Gonna dump the first volume of Tezuka's Yakeppachi no Maria, a pretty zany story about a boy and his ectoplasm that comes to inhabit a sex doll.
Feel to post Tezuka stuff in general.
Gonna dump the first volume of Tezuka's Yakeppachi no Maria, a pretty zany story about a boy and his ectoplasm that comes to inhabit a sex doll.
Feel to post Tezuka stuff in general.
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Copypasting relevant background info for those who're interested in how this work relates to Tezuka's career:
Even among Tezuka's many works, this one stands out as one of his weirder works for its content. It was serialized in 1970 when people were discussing if sex-education in schools needed a reform and when delinquent/battle academy-centered shonen stories were very poular. But more importantly, it was also the time when Nagai Go's Harenchi Gakuen was also running and ruffling a ton of feathers. Adults across Japan were seriously debating if these crude, disposable piece of entertainment known as "manga" should really be allowed to depict sex and violence. There was a sizable movement calling for the banishment of books posing "harmful influence" for Japanese youths. Obviously, manga like Harenchi Gakuen were a prime target but even Tezuka's Tetsuwan Atom(!) was labelled harmful by some of these people. It seems ridiculous to us today, but even the kissing scene in Tezuka's Apollo no Uta provoked criticism from the PTA, and some of Tezuka's manga were burned in public book burnings by this social-movement, many of whose members likely thought that all manga were better off eradicated.
Tezuka is one of those creators who tried to do everything in his universe.
>Did this way back
In this chaotic time for the manga world under attack when many new artists deliberately sought to break even more taboos to smugly annoy the uptight conservatives, Tezuka, being the father of manga, probably felt trapped between two sides. As an artist, he too, likely wanted to explore new boundaries without being restrained, but as part of the older generation, he probably felt more hesitant about breaking them than the youngsters. Moreover, his Mushi Productions was veering towards bankruptcy and that certainly must have added additional stress. It was this "desperation" that he felt at this time that allowed him to channel that era's zeitgeist and draw "Yakeppachi no Maria," whose main character is literally nicknamed "desperation (Yakeppachi)." In the end, like Alabaster (which I also translated), Tezuka has come to regard this manga as a rubbish work. In my opinion, however, I think it's an enjoyable quirky work (only 2 volumes long), and given its historical context and what it represented to Tezuka's career, deserves to be translated.
Tezuka fuses elements of a delinquent action story with a raunchy sex comedy, all the while addressing elements of sex education which was under debate by the public at the time.
I don't think he's ever tried to do a hot-blooded shounen sports series, which was a genre pretty popular since at least the 60s.
Tezuka's smug faces on otherwise emotionally neutral characters never fails to amuse.
I've been following this since you started releasing it, and honestly I have to agree with Tezuka on this one. It's trash.
Thanks for translating it though - I'd rather find that out for myself than take his word for it.
I'm glad you gave it a shot. It definitely has more than a few flaws, and a very abrupt ending. For a guy like Tezuka, I think it's interesting to see both his ups and downs so we don't get too skewed a view thinking he only churned out one masterpiece after another.
Tezuka really sucks. His only decent titles are Adolf and Buddha.
Isn't it in the 70's when Ashita No Joe was out?
It started in '68, so it mostly ran in the 70s, but it was hardly the first of its kind.
Been a while since I've been to Sup Forums, glad to see you're still around Hox!
Yeah, exactly.
For an influential artist, their lows are just as interesting as their highs.
I mainly lurk, but I always make at least one thread a month for VS. I recently made a thread to dump the first volume of Wombs as well. I'll probably do it again when I translate a couple more chapters from volume 2.
I sometimes forget what a cool artist Tezuka is. When a manga is drawn this well, I can't understand why anyone would just call it trash.
That guy with his arms coming out of his cheeks is one of Tezuka's funniest drawings for me.
This was also shortly after Go Nagai's Harenchi Gakuen came out, which got soccer moms all anally devastated.
Yeah, it's the reason why Yakeppachi is sometimes referred to as Tezuka's attempt at Harenchi Gakuen.
Hey Hox, have you been reading this?
Not actively, but I haven't forgotten about it. I do plan on picking i up, just not sure when.
Will we ever see Harenchi Gakuen scanlated one day?
Maybe Happyscans will? They do a ton of Nagai Go stuff. Go ask them about it.
They even did Nagai's Kama Sutra manga some years ago.
They did.
I'm hoping they do Harenchi Gakuen one day since that's kinda Nagai's big hit. Also Gekiman but that's a topic for another day.
I don't read much Tezuka (other than buddha, dororo and unico), but this one seems interesting enough.
I'd imagine this manga would easily trigger sjws
What does Sup Forums think of the Astro Boy omnibuses released a while back? I need to get two soon since three is almost out but I'm 2/3rds of the way through one. The allegorical traits of the American civil rights movement is pretty obvious within the stories but it's still incredibly interesting.
I hope Dark Horse acquire the rights to Black Jack and release it in omnibus format, that would be amazing.
Definitely, though that's a low bar since they get triggered by just about anything these days,
Alright, I'm gonna stop posting here for now. If the thread isn't dead in 2 hours from now, I'll probably come back to finish dumping the volume.
come on you can't stop now
please don't go
Sorry I got stuff to do.
In case people aren't aware, download links for the first volume can be found at my site: hoxtranslations.blogspot.com
I'll continue dumping in his place.