Hot New (((Comedy))) Series SMILF

The Jews really out did themselves this time. It's like they went into a Sup Forums thread about how degenerate western women are and made a show about it.

The show is about a coal burning whore who got pumped and dumped by Tyrone and is searching for a beta male cuck to raise her half nigger child. I watched the first episode just to see how bad it was and it feels like the jews are trolling me Sup Forums it's THAT degenerate.

Other urls found in this thread:

(((They))) aren't even trying to be subtle anymore. Have they overplayed their hand on this one?

before they would try and hide it but they shove the degeneracy right in your face

You ripped off of my gab post but that's cool.

Day of the Roast will be here soon.

Emily is that you?

Looking back on this era is going to be fucking hilarious in the future. It's going to be like when TV shows look back on hippies, multiplied by ten.

These people are so fucking out of touch with the average American and their values that it's hilarious.

Holy shit that ID

What is wrong here?
A girl wants to settle down a start a family with a man, not a boy

You are contradicting yourself Sup Forums, you should be praising this


Yea lol, gotta keep up with the SMILF threads

>muh degenerate
Fuck off with this meme. Why don't you go live in the 1800s you old no fun allowed puritan faggot? Bet you're a virgin and have no friends.

literally the tumblr of tv networks

Just throw them into pic related.

Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't know things like raping and cannibalizing your children after huffing some petrol are perfectly legitimate expressions of culture equal or even greater to our own.

I saw the trailer for this too, VERY kyked out.

>Didn't try another black

>Bitch only want white male who have money

She just openly admit that Blacks are not father material nor good companion

She just openly admit that interracial relationships mean single motherhood and negative wealth

which 70% black women are single mom and have negative wealth

Zuckerberg liberalism finally reveals the self

Billionaire life is matter

White or Black commoner life don't matter

>bad things are okay now because it's the current year!!
yeah, sorry sweetheart, that's not the way things work.

holy fuck i honestly can't believe this is real

i.....what the fuck

I can't feel you leaning more to the right user

My sides

It feels like it was created with the sole purpose to trigger Sup Forums

they have to drop the IFL from that. nobody but the most desperate beta male would ever want to fuck that.

this made me smile

what the fuck is this, a back pat for being a piece of shit?

no i woul-
yeah i probably would

> Half nigger

It honestly just looks like they glued a blond afro onto a white kid.

But every white woman who got left with snigger baby will watch. There are millions of them

commnet section also hilarious

Nigger comment like this

>Devin McCampbell

>Is it really that hard to get laid as a single mom.....she should've just called me

Nigger still don't get it

She want child support not a sex

show directly shout out niggers are irresponsible

But Double digit IQ Voodoo brain have no capable to understand how this show degrade blacks

i thought your flag worshipped KEK, not KUCK

I just saw a commercial for this (((show))). My first thought was "now they're billing coal burning degeneracy as comedy? Why would I want to watch a coal burner with her turdlet on TV when it's everywhere irl?"

Funny thing is I bet the sjws will bitch about this being "racist" for not portraying groids as wonderful loving providing parents" and "spreading negative sterotypes" or some other garbage


Why do they do this to the nuggets?
Why do they want to associate nuggets fans with cucks and half breeds?
>tfw Denver Niggers

>There are so many single mothers with black children that they made a show to attract a wide audience

use tinder or some other shitty app if you're that desperate or an escort if you have the money. coal burners need to be totally ostracized. you're better than that user.

Any race-mixing woman is to be considered trash.
Any woman that has sex with a nig, spick of other mud is one I will never date. If my GF told me that she has ever kissed a nigger I will leave her.

I assume in season 2, she has a kid with the cuck and they call their kid a shitlord every day.

>middle aged jewess walks around NYC with her half breed son being hounded by negros at every corner

i cant stop laughing

You're seem so Jealous a white woman wants black cock? Just cause you have been rejected so many times for being Ugly doesn't mean you need to get so jealous when even white women want Black guys over you racist trashy Pigskin white men.

You'd think it's a parody almost, particularly with the only white male acting like an awkward jew, or maybe he is a jew.

>no "babydaddy"
>mudshit mix
>used and tossed
>seeks beta cuck provider
>beta cuck provider potrayed as the sub-human "he" is
>beta cuck provider is a white nu-male
I am in full support of this film, I couldn't have directed it better myself! Normies have a very vague understanding of what a cuck actually is, and so hopefully this'll help them learn.

They made this to make single moms feel bad when they see she gets turned down every episode. Single mom suicide rate will jump after this comes out.

>Dating advice for women: JUST FIND SOMEBODY

fuck my life

These motherfucking degenerate Jews. History does indeed repeat itself it seems. Bring on the 4th Reich!

I don't want to have sex with most of the women that the nigs fuck. It is natural to not want your tribe to be breeding with other tribes.

Shut up chang

I wouldn't be surprised if the show's creators did actually lurk Sup Forums and take ideas for how to trigger Sup Forumsacks.
Their thought process is like that of a resentful child.
> How can I piss mom and dad the most?
The best response is not to get triggered and spew spaghetti everywhere about how disgusted you are, but just keep memeing and mocking them. First to get angry- loses.

>open your legs and they will come

Being a woman is living life on easy mode, but still sucking

why dont you show youre true colors, leaf. canada's representation here is a bit sparce after meme flags were rolled out

Time to start building orphanages now

>Single mom suicide rate will jump after this comes out.
And nothing of value will be lost.

What is that thing called again?

>Meet girl that I think is cute
>Talk to her for a few days
>Find out she has a boyfriend

Literally my life.

Holy shit

I think I might actually enjoy the blatant comedic irony of this show

Ok, trolling aside, this is just bizarre.
no need for audio, just watch the webm

seems to me like theyre making it look shitty to be a degenerate single mom

pedo kikes are already lined up to build them

haha ahh great so this is what all these single mothers can look forward to. niice looks fun honestly i mean who wouldnt want to live this kind of life really. so cool.

I did see that comment, good observation.

>sjws will bitch about this being "racist" for not portraying groids as wonderful loving providing parents" and "spreading negative sterotypes" or some other garbage
So the show is quite redpilled, really?

>not even a minute in and a vagina joke

Women were a mistake.

You can get girls to talk to you? Lucky guy.

The Jew Processor

>Oh Canada

> Tama Ward has recently shared an article revealing how her five-year-old Canadian daughter Abigail feels guilt and shame for being white

>o you really believe her “sadness”? If she truly was sad, she would attempt to right the wrong and teach her daughter to be proud of who she is, but she does nothing of the sort. Instead, she continues to program her with revisionist history

>Now sweetie You must shame your selves and your race

You have to Remove Leaf Flag and restore old one

I had to lose a rib for this shit?

>it feels like the jews are trolling me
They are.
These ((("reality" shows))) are designed to shock, not glorify. Nobody watches these and feels empowered except the lowest of low. Jokes on them.

I would actually start to respect canada if they went back to their old flag. If they really do commit back to the anglo open trade if brittain finally leaves the eu they should definitely posit a change.

this makes me sad
Adolf why did you have to fail?

only pedophiles get themselves involved with single mothers, easy access to kids

i love you, murdoch-chan

>t. pedo

Creator/Producer: (((Frankie Shaw)))
Other producers: (((Gene Stupnitsky))) and (((Lee Eisenberg)))

What else is new....

Who plays Tyrone?

does the life of the woman in the show look "fun" to you? nothing wrong with enjoying yourself before youre a fully grown adult but if you end up as a 30 something year old single mother struggling to cope or find a partner then you have officially failed at life.

thats not fun i can assure you. i know plenty of women like that and it is very sad, their sons grow up to be failures too more often than not. real life isnt some quirky tv show

bitch lasagna

i want to belly flop into that

((producer)) will experience unintended outcome

If storyline like this

>White Single mom meet Black "Doctor" scenario

Black women get pissed off

Because white women steal good one and leave useless for black women

>White single mom meet white knight scenario

white women hate white men and western values

They Only care about money not you

Redpilling a lot of white men

Protip: she doesn't. She just knows you're the type to disappear at the mention of obe

>not realizing within the first 5 minutes of conversation that she's in a relationship
I hope you are trolling

So I should stick around and be her friend in the hopes that one day she'll be single and attracted to me? Most of the girls I'm talking about I meet through friends or work, not exactly places I'm willing to disappear from forever.

it's more a case of "sjws will bitch about anything that doesn't exalt the nigger and place anything non white on a pedestal"


I can't wait to never watch it.

t. Assblasted degenerate

>that whole fucking trailer

i thought i knew what i was getting into but it just kept getting worse and worse until the end when the fat cuck showed up and i had to shut it off

anyone who is wanting to "save the west" at this point is retarded

>anyone who is wanting to "save the west" at this point is retarded
Honestly anybody who isn't riding it out to rebuild from the ashes is a retard. I don't think you can get rid of all this cancer permanently.

>muh jews

Oh, wait...

I'm desperate and I've dated single moms but I would never date a woman with a mixed kid. I don't care if she was a 10/10 goddess/

t. neofaggot

back to /resetgenitals/


>this is just bizarre
portraying white goys as weak and lame
portraying blacks as cool and powerful

what's new? this is marxist propaganda 101, been in effect for years

((They)) are now Shitposting in real life

But as said: there is no good outcome to this plot anymore.

I would even go further and say
>>White single mom meet white knight scenario
will turn into
>There are no niggers that make good fathers.

The show will probably just fade away or being (((defunded))).


> Know your SMV
> Find yourself a SugarMama
> Accumulate ressource
> Date pretty young girls

Like finer things in life, men are better rich and aged.

I’ll definitely be riding out until the ashes in another country or on a farm. I honestly can’t stand this culture anymore

This show is fairly realistic.

They are the worst. I worked at a black restaurant and we’d frequently get them, if they weren’t garbage they were modern lefty feminazi trying to get a reaction and dehumanizing people.

This is a comedy?
It's not funny it's depressing.

