How can we still deny this image?

I'm being serious Sup Forums. What more proof we need?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Typhus is a terrible thing.

People don't deny that lots of people died in WW2, they just question the numbers.

Wow, that looks like at least 2 million there alone

Deny what? Typhus victims, and starving Prisoners? Imagine if the US mainland was invaded in WW2, supplies were limited, would you feed prisoners or would you feed soldiers?

woah i literally saw the same post on the jfk thread
is this a meme now?

nobody is denying that people died there. Holocaust revisionism claims that people died of starvation and disease, due to Germany's infratructure being bombed to shreds rendering them unable to supply the camps with food and medicine.

The picture and video you posted actually supports that claim, seeing how all the bodies are of people who obviously starved.

This stuff happened in basically every single concentration camp ever... it happened to the south african boers in english camps. It happened to the germans in US camps, etc, etc.

i'm currently researching this issue myself, but revesionists DO make a lot of reasonable arguements that really gets you thinking. Dead bodies and a pile of shoes doesn't say anything about HOW people died and it could obviously be used to emotionally manipulate the masses into believing all sorts of stuff.

But hey... just my two cents.

that image is real
would the nazis not burn or bury the bodies, risking disease?
Did they die of gassing? no, it seems they were not fed. I wonder why they weren't fed.

>being this new

and you know what's even worse? Jewish people nowadays are just as much being manipulated by the powers that be; the holocaust served as a foundational mythos for the jewish people in the 21st century, with the purpose of strenghtening internal cohesion and tribalism - a must for such a tiny state placed right in the middle of a whole bunch of arabic/muslim countries. But it still remains a form of mass psychological abuse... can you imagine what it would be like if you'd grow up, thinking the entire world is out to get you.

Man... we're all fucking victims. Satan devides and rules the world with lies and powerfull deceit.

>How can we still deny this image?


This nigger gets it.

>F-F-FUCKING KIKE, although I cannot link to a single study done by historians that links allied bombing with food shortages in camps, CIVILIANS PUT INTO CAMPS AGAINST THEIR WILL AND WORKED AND STARVED TO DEATH ARE N_O_T HOLOCAUST VICTIMS!!!!!! just gassing victims are, according to my arbitrary definition.

Now that we have established Nazism is guilt free, can we please turn America into a white ethnostate plox? K thx

that's 5 million bodies at most

Which is funny, because holocaust revisionists have spent the last 4 decades trying to prove gas chambers are a hoax, or that there was no written order, but these past 4 decades none of them has been able to prove even a single concentration camp suffered massive loss of food supplies for the inmates DUE to allied bombing.

There's literally just a single letter by a camp officer saying recent allied raids have made things tougher and that's that. Could have been Monday's supply of Zyklon during week 34 of 1943. Nothing systematic whatsoever.

Where are all the Faurisson essays linking allied bombing to concentration camps? He cant name a single raid, date, bomber squadron.


The image is real. The holocaust is not. What are you, five years old?

Polaks (jews), travellers, significantly diseased...


A million Germans didn't die in western POW camps so there's one lie for a start, Russian ones maybe.

Your country is being bombed by 7 nations and you think they are gonna feed these Jew niggers with typhus? Have you seen small towns that get fucked up by a tornado or any natural disaster? Now imagine a world war you fucking kike lover


I honestly hope those are all jews

There were perhaps some elements of the prank that maybe one wouldn't repeat. But that's about the extent of it.

> Round people up in concentration camps
> Lose war, supply links cut due to arial bombing
> People in concentration camps get thypus and malnourished

Wow so uniquely evil. If those people actually were gassed (literally no one was) they'd be extremely dangerous, cyandide clings to clothes and skin.

I bet you can't find a single sonder commando that has the chronic effects of cyanide exposure from handling the bodies.

Fake and gay. I've seen many shops and I can tell this is one by the pixels.

An apple is an apple and you're calling it a kiwi here.

Tragic but that is what happens when Typhus ravages a work camp due to the evil genocidal Allies bombing the supply lies and preventing those proud workers from much needed medical supplies. I hate FDR now!

There's no need to prove they are a hoax, because there is literally no proof they were real.

As for the food not being there... You're a fucking retard. I've known Germans that starved during the war and were later raped by Allied forces.

You should go fuck yourself. Especially with that faggot flag of yours.

There were no bombings of concentration camps as far as i know, but it is a proven fact that most deaths in the camps occured during the last phase of the war, which would be very logical considering the german infrastructure was all but evaporated.

Also, speaking about aerial missions in relation to the camps... the allies regularly flew reconnaissance mission over the camps and took a whole bunch of pictures; none of them showed any signs of endless plumes of smoke, piles of dead bodies, etc. None of it.

It must have happened very fast somewhere during the very last stages of the war, when all was in shambles so to speak. A human can starve to death in less then 20 or 30 days, mind you.

There are so many things that just won't add up that i cant even begin to list them here. It's obvious to me that this was not only a military war, it was also an ideological war. When it was over, they had to make sure that there wouldnt be a revival of national socialism so the propaganda machine was turned on full power.

Sure, horrible and downright evil shit happened during ww2. I'm not denying it. Its just that the official narrative completely falls apart when you invest just a tiny amount of time into researching it.

Don't even bother with those people. They think ass backwards. "I don't have to prove it's real, you have to prove it's not real." Fucking retards.

If you listen to faggots like this: ,
You would understand that one of the most destructive bombing campaigns in history was a minor inconvenience with little proof to back it up.

Are you fucking retarded mate? Allied bombing somehow magically didn't affect concentration camps? Did the train bringing food aushowitz have special powers that allowed it to run over ruined tracks?

Pic related you retarded scum. Nordhausen concentration camp. Notice the not original state of camp buildings. Also note pictures of the bodies were used as evidence of the holocaust.

are you also retarded

learned something new then. Thanks for the info. Doesn't change anything tho. Was that camp bombed by the allies?

Looks like a bunch of Jews who starved to death after German railroads were bombed.



None, I know Jews holodomered many slavs


yeah sorry I was angry at the other guy and didn't read your post.

On April 3th, 1945, Nordhausen was bombed by the US Air Force. On August 24, 1944, the U.S. Army Air Forces carried out a bombing operation against a factory adjacent to the Buchenwald concentration camp. Etc Etc

Who didn't the allies bomb? The British even killed thousands of French cause they didn't want the french fleet given to the Germans

Jews are fucking liars

So wait why did they gas them and not starve them all out then?

Sure looks like some starved to death and some were fed to me I dunno though it hard to tell a shill OP with a bait thread and the exact context he is implying

A mix of:

>prisoners of war dying from Typhus
>the German government being unable to get supplies to camps in the late stages of war due to Soviets and Americans specifically targeting infrastructure and civilians
>doctored images

All to point the allies as the good guys and the nazis as evil and to justify murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children in Japan.