Why the fuck is nobody talking about this?


Other urls found in this thread:



City people all voted for Hillary

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf

Because the real Jesus Campos is dead and incinerated somewhere and the Feds put a fat impersonator on Ellen as a subtle hint to the rest of us that we better stop asking questions or we'll end up as ashes too

Austrailians fuck their cousins

Tucker on now talking about it.
Such BS. F$&@ Mandalay

Jesus take the hard drive
Take it from this country

>(((Reportedly left the country)))
Who are they trying to fool here?

If Jesus Campos was found dead in a ditch, he'd be Jesus Compost.

Australians fuck sheep



Stop culturally appropriating leaf culture you damn bogan!

Tucker was skeptical as fuck about MGM's role in handling Campos

Don't let them intimidate you. I'll admit I was nervous to even start this thread because I've been lurking here for almost 10 years and never post but this is by far the most consequential happening that I've ever seen, in my mind this is the most serious national tragedy since 9/11.

Literally 90% of threads on here about bullshit topics like race and women are started by either useful retards or shills

We deserve answers and shouldn't stop fighting for answers no matter the danger

Kys yourself fucking shill faggot

Tucker just did...

Fishy as fuck

Did anyone notice how David Hickey kept looking up and to the right whenever Tucker asked him questions?

It's almost as if he was reading his answers or getting queues from someone else.

Well, that wasn't Jesus Campos anyway

After the shooting, MGM Resorts came to an understanding with the Cartels. The shooting was designed to send a message to Las Vegas, and the message was received. Now all parties are ready to put it to bed.
Time to sleep, user.

The only explanation for the lack of clarity in this case that I can think of is obstruction by these fucking casino cunts

How did he get back in the country/past border control without setting off any red flags? What the fuck did he do in Mexico and wasn't he supposedly home recovering?

The only media personality I still trust

I can't stop yawning.
I'm so tired. I just want to sleep.

Nice one

That looks more like acne than moles

What message is that?

They didn't even try to explain the band-aid did they


This is twisting me in half right now. I met the union head Hickey years ago, he and his union was shady as fuck then as he is tonight on Tucker Carlson. Claims if you work for the “house” you don’t need a license, only if your under contract?? Any autists want to research that? Don’t seem right. His body language was so obvious. Looking down between answers. Still works for MBay? So where is he now? Back from his Mexican vacation? And not back at work? Why not ask about that awards pic? From a restaurant that was redesigned in a July? Love to see his answer to that! Obvious MGM owns this guy!

how does some random guy leave the country.

He also changed skin tone and gained 50lbs in that time too.

weird considering Oswald the guy who killed JFK did the same thing and left to mexico right after.

He went to Mexico leaving his family back in LV with Laura Loomer outside their door?
Not suspicious at all.




t. jew

If he did deliver the hard drive to Mexico, the entire DEA investigating Paddock makes it even more sense of gun runner...

m.lasvegassun.com/news/2002/aug/06/training-of-security-guards-scrutinized/ it explains it in there

Care to elaborate?

Salon is talking about this.
It's facepalm worthy.
They just make it about the poor mexican and "the evils of old white men." - Literal quote

Didn't touch on ANY of the fishy shit about Campos, of which there is enough to feed his whole village with, I'm sure.

^ meant to add

stage makeup covers moles, fool.

mandalay bay wanted to get him away from the media to coach his version of events to limit exposure to civil lawsuit litigation

Talking about what, user? Nothing happened in Vegas. All swept up. No loose ends. Stop asking questions your ((((superiors)))) don''t want asked.

Now go to Vegas and spend your shekels at any of MGM's fine resort properties, goyim.

Tucker broke this last night.