This world is so fucking depressing ... White people are being ethnically replaced at an alarming rate in my country. We went from being over 97% white in the 1970's to being just over half white in 2016. If I did have children, they would have no place in the world. What is the point of living when western civilization will inevitably collapse within the next 3-4 decades? Why bother suffering and watching my country become more brown every year ..
Thinking about ending it all tonight
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Can I have your copy of swank
does it really matter what color we are? We are all human and basically want the same things from life. Humans of all races are not as different as some people portray them to be.
So you die for browns to have their ways?
Create more perfect hybrid with Asian and punish brown. I'll help you too so stay calm and keeps moving on senpai
>We are all human and basically want the same things from life
so explain to me why i can't send my daughter to school with pork, exactly
>western civilization will inevitably collapse within the next 3-4 decades?
5-8 years, tops
I'm sticking around for the racewar
Yes white person! Another fallen for the nigger legacy.
Brown people destabilize whatever country they go to .. Canada and America were created and built by white Europeans who embodied the principles of individual liberty and freedom. What we have right now will not exist in the future if things continue the way they are going.
instead of going to hell for suicide, why not go to hell for being a living moonman?
Nobody cares.
Suicide is the ultimate cuck move. And I say this as someone who almost killed himself too about 6 years ago (shit, has it already been that long?).
Look, things suck right now. But don't lose hope. There will be better times in the future. Keep strong. Keep going. Don't give up. Seek help. What helped me was that I went back to God and it brought so much peace into my life. You have other options. Don't kill yourself.
If white people lay down and die the hopes and dreams for this species die with it. We have been given the burden of carrying on our people's legacy at this critical time. We should honor our ancestor, not cuck out.
> white people are being replaced
> replaces himself
Good bye leaf, no one will miss you.
You could have had it all, but no lets give the chinks to buy property all over, let's allow fucking Somalis to nest everywhere unchecked, oh yeah let's open our border to the fucking philippine Muslims as well, and the new let's import US niggers fleeing deportation.
You had it coming, now sit back and enjoy while the country you're forefathers bleed to build turns into a third world sewage.
Anyone have the news story on that, did she die? She has to be fucked up though
>does it really matter what color we are?
No, as long as you stay in your brown/yellow/black country
You little, helpless, pathetic, selfish cunt. Rise and fight, as your ancestors did. Generation after generation. Look at you "Oh this cosy comfy degenerate comfort we had for 70 years is evaporating, oh shit I can not live my selfish pathetic worm life anymore, better end it".
Do it fucking faggot. And erase your racial identity before. We don't want to associate with such a pitiful, little runt of a maggot. This is not a drill. This a fight for survival. Die to purify your people or die to make a path for it. Either way. Cunt
But you have white privilege..
Whatever is good and beautiful, think about those things.
I think she died.
>you're forefathers bleed
lol ok but desu Canada always was a multi-ethnic anglo blood zoo from the begging established by cucked traitors too cowardly to fight in the American revolution who then got BTFO by drunk fenian Irishmen from Boston and later had conscription riots because too cowardly to fight in ww1 and 2 and where they did fight nothing of value was accomplished anyway it was always in America's shadow and will never be a real country anyway and never had a culture except being cucked englishmen who were not even wanted by the empire in the end and now there's no culture period because there never was one hence the first postnantional state it's easy to be postnantional when it's all fake anyway no matter how many flags you hang all over the place it's still fake and everyone knows it too
t. second generation immigrant
Yeah I found the story via google. She did indeed die. She was a mom apparently too
Why don't you try moving if you feel like your life is invalidated in your current state of living?
I'm sure one of our more rural states will welcome you warmly in America (provided you adjust to our country's traditions).
Suicide is the ultimate cowardice. The world is fucked right now and it will only get worse if whites lay down and die. You should feel blessed that you live in a time that our people are in such a bad state. The drive to save your people should push you to become the greatest form of yourself and save what we love
Don't do it leaf. As much as I hate your kind, we need you leafs to poke fun at.
LARPing as suicidal is pathetic
You know dick all of Canadian blood that's run thru the flag and our dieppe moment, are you a hapa?
try my way of thinking, be nostalgic for what the future holds.
I know that feel OP
I was about to do it but then Trump ran for office.
I bet my life savings on him winning. The campaign reignited my flame and I've dedicated myself to preventing the dystopia you're talking about or building something new from the ashes.
What keeps me sane when I commute into Toronto surrounded by these fucking chinks and pakis and bugpeople is listening to Fash the Nation and the Daily Shoah.
I knew a dude than ended himself innawoods at the age of 25 and apparently wanted his body eaten by wild animals. They found him before it came to that. His wife was qt.
anyway anyway anyway = kys
god those wrecked leaves falling from the trees in droves, is it fucking Autumn ? Well it IS damn fucking Autumn. TIME TO DRAW THE RAKES
> muh 900 Irishmen died and now we're a nation
It was fucking nothing. Seriously people laugh at this shit nobody knows about it anywhere else because it was so fucking insignificant in the first place outside of nation building propaganda taught in schools. I'm a non-white slav btw
>doing the kikes' job for them
What the fuck, man. If they want me dead they'll have to kill me themselves.
>Thinking about ending it all tonight
A few weeks ago my cousin's 15 year old kid got ahold of step-dads handgun and ended it. I am pretty certain he was a Sup Forumstard, but it was never directly brought up.
His funeral was packed. People were sitting in the parking lot, the foyer...If he knew how much support he had, I am certain he would have never done it.
The hardest thing for any strong individual to do is ask for help. I overcome alcoholism one day at a time because I ask for help.
Again, this was not even a month ago. I always see threads like this and always give my 2 cents. Trust me, you are worth more to us alive than dead.
Think about it, and perhaps call your best friend. Have a conversation. Me personally, I will fixate, and enlarge small issues to cosmic sizes. I understand.
Good luck user. Ill pray for you!
Don't do it /syrup/bro. Just emigrate to the US. Our gun, tax, and speech laws are phenomenal. Come to the US and get your dick wet and smelly with our gorgeous Texas cowgirls and live your life the way you want.
ending it over brown people? You're doing their work for them
Fight and resist. We need people who think like you do (without the suicide part)
OP prove youre not a faggot and live with God.
All the suicidal white males in Canada should band together and seize some land up north.
Get enough people and I doubt even the Canadian military can do shit.
>Canadians can't take pork to school
Did you really get jew'd that hard already? Oh wait it's Canada- of course you did.
Holy kek we have some nasty burger here.
Russian storytelling. Thanks for bringing your unique universe here Russia. We need more of these leaves to go innawoods. Will probably be eaten by chinks
He majored in French literature by the way and was a fan of French black metal. You can check out his black metal band,
just fucking do it. fucking hang yourself
why don't you first travel to any third world shithole and see for yourself what most of us are trying to escape. just because we lost the life lottery before we are born, do we have to suffer and be condemned to stay? go fuck yourself, you fucking pathetic whining waste of space
Don't kill yourself yet.
You lack all the information you need, once you have enough information and experience THEN decide what to do.
Basically, you haven't been aware of all of this shit to really know what to think yet. For all you know reality is an acquired taste.
Will try this when my kid starts school. Wil go directly to principal if they give him shit. Eaing bacon is my religion.
You should be thankful your country isn't being invaded by foreigners. You are privileged.
user, you must stay. The Great Monarch is yet to come. Come on Northern Brother! Live on!
user, as our neighbor to the North, I can sympathize. My daughter is 14. 14 years ago I NEVER thought shit would get this bad. If I had, I never would’ve had her. We all have shit days like this. It’s a struggle to leave my bed most days. I do force myself to put Sup Forums away, take a walk or watch something that makes me laugh. We all need these things
Don't do it man. Life is precious and short. Go to the gym, go to church. Take care of your family and people around you. Be someone others will admire. You will die one day anyway, so do the best you can with your time. Don't give up
Well neither French literature nor black metal would have helped him to pull himself together to say the least. RIP and stay alive please
What the hell hit her?
remember a revolution is a spectators sport user.
You fucking faggot. Don’t you goddamn dare. We need you, you selfish prick. Jesus Christ user. I love you.
I know that feel, I'm doing it because I was too stupid to get into college. Even.Community College. But even if you went to college, do you ever kick yourself for not getting better grades from a young age like elementary school,or doing more clubs and becoming inteligent enough to get into a University like Oxford,Harvard,MIT,Cambridge,Caltech? I mean, do you ever wish your parents sent you to private school, and locked you in your room allday to study and only allowed you to use the computer for education purposes and made you read educational books to get into a top 20 world Uni?
Don't give in to the suffering they've put upon you. Make THEM suffer.
If you do it, the Jews win
Dedicate yourself to collapsing the welfare state, or undermining the system by spreading conspiracy theories, or prepping for the inevitable race war. When the system collapses, white people will have the advantage again, simply because we can get our shit together enough to survive a Canadian winter without any gibs.
Whites are smarter, more egoistic, and more organized than other races. We are going to win in the end, believe me. There will be hard times, harder for some than others, but this ends only one way.
Please stop with that "this timeline is too fucked to have kids", all of you. Your perceived duty to your children is nothing compared to your duty to your people, and through them mankind, and Life. At least they will have meaningful lives or die. Comfy peace just make for more borderline suicidal idle poor things like OP larping.
God protect you and her btw
Take someone important with you.
Be the change you wanted to see.
Not more egoistic, not at all. But less collectivist (Blacks are super egoist, and yet super collectivist for example).
This is sth people have a hard time to understand because those concepts are ill-differentiated somehow.
Whites are the lest collectivist of all races, and yet the lest egoistic too
youre canadian, so youre kind of fucked with your shitty government, but PLZ DONT DO IT user, we need everybody who is aware of whats going on to be working at full potential.
Just vote that cuckold Trudeau out at next opportunity and reap the endless rewards
I feel you user.
Having a particularly difficult night myself being reminded once again of how miserable things are for me and the world as a whole.
The only thing that keeps me anchored is my kid. I lost my faith a long time ago but it's times like these that make me think my kid wasn't an accident.
Don't do it, but if you ever did, listen to . Just don't let it lead back to here.
Don't my nigga
BOOM! Headshot!
>live stream?
Do it.
do you have a daughter I can fuck. You'll have great Hapa kids.
oh wait maybe you a youngfag. how about a sister?
Do it.
Dude this happens every 1000 years then the whites come back 12,000% stronger check the Renaissance right after the black plague. It is not even close to that bad yet. Stick around for the new Renaissance :)
Don't! This, from a lurk who's not allowed to post yet!
Suicide is pointless. Walk off into the horizon with nothing to lose before that my friend.
Build and make your lands great nigger. Stop stealing whitey's shit. You fucking idiots have had chance after chance but you'd rather go and eat your neighbour or kill a baboon. Fucking savages.