get super super dark under the sun, as a hospital worker and practitioner, he probably stayed indoors.

the face on the right is an unrelaxed face with the mouth open and the forehead muscles strained. it's clearly the same dude, they have the same hairline and brow shape

lmao imagine being a neurosurgeon after being in the NFL and thinking "fuck - what have i done to myself"

He only made a 28 on his ACT

IF this is real, good for him. He should go to Africa to save all those poor children, and stay there.

It's good to be a nigger when it comes to advancing a career in today's world.

It is real, he took a year out of football to attend oxford before doing medicine too. No he shouldn't go to Africa, why send educated people away?


If he became a neurosurgeon on his own merits - i.e. he beat out the competition by outscoring them in exams, and outperforming them in trial runs, then that is awesome and he is pretty incredible. If, however, he's only there because he is black and liberals need a poster for black success... Then it's horrific.

The problem with affirmative action is that you can never tell.


>If he became a neurosurgeon on his own merits - i.e. he beat out the competition by outscoring them in exams,
Well he attended several different schools so I'm leaning towards merit

tfw you will always be just a nigger

First off thats two different dudes.... kek Surgeons are fuckin couch jockey bitches. Slide through pre med with little to zero work, finish last in their class. the darkies in med school get affirmaive actioned to the degree anyway and also finish last in their classes.
An A and C , both get the degree.
Surgery: think about this. Tribesman cutting open fresh caught game. Nigs would make a great fit.


Absolutely reaching there m8

Affirmative action and nothing more.

Still a nigger though

AA, wish i could get into med school with a 2.5

Anyway average american niggers have 20% white blood in them. Thats why amerinigs are slightly smarter than og nigs

He should only heal blacks cause white folks n shiet

Reddit Black peopke twitter sub
>look at the black guy doing good for himself
>god I wish my life was as great, I’m white
>next time anyone brings up white lives matter show this
>omg look how hot he is I wish I was that hot

Gotta agree its a bit hyperbole but its still an issue to consider.

>what do you call a doctor who graduated last in his class?

Always vet people who are performing procedures on your body. You only get one, dont let some little shit do a half assed job on you.

I would never let that nigger near my brain.


>one nigger makes decent choices in his life
>"see that goyim, they're all the same, ignore the statistics and IQ differences".

I wouldn't let that negger give my dog a bath.

>omg, look at this black person who did good in school!!!!! Take that racists!!!!

>Well he attended several different schools so I'm leaning towards merit
All of which are under intense political pressure to promote the success of blacks.

He’s also gay. Look at Myron Rolle’s Instagram account. He wants to run for President or office of some kind. He’s definitely a leftie & has a Bahamian passport as his parents are from there.

What does attending different schools have to do with merit?

Seems to me if your a black man you can't win with some people. Even if your a fucking neurosurgeon kek


Myron is a legitimately good guy.

HA!!! Take that Nazis!!


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

And my labrador retriever is a good girl. What's your point?

Best of luck to him

Would you let him poke around your skull?
Really gets the noggin joggin from a nignog proddin

>Black excellence

Whaaat am I looking at in this picture?

> He enrolled at Florida State University College of Medicine and graduated in May 2017. Rolle was accepted to a neurosurgery residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
affirmative action? or not? guess we'll never know

Don't forget Oxford university

>Seems to me if your a black man you can't win with some people. Even if your a fucking neurosurgeon kek
Agreed. But it's not their fault. It's liberals who have truly wrecked it for them by setting up affirmative action. Sensible people know that when someone like this is black, there is a very high chance they have only reached this level because of their skin colour. It's a reality that liberals have created, and there's no getting around it.

Don't get me wrong, even if affirmative action had something to do with his placement, I'm sure he is still an awesome guy. I just think it is horrific that more qualified, and hence better performing people were pushed out to make room for him and others like him.

Uh, do you have any White doctors available? or Saudis even? my tumor's not goin anywhere..

Too bad he is an exception to the rule. Majority of nigs are too dumb to ever be doctors, so they will still shoot for the pro-athlete shit like they always do.

Literally nothing will change. Having good role models won't undo thousands of years of evolution.

>edge case

Holy shit, look at all this bitterness

Statistically speaking you're going to find dozens of extraordinarily high-achieving Blacks. Even if the average IQ of Black Americans is a whole 20 points lower, you're still going to find dozens of Blacks that have achieved more than (the losers on) Sup Forums

This guy graduated an ELITE high school with a 4.0 and 24 AP credits. You can't cheat 24 AP credits. He got a 4.0 in high school while being captain of the basketball and soccer team.

His MCAT score was 32, which is on the low end, but he was a Rhodes Scholar and played fucking college football while completing his degree in 2.5 years

He got a 1970 which is low (my girlfriend had a 2150 and was valedictorian and was rejected everywhere), but he is clearly well-accomplished

Do you really hate Blacks so much that you have to denigrate the ones that are BETTER than you?

Argentina is white.


Who is we? Democrats never talk about black excellence. They only talk about how niggers cant tie their own shoes without big government helping them out.

>He got a 1970 which is low (my girlfriend had a 2150 and was valedictorian and was rejected everywhere), but he is clearly well-accomplished
>Do you really hate Blacks so much that you have to denigrate the ones that are BETTER than you?
No. I hate the fact that your girlfriend, who I'm assuming is white or Asian, was pushed out despite scoring better. Meanwhile, I'm supposed to somehow pretend blacks are victims of racism.

This guy sounds awesome, but to accept him into a neurosurgeon position on a lower score, just because he is black and a gifted athlete, scares me.


You mean to say people do other things than play sports such as earn degrees n sheeit?

>His MCAT score was 32, which is on the low end
>He got a 1970 which is low (my girlfriend had a 2150 and was valedictorian and was rejected everywhere)
Good job undermining your whole argument.

okay doc ill take some bleach


someone post the chart for med school acceptance for black americans pls

Don't forget to shitpost this thread all over the other boards!

He broke all odds.

He's black and football makes you mentally retarded from all the concussions.

go back to neofag and KYS

I know the one you are talking about, couldn't find it. Here's one along the same lines.

Explain, blumpfkins.


All a nigger needs to get into med school is above average gpa and mcat scores, whereas whites and asians need more like 90th percentile. Never let a quota filling nigger surgeon operate on you.

Excellent point.
The only reason anyone talks about a "smart" niggro is to push White genocide.

It is is one of my greatest fears, to rely on a non-white to provide medical service

Most are sent to VA hospitals.




Big brain nibba gets the rock

>Statistically speaking you're going to find dozens of extraordinarily high-achieving Blacks.


why the racism?

kek. So it was a masterful piece of bait all along.

Dr. Carson went from attempted matricide to neurosurgeon. I think he's more impressive.

What I hate is how it's "showed off". Like, if ANY person who isn't white does something good, it's thrown around and they say "Powerful", or some other garbage. If they could just take their success, and, for lack of a better comparison, just act like someone who is is white would, it would bother me much less.

This thread is gay as fuck. faggot liberals say "ooga bogga black excellene yassss" and everyone else is a neet saying "xddddd a surgeon is an easy job/degree" or "xdddddd imagine if a surgeon operated on your brain but he was black". low quality threads, fucking garbage

>elite university
you don't even need AA to get into that school my dude.

Wow user, now I realize that the black community is full of potential surgeons and philosophers and not gangbangers, murders, and drug dealers.


African Americans with massively low undergrad GPA and MCAT scores are still essentially guaranteed an acceptance to medical school. Stats that would autoscreen out any other race are easily accepted, as long as they have the right skin color.

you must be new here

>Us niggers are expected to take responsibility for the shit we do and stereotypes we perpetuate with our behaviour
>dis be raycist

Good for him? i don't care

Lol all the salt...