UK stabbed US in the back

CIA suspected the UK of supplying Cuba with machinery and replacement parts during the blockade of the island


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delete this

WTF Dad!





whoops haha, sorry old chaps. these things happen sometimes you know how it is


Hope this was worth it, you Bongs

The Limey Gap!

fuck off with that charmingly outdated talk you trash man. you gave them stuffs and we said they are not to have new stuffs. we were very clear on the topic of stuffs

Our oldest enemy...
>tfw you have to nuke your own dad


>t. (((Oaksworth)))

We traded with them too, who cares.


The US stabs the UK in the back 100 times a day and has done so since ww2

Oswald was in a building owned by MI6 the day before the assassination

We'll rake you after we are done with the Brits


>ZOGmerica threatening to destroy more European countries
>ZOGmerica mad because UK does once what ZOGmerica does hundreds of times

What a surprise. Shameless 30% white enforcer of international jewry.

Pure coincidence, old chap.

CIA killed your princess

>provides no evidence
t. an intellectual fascist

Hello pot I'm kettle
I guess it runs in the family


no the queen did
Why would the World Trade Center be interested in film footage of Oswald handing out commie pamphlets?

come on mate no need for all that, let's have a drink instead. what were we even arguing about anyway who can even remember eh?

Dry your eyes

>Forces us to Federal reserve.
>Preps the way for (((world wars))).

ONLY 100? Up your game America.

oops wrong thread, my bad


you forgot your proxy, shill fuck

Shush, you. Move along.

Crown Intelligence Agency


>Sucking up to a mongrelized enforcer of zog and destroyer of white countries


We still gave you intel and passive assistance.

We trashed the Rio Pact by doing so.

yanks are one of the boys and i do care for them but a guys gotta eat

we have the commonwealth and UN and NATO and we are big members advocating for global peace..........while selling barrel bombs to the saudis lol

you saw nothing

US conned your empire and status as a superpower


MI5/CIA would like a word with you about blabbing our secrets. Too many Aryans watching these boards.......



>your dad sells stuff to your enemies
>your brother above you is a faggot
>your neighbor below you keeps coming into your house without permission
>your cousin keeps calling you a cunt
>your oldest ally is a socialist cunt
>pretty much everyone else hates you or wants to kill you
>your only real friend is a bunch of basement dwelling cartoon drawing slopes
Being an amerifat is suffering

At least we have each other

I thought we were friends with the Brits at least. I'm actually a little bit hurt by this. ;_;

The U.S. Hegemony is just a continuation of the British Empire.

I suppose you'll be invading London now?

that would be bad i'm sad about that.

Yeah we're going to come clean up your neighborhoods for you. We have a penchant for shooting Muslims now after all.


On number 3, one would assume that it was british diplomats who where telling ours that they where prepared to hand over the Falklands. Is it our fault if what you're diplomats where telling us differed from what Thatcher and public sentiment demanded? Where did the dissention on the third point come from, you or us?

I don't really give a fuck, you guys could gas the whole of Argentina and turn it into a giant crumpet factory as far as i'm concerned. We just have to pretend to be against it because of "muh Monroe doctrine" but secretly we would all be rooting for you.

>your eternal ally controls your gov and shats on your people


shhh shut up canada we need their money


Kill all the mudslimes, hang Mr. "Part and Parcel", try the current Parliament for treason, and restore the Monarchy.

Sounds like a plan.

I'll be part of the resistance, you can count on me to do my duty.

Get you bicycle wheels ready

Macmillan would never have betrayed JFK like that

Mexicans trying to smear us?

This will be the shit that the looneys will link the entire past to. Thinking this release will close doors, maybe some closure. There's going to be enough information and enough missing that people will be linking last 50 years of events to these documents.
Princess Diana's death will be linked to Kennedy somehow.

>Cuba let the ruskies park nukes to aim at DC, Fidel told them to fucking do it already

>Argie helicopter ride-givers tried to zerg rush some useless fucking islands in the middle of fucking nowhere that has more sheep than people

not really the same is it bongo is it

It will be funny to sea massive recognition of americans, what Britain still strong and is the main enemy of USA abount the world.
Ofc, all destructive manipulations with niggers, latinos and president scandal were organized not by Russian, but by British spies.
Americans have 5-10 years before collapse of USA, so choose new home wisely - France and Japan are best countries, while UK and British dominions are hostile zones.

>Barrel bombs
>Saudi Arabi

Just no you fucking idiot.
Barrel bombs are improvised munitions. The Saudis' use the latest and most effective killing munitions not an oil barrel droppednfrom a helicopter. Fucking embarrasing. Cringey cunt.

Perfect pic.

"Yes, I did it! And I'd do it again!!"

>Americans have 5-10 years before collapse of USA, so choose new home wisely

Half of our states have economies the size of Russia’s. We’ll be fine. Thanks for your concern.

Also, fuck the British.