
What are Christian Nationalist, and are they apart of the alt-right? Or do they have their own group?

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only shills try to divide us

>Christian Nationalist
As stupid as Anarcho-Communist.

Indeed. WE are united AS ONE against the Jewish menace.

year -100: Rome conquests the Mediterranean coast, including Judea
year 0: Jesus is born
year 100: Rome has smashed two jewish rebellions. well, Sup Forums christians told us that Jews totally love pagans tho, so may be jews wanted to be smashed. Rome extends all the way to Persia

year 200: Rome has overextended, and faces a crisis
year 300: Rome converts to Christianity. according to Sup Forums christians, Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION, so it will surely save Rome from the crisis!
year 400: Oops, it didn't. Well, Rome deserved to fall anyways. Romans were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted

year 500: Christianity is a religion of earthly power and cultural survival so it will at least keep the Mediterranean in control of christian kingdoms
year 600: Oops, North Africa is lost to Islam. Well, north africans deserved it, they were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION that is the only reason why Roman Culture was preserved.
year 700: Oops, it has lost its Holy Lands. Well, Palestianian Christians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION. Now it will REALLY contain Islam. Oh, Spaniards were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS either btw. Everyone knows Christianity is the only way to protect yourself from islam.

year 800: Charlemagne has decided that Jews should be the only bankers of his Empire, and the Church starts a series of edicts to protect them in case they need to move to a different christian kingdom when the farmers get angry. Jews totally hate Christianity tho, this is another shoah!!
year 900: Sicilians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival. Now it will REALLY contain Islam.
year 1000: Did I tell you that it was Christianity that made Europe conquer the World because it is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION? The real problem is that there have not been any real christians up to this point.

year 1100: Now that the Crusaders have started, you will truly see how Christianity made Europe strong.
year 1200: Okay, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem, but the Crusaders were not REAL CHRISTIANS, that is why God abandoned them.
year 1300: Byzantines were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they didn't pay their debts so it is OK to sack them. Please remember Christianity is the religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival of Europe

year 1400: Greeks were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity made Europe, it gave Europe the ability to defeat other people and create empires, so it is obvious that Greeks were not real Christians
year 1500: Europeans are starting to rediscover pagan art... look at that Venus of Boticelli!! The works of pagan philosophers are printed and read among intellectual circles. UUUGH... now this is horrible... Christianity IS the religion of earthly power that has saved Europe for the last 1000 years and allowed it to take over the world! This rediscovery of the pagan past can only mean that Europe will fall to Islam!! Wait... what?? An Age of Discoveries??? Spain expelled Islam and discovered a whole new continent. Well... we have found REAL CHRISTIANS AT LAST!!!
year 1600: Hhhmm... Europeans are now killing each other over disagreements about what Jesus said in his rants... well, everyone knows that Christianity is what saved Europe and made it united, so this is impossible. [insert Catholics or Protestants] are NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, and are to blame for Islam taking over the Balkans.

year 1700: BTW all these Enlightenment philosophers with strange religiois ideas that are discovering a lot of stuff and making inventions are REAL CHRISTIANS.
year 1800: WTF!! FRENCH REVOLUTION!! SECULARISM!!!!!!! Europe is finished!!!! By the next century it will be conquered completely!!!
year 1900: Huh... European Empires have just conquered the entirity of Africa and Asia (minus China and Japan) plus Australia in one century, Darwin has published a theory about the origin of the species that contradicts the Bible, the political power of the Churches has been decimated by the rise of Nationalism and the Pope himself has declared himself a political prisioner in Vatican City... AT LAST!! A TRULY CHRISTIAN AGE!!! Christianity is what made Europe GREAT!!! See now?

year 2000: The Jews that Charlemagne provided with vast economical power have completely hijacked our civilization. DAMN IT!!! It would have never happened if you had adopted REAL CHRISTIANITY!!!!
year 2100: Europeans were not REAL CHRISTIANS so it is okay that they got replaced by BASED AFRICANS

Shills will not divide us

All religion is just hive mind, group think shit. Humanity needs to get past it

I'm a pagan but this is stupid to say the least. Majority of nationalists have been Christian because nationalists tend to be traditionalists, or at least pretended to be (like Hitler). Of course there were the Mussolinis but even him kept Italy as a Cathollic state.

Kill yourself

"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at this whore."

I know that you think Jesus and Paul meant the opposite of what they said tho

Christianity put whites in the same dark ages that Islam has the Arabs in now. It's degeneracy.

We need morals, but not from your imaginary friend

Nice communist tactic, "make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Get the fuck out subversive shill.

I fight for all that have escaped the Zionist ego trap.

The rest shall parish in the Armageddon

"make the enemy live up to its own book of rules" is everything Jesus was about, he constantly attacked the pharisees for not taking Mosaic Laws to demented extremes, even self-castration

> 21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.
> 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

This board used to be a lot more Christian until the election happened. Now some tard spams this shit all day long as the days of Christchan are behind us

>What are Christian Nationalist, and are they apart of the alt-right? Or do they have their own group?
We're more concentrated in the traditionalist sphere I think, somewhat overlapping the NRx

> waaaah my DISCUSSION board is having DISCUSSION instead of circlejerk!

Why are you even here?

Boi the dark ages meme is just that, a meme. If anything the snowniggers are to blame for most of the barbarism of that time.

of course, an era where Christianity lost its holy lands, turkey, north africa and the balkans is actually a GOLDEN AGE

if you lose, you win!

>Le dark ages Reddit
Christendom rebuilt the Roman empire and built the shithole that was Europe and unify it.
It spread the bible and literacy, mass produced books and Scholars, gave family values, slowly tone down the violence that was always prevalent in Europe...

They are LARPers who like to roleplay as Crusaders. Doubt any of them actually believe in this nonsense.

>dark ages
I would say go back to plebbit but even they understand that the term dark ages is bullshit, not serious historian utters that phrase.

We've always had opposition of course but all you do is drown everything out with your giant walls of text. Also, I remember there used to be a distinction made of redpilled atheists and the New Atheists, but since the invasion from pleddit that's become fuzzy

Christian nationalist is a contradiction in terms. Christians are globalists.

I don't drown anything. I post the pasta, and then actively start to discuss it

Like i am doing that

So far all I have gotten is people claiming that a period of decadence of Europe where it lost its sphere of influence was not a dark age at all.

Next thing I will be told by Sup Forums christians is that Europe losing the Crusades was a myth too!

* Like i am doing right now

They're retarded.

>Christians are globalists.
We're not though. 'Globalism' is used in a certain political context. We are universalists in a spiritual sense, but particularists in a cultural and national sense

>It spread the bible
A bad thing.

>and literacy,
Technology did that. More complex economy allowing more division of labor allowing more people to be educated. Nothing to do with Christianity.

>mass produced books and Scholars,
Technology did that. Nothing to do with christianity

>gave family values,
"Family values" existed before christianity.

>slowly tone down the violence that was always prevalent in Europe...
Which is a bad thing.


> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece

Which Christians?? The ones leading and volunteering in the Church certainly not

The ones larping as crusaders and posting here are not a factor at all

>We are universalists in a spiritual sense, but particularists in a cultural and national sense
Would you be willing to genocide an enemy? What if that enemy people was Christian?

You will always put others before the good of the nation, which is de facto globalism and treason.

i think you meant "chinese paper allowed the invention of the printing press during the renaissance and the mass production of books, 1000 years after Europe had been converted"

that you assign to Christianity the reponsibility for an event that happened 1000 years after it became the dominant doctrine is just bizarre

>I don't drown anything. I post the pasta, and then actively start to discuss it
And you think we haven't seen that shit dozens of times already? Imagine if in the Trump threads some tard spammed his whole life history, daily posts about pussy grabbing and Ivanka - do you think that would be constructive?

> And you think we haven't seen that shit dozens of times already?

Unlikely, you may have, but Sup Forums has one million unique visitors every month

The bible spread literacy, dumb fuck. The bible is THE WORLDL'S most successful book for a reason.

What ethnology retard? Bibles used to be produced handwritten,

Monasteries produced scholars the Catholic church produced the first university

No, no religion glorified holy marriage and chastity like Christianity.

You are a fucking retard, if Europe kept their violence, modern civilization wouldn't exist today.

You fucking atheists are fucking cancer.

If any of you fucks are athiest then yall dumb lol

> The bible spread literacy

> Europe converts
> 1000 years of very low literacy rates
> the Paper arrives from China and the Printing Press is invented, numerous books of all kinds start to be mass-printed
> "The Bible did this"


> Monasteries produced scholars the Catholic church produced the first university
> Sup Forums christians think that prohibiting your intellectuals from breeding is a good thing

no wonder Jews came to control you

Much like the alt-kike they worship jews

Jews deserve to control the world desu

There's nothing on christian doctrine that opposes natinalism. On the contrary, christianity enforces it.
Not all nationalists are christians, but all true christians are nationalists, and this is not a coincidence.

>The bible spread literacy,
Not uniquely, no. Books in general spread literacy.

>No, no religion glorified holy marriage and chastity like Christianity
False. Islam, Hindu, Judaism, early Roman religion, etc. I can name more if you like.

>if Europe kept their violence, modern civilization wouldn't exist today
Europe was built by violence. Everything Europe has was earned by violence. Violence and war accelerated technology development, expanded political control, and built wealth. Civilization would not even exist without violence. And christfag passivity today is killing it.

Im not a nationalist. theres no reason to be.

> christianity enforces it.

How exactly?

> all true christians are nationalists

What is a "true christian"? A christian that, unlike the actual leaders and volunteers of the Churches, thinks that Jesus and Paul meant the opposite of everything he said?

Does that mean Patriarch Bartholomew
see: is a fake christian? Why?

>Would you be willing to genocide an enemy? What if that enemy people was Christian?
Why genocide anyone? There were battles between Christians of course, sometimes it included the pope (see the Battle of Civitate for instance)

>You will always put others before the good of the nation, which is de facto globalism and treason.
>the principles of our being and government are our parents and our country, that have given us birth and nourishment. Consequently man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so does it belong to piety, in the second place, to give worship to one's parents and one's country.

enjoy being thrown off a roof by ogga booggas

Then why not just make a pastebin? It's breddy silly that you're trying to play dumb at this point

>There's nothing on christian doctrine that opposes natinalism
Yes there is. Christianity is a cosmopolitan Creed that values the global humanity. Christians can only ever be conditionally loyal to the nation.

Man should not consider his material possession his own, but as common to all, so as to share them without hesitation when others are in need. – Thomas Aquinas (the guy you are quoting)

This current obsession with giving everything away to the poverty-striken wretched people of the world is completely christian in origin

because I actually want to occupy as much space as possible


>Why genocide anyone?
Because it is often necessary and good for your nation. Right now it would be very good to genocide all Africans and much of Asia. Christfags would refuse this.

No, it's right.

>Consequently man is debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God
This means you put god and his commandments, including to love your enemy first. Before family or country. That is anti-nationalist. You can only ever be weakly nationalist, but are a globalist cosmopolitan first.

Paul saying to the Greeks that God created all countries of the world is not an endorsement of Nationalism.

An actual endorsement of Nationalism would be something like Paul telling to the greeks that they should secede from the Roman Empire and create their own nation-state

That is globalist, numbskull. "One blood."

I`d say some of the nazis were that... the iron tide of atheism riding on Communism... well lesser of 2 evils (join the nazis)... A diluted form of a bastardized christianity.... because the original is for cucks honestly...

Irrelevant. He's still telling people that each group has their own place to live.

based Fiji

It's common throughout history for Christians to have been nationalists, but not required. One's primary loyalty ought to be to God, if not only because he is more powerful than all the nations combined.

But hey, look, another copypasta anti-Christian this week; surprise! It's almost like Soros has been dumping money on the problem again...

>Christian Nationalist

Theocrats, like IS.

Google Christendom

>This current obsession with giving everything away to the poverty-striken wretched people of the world is completely christian in origin

It isn't actually. Altruism is about being resentment of the bourgeois rather than love of the poor. In a Christian society we would freely give. Anyway, this is doesn't take away from his quote about love of nation

Not really, if you post the entire paragraph, it is just Paul saying over and over how the Jewish God created everything, to impress the Greeks. That is why your quote is completely removed from any paragraph, as much quotes Sup Forums christians use

To claim that Paul meant to say "hey greeks I don't want you to mix up with others" flies in the face of "There is no Greek or Jew"

>He's still telling people that each group has their own place to live
Which is dumb. If you believe others have the right to a nation, then you will not be willing to do all for your nation. It is de facto globalism. Real nationalism means only caring about your nation and being willing to steal from and kill anyone not of your nation without question or moral problems. Christcucks cannot do this, because they are globalist cosmopolitans.

>> "The Bible did this"
Before the bible, literacy was like less than 1%

You fucking pieces of shit will deny even the smallest possible achievement of Christianity.
This why Sup Forums and Sup Forums always fucking hated you fucking atheists.
No one can stand your retarded LALALALANONONONOICAN'THEARYOU mentality.






Good luck sharing that space with the niggers

Crusaders are like the authoritarian fundamentalist area of the quadrant, ancaps are the rebellious libertarian private sector. Crusaders believe in God as the one truth, purist ancaps believe in themselves and satanism as some sort of narcissistic hedonism movement. (with the occult involved)

He's saying each group of people have their own place to live man. There's no Greek or jew when it comes to salvation, but here on earth we have our own nations he's saying.
You're dumb

>In a Christian society we would freely give
Christfags freely give billions of dollars a year to overpopulating third world subhumans.

there is no alt-right you fucking retard, only a group of shills and their idiot followers. stop saying alt-right, its fucking stupid

Jesus was a Roman subject -

> Altruism is about being resentment of the bourgeois rather than love of the poor.

What an absurd claim. You can't read the minds of people and determine what they actually are thinking when they do stuff

That statement is completely your opinion and can't be qualified

> In a Christian society we would freely give.

That is what the Western World is doing... freely giving away everything

I'm fallen. So desperately fallen. How do I find salvation? I can't believe that Christ was God. I just can't.

No, if you do not put your nation above all others, then you are not nationalist. You are describing an egalitarian "everyone has their own place" bullshit globalism.

The sovereign democracy of Nueva California

I think every race does have it's own place to live though. I wouldn't want Japan to be flooded with Europeans and destroy their culture. That's wrong.

Yoga. No need to "believe" anything. Experience and know it.

They kind of are, but also.... They worship A Dead Jew On A Stick. So meh.

> Paul makes a discourse about why you shoudl abandon your national idols
> Sup Forums christians re-interpret it as Paul telling Greeks that they should be nationalists

22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.

24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’[b] As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[c]

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”

But what if I'm in the 98th percentile of evilness?

shills keep passing that image of Christ around
also nice Memeflag, no one is falling for your plant tactics you mouthbreather

There is one god, and everyone has their own countries to live in. What's the problem senpai?

t. glow in the dark RESEARCH nigger

That's a different book, and he's talking to different people. And yes, you should abandon your idols. Or do you actually think your stone statue is alive and is a god?

>Because it is often necessary and good for your nation. Right now it would be very good to genocide all Africans and much of Asia. Christfags would refuse this.
All good people would refuse this, christfag or not

>This means you put god and his commandments, including to love your enemy first. Before family or country. That is anti-nationalist. You can only ever be weakly nationalist, but are a globalist cosmopolitan first.
Christians warred often, you think we didn't know about love of our enemy? Also nationalism isn't defined by some clause of genociding your enemy. And again, you're using globalism out of context. Cosmopolitanism goes back to some degenerate Greek pagan, it has nothing to do with Christian thought

> and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

> appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

it is clearly saying that it is God who decided what your land in, and how much your country will last

that is far cry from calling the Greeks to create a nation state

it is Act 17, the same quote

>Or do you actually think your stone statue is alive and is a god?

that is not the point being discussed

"God decides the boundaries of your country and how much it will last" is not a call for nationalism

>What an absurd claim. You can't read the minds of people and determine what they actually are thinking when they do stuff
I admit I'm going by Scheler and Nietzsche here

>it is clearly saying that it is God who decided what your land in, and how much your country will last
>that is far cry from calling the Greeks to create a nation state
How? Makes sense desu. Appointed times in history sounds like the hay day of your nation. Greece used to be the center of civilization but now they're just another country in the Mediterranean. They've always been Greek though as Paul said God wanted in the verses we've discussed.


The "There's neither Jew nor Greek" line is from Galatians though. In Galatians, he's telling the local congregation that they are to be like a family (a common theme). You make it sound like he is advocating globalism; a concept which has really only appeared lately in history.

>All good people would refuse this, christfag or not
No. Only christcucked people would.

>Also nationalism isn't defined by some clause of genociding your enemy
It is if that is good for your nation. Refusal is anti-nationalist. Real nationalists conquer their enemies and exterminate them so they can take their resources for their own nation.

>And again, you're using globalism out of context.
No I'm not. The Christian cosmopolitan morality necessarily leads to globalism. It is a slippery slope.

Keep deluding yourself, Christcuck.

You will NOT divide us.

We stand tall and firm AGAINST the Jewish threat.

Fuck your filthy degraded Kike Jesus.

Dirty Christcuck faggot.

>"God decides the boundaries of your country and how much it will last" is not a call for nationalism
It's a clear recognition that nations exist. And together with Paul's ideas regarding kings (presumably arising from David's thoughts regarding King Saul, for which David did not realize God had rejected King Saul), it's hard to make the "Paul as a globalist" stance.

Nothing more pathetic than white cucks ripping off my religion

>You will NOT divide us.
Heh, you forgot that you're not posting on reddit at the moment.

Why do you think that Paul randomly inserted a call for Nationalism in the Middle of a Chapter about how non-jewish gods are false?

that does not even make sense. it is clearly that he is trying to glorify the Jewish God by saying he is the one that controls History

In no moment Paul ever came close to telling the Greeks that they should restore their independent city states, which is what an actual endorsement of nationalism would imply

Yeah but Jesus still was far from white, he had dark skin
Stop trying to we wuz my culture you cuck