What will it take for Americans to use public transportation?
What will it take for Americans to use public transportation?
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Lack of niggers.
coupons for free big macs for frequent riders
>typical eurotard has no clue about america and why public transportation does not work here
don't you have to prep that bull for your wife now?
I bought a car just to stop using it, got tired of loud niggers rapping and drinking malt liqour next to me.
it's unreliable here unless you live in Jew York or the like
I know you're shitposting under a meme flag OP because you're so embarrassed about your own country.
I also know this is a b8 thread but things are more spread out in America. We don't clump up in groups because there is no space anywhere to be ackbar'd by some sandnigger in the streets like you do.
Why doesn't work then?
Anti nigger police on every bus.
Better public transportation
Because niggers.
Good public transportation.
A carbon tax and government subsidies.
Removal of the non-white cancer.
Dude even our roads are shit. Public infrastructure sucks in the US. We don't get enough funding for this. Some cities are getting better at public transportation though. It'll take a while, but we'll get there.
>tfw take light rail to work (paid for by work)
Beats traffic that’s for damn sure, downside is being packed next to other commuters and standing for the whole ride
public transportation works when population density is high. the vast majority of the united states is rural. Even the populated areas (LA, SF) sprawl out to such large areas it's impossible to effectively cover everything.
>public transportation
>a big city/college town issue
>implying Sup Forums cares about lefty strongholds
it doesn't work because our entire country is held captive by big oil and the car companies, we designed almost all of our modern cities and neighborhoods around everyone having a car
if I take my local city bus somewhere it will take me an hour where if I take my car it will take less than 15 minutes
we need to redesign how and where people live here but who knows if that will ever happen
>another public transportation thread
wow OP is literally a faggot
the country's also huge. i commute 3 hours a day total in a car, do you expect me to hop on busses and trains all the way?
remove niggers and spics
Wtf people how hard it is to takes a damn bus without racism.
Already established infrastructure. In europe you can drive 45 minutes and be in another country, here you can just be at the next city. Putting in public transport without it having been designed to be integrated now would have an astronomical cost and is inefficient. They're going to wait until the last conceivable moment to put in public transportation that is effective, just like the water issue in california.
You do realize that around the area you have the 95, 295, 495 and 395. There will always be traffic. Most people live south of D.C. and commute up every day. Fuck that area.
high gas prices.
dead fatties.
It's just more buses.
If you actually used them.
Oh how cool youre on 395...evsryday i roll on that road on that same path. 5 am is the best time.. no b.s. traffic
You would think that. A 45 minute drive in car would take at least twice as long due to the stops in the route in major metropolitan areas. If you think that it makes sense to sink 1.5-2.0 hours for each leg of the trip to work feel free to think it's efficient. It isn't.
vehicles not existing?
It's actually because things are too spread out in most places that aren't urban hubs. Plenty of people use public transport in cities like NYC.
But there is no way to build a public transit network that accounts for suburbs. It's the same reason you can't a metro from Paris to Troyes. There are trains similar to how there are trains from NYC to New Haven, but some people still drive.
Simple. Make it so niggers and spics aren't allowed to use it.
Fee for service pricing. No tax subsidies. Demand based pricing. It needs to be less crowded and free of poorfags during peak commuting times.
I don't want to ride with sick people and it would be nice if you could be guaranteed a seat in advance. Also ethnostate
Good luck taking public transit to your house in the prairies.
White only transportation options
You can make express routes for long distance and smaller buses for shorter distances.
If you actually used them.
Theres no good excuse though
Already use public transportation every day. Faster and cheaper than driving. More would use it though if our infrastructure was upgraded and nigs stopped chimping out.
They have that in Hawaii and guess what? They're jam packed as well because you usually need to establish contraflow lanes to accommodate the bus route and hov drivers already use them as well. Have you ever lived here or are you just being contrarian for the sake of doing so? I don't think you're retarded yet but you're making one hell of a case for it.
Public transport use is higher in other European countries though. Britain probably followed the 'American model'.
You take public transit, and now you're stuck on the same highway in a bus with other people, instead of your car. What's the point?
I have never lived there but public transport works on Buenos Aires with 15 million people and full of nigers.
If you don't live in a major city you don't even know how bad it is.
I once had to get off a bus because a wild nigger brandished a knife and threatened to stab the guy next to me.
I ride a bike, drive my car or walk.
I will not be around that shit.
Buenos Aires population is 2.891 million... user I think you have a lot of facts mixed up. You should do some research on where you live and why it works where you do.
- Nigger's razor
1. To determine if the weight of a problem is affected by a reducing niggers from the equation.
t. 20 hour commute
You realize the very Transit Corridor your picture of served tens of thousands of public transit a day right? Your picture clearly crops out the hov and bus lane and doesn't even account for the fact that there's an underground Subway
I work and live in the suburbs, so I luckily never have to use public transport It's awesome.
When I commuted to the inner city while at college I did take a bus in because I was poor and didn't want to pay for all the gas and parking costs. It honestly wasn't that bad, but it was still way worse than just driving in by myself, which is what I did for a while after I got my first job and finished off my degree.
I don't live here and that number only accounts for the old city there's transport for the entire urban area of mar del plata.
Nothing worse than being stuck in a bus, cinema or foodcourt with niggers.
It's just a countdown until they cycle up from dormant to "chimp out" if they're in a group.
>Britain probably followed the 'American model'.
No, it didn't. It's because London is enormous.
Less niggers on the bus screaming at their baby mamma's on their obamaphones when I'm trying to unwind from a day at work would be a start.
>administrative borders define the size of a city
So I suppose that you'd agree that Atlanta has a population of 470k and Orlando 270k?
the DC metro trains are packed in the morning and late afternoon, there are too many people in this area
When the first post is literally the only possible answer.
Public transportation
>Niggers razor indeed
It would take massive cuts to gibs so we have money to fund infrastructure improvements.
Rural retard here. More than half of the people on my buses are meth junkies that smell like piss
>wake up at 7am
>get ready and on the bus by 8am
>as i get on, the overwhelming oder of weed and nigger stank fills my nostrils
>i look around, not an empty seat, forced to stand my 30 block commute.
>Jamal don't like the way Tyrone is breathing so a fight breaks out
>Shanaynay and Tuhnika screaming
>i get shoved and drop my container of spaghetti
>nigger slips on it, blames me, wants to square up
>i let out a "I.. m.. marched for black l..lives m..matter"
>get called a racist
>get stabbed
White ethnostate
Niggers have no respect for public transit, so as long as those monkeys trash it and hop turnstiles, nobody will be willing to invest in it. I visited Chicago not long ago, and they have one of the best public transit systems in the country. I watched as a nigger got aboard and spit directly on the floor, over and over, for the entire duration of his trip. It was sickening and infuriating. Fuck niggers. Ban them from public transit and maybe the investment will be justified.
Oh it gets plenty of funding, it's just that faggot politicians pocket the money
That isn't the reason. It's because of white flight that created suburban sprawl. Whites used to live in cities, but didn't want to raise their kids around niggers so they had to move to the suburbs and (((commute))).
itt: Sup Forumsacks reveal themselves to be cowards
More of it, and make it safe, and affordable. It's literally cheaper for me to drive to SF than take BART in. Employers have to give employees extra cash here, to encourage them to use it, and to afford it. But BART and the buses are full of dindus, and not safe. I won't even go into how it doesnt run into areas it needs to, because of NIMBY liberals. Want to go to the North Bay? Sorry, have to drive, those Napa liberal shitheads have fought it since day one. They even cockblocked Obama's high speed rail boondoggle, and forced MASSIVE costs because of it.
When I lived in NY, I used Metro North into NYC. They have the city wired - trains, subway, taxis/uber, and pedestrian friendly. But going in or out? Too few trains, train lines, it's expensive, and there's not enough parking at the lots for the train stations. The waiting list for the one near me was 2-5 YEARS. Why is the parking so limited? Liberal NIMBYs. The train, even with paid parking and the cost of the train, is still less than the fucking tolls on the NYC bridges.
You want people on more public transportation? Get politicians to build more. But because of liberal regulations, it will take decades before one shovel of dirt is dug up, because of the environmental impacts, how to attach millions for "underpriviledged" riders, etc. Then, get the local municipalities from pushing fares skyhigh, as a windfall to cover their overspending.
I'd fucking love if LA, SF, Chicago, or NYC had a public transportation system as good as London. London is easy to get around, because you get can a Tube most places you want to go, have plenty of rail in and out (you can go from London to Paris on trains), and buses and taxis/uber fill in the gaps. If you're in downtown SF, and want to go to the beach, at Ocean Beach? (4-5 miles away), or the Zoo, or Golden Gate park? You HAVE to drive. Buses will take 2 hours to get there (been there). Just getting across SF peninsula is an epic journey.
The thing in Europe is that the city center is an expensive place to live in so the undesirables can't afford to live there.
A car is an extension of a man's soul.
Being European, you don't have one; so you wouldn't understand.
If the cars are packed, they need more cars more frequently. BART has the same problem. During rush hour, too many people are using too few trains. They're every 20 minutes, they need to be 10 minutes, and they need more express trains and more tracks to bypass choke points, but good luck getting that done.
You have to sit next to niggers, chinks and spics, no thanks.
>beat up or kill nigger
plastered on social media and whole life ruined if not already thrown in prison
I did. 10 hour on the Metro North to my stop. Can listen to music, or watch movies, they allow drinking on the train, the seats are somewhat comfy. Better than sitting in a freeway hoping some illegal or 18 wheeler doesn't back end me, or some airhead cunt cuts me off yacking on her fucking phone and dents my fender. Done both. Give me the train.
our inner cities are filled with both the few very rich and the many very poor. regular people live in the burbs
So how do you separate the wealthy and poor then?
Are you retarded? How is public transportation supposed to work outside cities?
A monorail on top of the 405
Bull. Shit. LA and SF and NYC use trains for the suburbs, and they fucking work, if there's enough of them.
We have enough talent and wealth in this country to have monorails for in-city transit, looping around for wide coverage, tying into trains for longer distance travel. The issue is $$$. Once you propose anything like that, the liberal start moaning and gnashing their teeth about the environmental impact and noise pollution, the unions double or triple the cost, smelling major skimming off the project, the municipalities start fighting over control, no neighborhoods will allow construction, and they propose fares that are too expensive.
LA NEEDS this, desperately. Any city with large tourism needs it. But we don't get it. Uber exists because existing transportation is inadequate and expensive, the Poos and Muslim shitheads took over the taxi fleets and ruined them, and most locations now, you can only reach by car.
What can we do about it? Fuck if I know. Kill all the liberals, politicians, unions, and dindus?
the inner core is all very rich people, the outer parts of the "inner city" are violent minorities. Then the majority of white people live out in the suberbs in nice safe environments.
Segregated busses
Not joking, Rosa Parks fucked up public transportation for the US
>get in fight with nigger
>Jessie Jackson shows up
>Media ruins your life.
>Fired from job. Blacklisted for all time. End up in prison where you get raped.
The eradication of the north american pavement ape and its close cousin, the south american taco monkey.
What we do in Chile.
Build everything high on the mountains were the poor can't reach.