Best country in western europe?

anything in pic counts.

One of these is not like the rest

We are Nordic, not Western. Skyrim for the Nords, fuck off Imperialists.


Once my friends from NZ went to Iceland and let a black man into their hotel room and he beat and raped one of them (read: rough consensual drunk sex between a nignog and an entitled white girl) and refused to leave. They called the police, who asked if the victim was Icelandic. The victim was not Icelandic, so they didn't come to take the report.

Netherlands? Flevoland seems to have switched places with the afsluitdijk.

nah I meant Portugal is 3rd world compared to the others

They're all long past their prime, in all honesty.

They've been ruined just like our country, but we're not quite as bad as they are yet. Most developed countries fucking suck these days, with a deteriorating unique culture and "sameness" forming in all of them.

Sweden, UK, Germany. Hard to pick one, they are all so good...

Latin Europe and France are not Western Europe. Finland of course

>leaving white countries out on purpose
fine with me


Unironically Portugal. I went to Porto on holiday once and it amazed me how portuguese it was. Lots of history and culture and it didn't fall the multiculturism meme. Beautiful place too

It's Iceland, because they're small they've been left alone by the globalists so far avoided Islamisation and "enrichment".

Portugal had colonies it is not third world

Norway is western.

We will come for sweden soon.

You have no idea how invaded we are.
We are becoming slaves for tourists.
Getting divided like the rest of world.
Worshiping humanism and people are waking up homeless.

Czech Republic

Sweden will get gang banged by R1brope.

eastern europe you sperg

Aside from the parasites in paris, i heard France is realy good, cannes is beautiful

You, you potatoe nigger.

Hungary, based western Europe

Independent Empire of Scotland! The Land of William Wallace and Connor MacLeod

>implying it's even a discussion
you can all kiss my ass.
ps. we're full

he looks like white shaq

The fact you added Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland is hilarious.

>doesn’t understand European geography at all

And somehow the Nordic countries are in it for western topkek

>Portugal had colonies
So did Iran
