Why does anime think karate chopping someone on the back of the neck instantly knocks them out?
Why does anime think karate chopping someone on the back of the neck instantly knocks them out?
Because Saiki brainwashed everybody.
It works.
>It's okay when the west does it
Because it's cool. Fiction is full of things like that.
Might not make then pass out, but a good chance of fucking their neck for life if you did it really hard.
>he's never karate chopped someone on the back of the neck before
Well in this case Killua could lift several tons by this point. Makes sense that he'd think he could knock someone out like that.
His assassin training and shit I don't know.
Problem being, neck chops tend to less knock people out and more cripple them for life.
user, this isn't an anime thing, it's in all sorts of fiction.
You don't "fuck someone's neck for life", their neck is either intact or they're dead.
Why don't you volunteer to get karate chopped in the neck by a martial arts master then, OP?
Underrated comment.
You can knock someone out if you hit them in the back of the head hard enough, you will also cause irreparable brain damage.
Don't want to start a new thread but it always bothered me how no one cared that Killua straight up murdered the old man
vagus nerve, look it up.
>hit the right spot with enough force
>transmission from the nerve to the heart stops
>heart stops
>game over
why does anime use it as a non-lethal method?
Remember to pay attention during biology class, kids
Yeah that always bugged me too. I guess you could say everyone had seen so much death at that point it wasn't as shocking, but I always thought it was out of place.
Plot convenience + rule of cool. Same reason why people sprint away from explosions and get blown away like they were shoved instead of getting eviscerated.
Did any of them ever care about murder before? It's not like the main characters have a good sense of morality.
What about punching someone in the stomach? Or does it only work if you sucker punch them to stop them from participating in a fight/betraying them?
Why does fiction in general think that you can knock someone out for more than a minute without causing serious brain damage?
How are you supposed to knock someone out in real life without crippling/killing him anyway?
Why does everybody assume that fictional worlds have to adhere to the same rules as the real world? It's so stupid. For all we fucking know humans in HxH universe have a nerve in the back of their neck that knocks them out if they get hit with enough force. You faggots analyze too much.
Hit people in the jaw. Hooks exist because of this.
Because it assumes the brain will not be deprived of oxygen.
I dunno, but in real life, damage to brain stem is fatal. "Neck breaking" a la Hunk from Resident Evil is fatal, since it basically destroys the brain stem, and your nervous system gets fucked up.
At best, a serious neck injury can leave you in a vegetative state.
The problem is that in real life, human bodies are both incredibly fragile and incredibly resilient, and those qualities vary immensely from person to person. A blow that would give an 80-year-old a minor concussion might give a 20-year-old a fatal intracerebral hemorrhage. There's really no reliable way to ascertain someone's limits from looking at them. That's why if you do decide to take a ball peen hammer to someone's head, you'd better accept that you might kill him rather than knock him out. Or that your blow will do nothing but piss him off and then goodbye p0n0s...
surgeons browse the hacker called Sup Forums?
Our hospitals are in trouble.
>these are the people you share a board with now
how fucking new do you have to be to make a post like this?
lurk for 2 years on Sup Forums and then a year on Sup Forums before posting please. there are literally police officers time-stamping their badges on Sup Forums and brazzers porn directors on Sup Forums in the last 2 years ffs.
Sup Forums makes me sick. I've already lurked for a year on Sup Forums. But I didn't know that shit.
Why westerns think that pinching somebody on the shoulders knocks them out?
>Sup Forums makes me sick
that's it's main purpose, to prepare you for the entirety of this japanese image hosting website. it helps you not to call every little thing edgy by encountering real edge, encourages you to create your own OC, it's a rite of passage for anyone browsing post 2006. go back, lurk the right threads, and come back. so you don't disgrace yourself again
Literally everyone in HxH are psychos.He murdered some shits on the blimp too for bumping into him and no one cared. I don't even think he cleaned it up, he just left their corpses there.
Get off your high horse. My only exposure to Sup Forums prior to actually browsing the site was ED back in 2008, and there's really no shocking content on most boards. You can have a stray thread here and there with some fucked up shit, but those last a few moments. Sup Forums right now is probably filled with Reddit and 9gag memers who want to absorb "unfiltered" internet culture. Even fucking /soc/ is less cancerous, to an extent.
It's not exactly hard to pick up on how people behave in most boards. At worst you get called a newfag, and at best people call you a contrarian faggot for going against the well-established "board culture" narrative.
ED actually made Sup Forums look much more "deep edgy hacker website secret club" than it actually is. The only boards that are cancer are Sup Forums and Sup Forums. All the other boards are pretty chill.
/r9k/, Sup Forums and to an extent Sup Forums could be better.
Sup Forums is a lost cause, I think.
But yes, I agree. I browsed ED as an edgy teenager and thought Sup Forums would be full of edgy intellectuals or something. I like to think my expectations were betrayed, for the better.
This. I cringe like a fucker whenever anime or movies or books have some guy knocking his girlfriend out with a whack to the back of the head. Great way to turn them into a literal retard. That's called a major concussion.
Maybe 60% of the time cutting off their air works. Just put your hand over their mouth and nose. Problem is a few seconds is the difference between passing out or actually dying. And it varies person to person.
Stomach punch would probably work, BUT you risk fracturing their ribs or giving them internal bleeding.
So really just a rag dipped in chloroform is the safest bet. There's a reason doctors use fancy chemicals instead of just whacking people in the fucking head.
There are a lot of states in between. It's possible to suffer trauma to the vertebrae which does not heal properly and decades later results pressure on the spinal cord which can cause uncontrollable pain throughout the body, lack of muscle control, and ultimately paralysis.
Get well soon mom ;_;
it's for the better. Imagine if this place actually was like it was portrayed. We'd have to use tor to get here and risk jail time.