Can anybody defeat this man in a debate?

>sargon BTFO twice
>mister metokur BTFO
>lauren southern BTFO
>coach red pill BTFO
>no bullshit BTFO
>naked ape BTFO
>kraut and tea BTFO
>buntyking BTFO
>andywarski BTFO
>chris ray gun BTFO
>laci green BTFO
>mouthy buddha BTFO
>Sup Forums BTFO
>nazis BTFO
>sjws BTFO

Serious, it's fucking insane how fast and efficient this guy debates. The only other person I've seen on this level is Ben Shapiro. Anybody used to hate this dude but has become an hero to us? He has really changed my view on the entire SJW/Skeptic community. This guy is truely a force to be reconciled in the "Skeptic" Community.

Other urls found in this thread:

come home white man

I know you're baiting again but I have no idea who this is, and I know of just about everyone you listed.

Literally who

ryan dawson

Remember to sage & cage

literally who?


Nick Fuentes destroyed him and Destiny even admitted it at the end of the debate. Go watch it. And he admitted in later videos he lost badly too.

Nick is the future of the alt-right. Spencer is a fed

how much is he paying you to shill him here?

nick fuentes already btfo him on immigration

Classic slide thread

David Duke
Chris Cantwell

take your pick


Does anyone get the impression that the people who make these threads are anti destiny and they just want people to watch one of the videos where he got btfo, like mister meotukur or whatever he's called

no i think it's destiny fans who unironically think he shits gold

buh bye

>One post by this id

This is some well coordinated shilling

Shill somewhere else. You literally posted the same thread last night. Faggot

When did he debate Laci Green?

Destiny you autistic faggot stop posting

also you look retarded when you speak out of the side of your mouth all the time