Bobby Fischer & The Jews

>What Bobby Fischer had to say about Jews.

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Fischer was himself a self-hating Jew. Look at how Jewish he even looks.

>Telling the truth about the nature of Jews.
>Self hating Jew.
Seem to me he was more a man of conviction and nobility more so than a 'self hating Jew'. Reminds me of Benjamin H. Freedman, Roger Dommergue etc. Besides, there were many Jews in the third Reich, did they all 'hate' themselves, too? Dumb thing to say.
>Look at how Jewish he even looks.
I'm pretty sure it is no secret that he is a Jew.

His mum was Jewish, his dad was white. Figure out which gene dominated.

It is believed his father may have been Paul Nemenyi actually. There is quite a resemblance.
>Neményi was born to a wealthy Hungarian Jewish family on June 5, 1895 in Fiume (Rijeka).

>"He was the father of the statistician Peter Nemenyi and the probable father of former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer."

>self-hating Jew
haha, more like a jew hating jew

with good reason

>Genius level IQ, one of the greatest minds for pattern recognition in recent history.
>Oy vey, he's crazy though, he hates himself for no reason!
In my mind the guy was a honorary European, even if he was a full Jew himself.

He claimed that he was not a Jew and that the Jews were lying to discredit what he was saying, and I think that may be the case. He was intelligent, calculating, and awakened to the Jews, he could have become the next Adolf Hitler.

>He claimed that he was not a Jew and that the Jews were lying to discredit what he was saying, and I think that may be the case.

They were definitely lying about him and smearing him at any chance they got, trying to insinuate he was just a lunatic etc, that's for sure. Check out this video for some eye rolling tier bullshit about the man:

But his biological mother was definitely Jewish, Judaism is maternal, so in their eyes he was a Jew, regardless of if his father was or not.

>"They're lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They're a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people."

yeh, pretty based jew

david cole is ok too

David Cole is pretty based too for sure.

>Mark Weber & David Cole discuss the Holocaust on the Montel Williams show.



A lot of ad hominems. Why didn't he talk about some facts?

He did. He appeared on many radio talk shows and spoke at length about a variety of topics in regards to the Jewish problem.

Self hating Jews are nothing more than Jews with souls. To be called a self hating Jew is the greatest compliment an ethnic Jew can receive.

t. Self hating Jew, and now Christian

Well said. What made you turn your back on Judaism?

The background music is from a old zombie flik

That's cause Fischer was a zombie Jew.

Nice, I would also like to know ?

He was a hero. fischer

In a civilized world, Bobby Fischer would have been a King amongst men. He had the intelligence, conviction, and courage to become something we may have never seen before. More powerful than GLR and maybe even more powerful than Hitler(peace be upon him)

The amount of raw strength Bobby is capable of unleashing scares, and inspires me.

But... Sadly his time never came. And we are here. Instead. Waiting for sex bots.

He's right, you know.

If ANYONE could discover and recognize the history and patterns of Jewish behavior, it was Bobby. His whole thing was memorizing and conquering. The Jews wanted to use him as a beacon of "Jewish power" so they liked and said he was a Jew. Which he rightfully denied.

He used his powerful mind to expose the jews. In his stead, we must too expose and defeat our Hebrew enemies.

im happy that he was buried a christian.
He is in the ranks of the greatest people who called out Jewry, among the likes of Martin Luther, Hitler, and Christ himself.
it pisses me off that a near 200 IQ guy gets branded by the media as "Crazy".

Does that mean there is hope for those born Jewish, but don't follow any of the Jewish teachings? I just want to know if I am going to be Shoa'd or not.

But his mother was jewish right? He has Jewish blood, why don't you consider him a Jew?