Bad anime you were tricked by Sup Forums into watching
pic unrelated
Madoka and Evangelion.
all anime is bad
Samurai Flamenco and Sora no woto, among others.
Samurai Flamenco, Reeee: Zero, & Yuru Yuri.
Psycho Pass S1 is good and S2 still acceptable. Even normalfag like it.
You're either contrarian faggot or person with shit taste.
Psycho Pass is objectively bad though. It might be enjoyable for those easily impressed by shallow characters coupled with a gross misunderstanding of introductory philosophy.
only thing I actually hated was NGE. Everything else Sup Forums recommended was good.
You know, I can't take your reply seriously.
Psycho-Pass S2 is complete shit. Don't try to bait.
It was unique, at least. Wasn't really any more philosophical than Death Note. I watched it while it was airing, so I might be biased.
>It was unique, at least.
Ghost in the Shell did what it did a decade before it premiered but newkids cant watch anything before 2009.
Ghost in the Shell and Psycho-Pass are not the same anime, but I agree with your point.
Most of Sup Forums thought Psycho Pass was shit though.
>Ghost in the Shell and Psycho-Pass are not the same anime
They're both cop drama anime that make several references to highschool literature though while GitS only uses it for one case the confounds of Psycho Pass is based primarily on whether you read 1984 and the show promptly reminds you of it luckily Psycho Pass just gets dumber from there.
Did you really believe that haremshit can be good ?
Evangelion. Fuck you faggots.
Eureka Seven, at episode 15 I really hope it gets better.
Also not enjoying Aria or Cowboy Bebop, but only seen 6 episodes of either.
Not sure if I can call them bad though. Just boring or painful.
Oh oh!
Shamanic Princess. Literally the most boring anime I've ever seen. But that wasn't really Sup Forums as a whole, just one guy putting it in his 3x3 mahou shoujo chart.
For someone who talks about highschool literature, you can't seem to put a sentence together. 1984 wasn't referenced in Psycho-Pass from what I remember.
It definitely wasn't as big as it is now when it was airing, and S2 in particular made the fans more cancerous. Both seasons are probably on netflix or crunchyroll, I'm guessing. Nobody was taking it seriously when it was airing.
>Wasn't really any more philosophical than Death Note.
Read more books. That series clearly not for you.
Literary references doesn't make something philosophical. Are you retarded?
I liked S1 of PP
S2 was horrible but in a really entertaining way, I'm glad I watched it alongside Sup Forums altho I would not recommend it to anyone.
>1984 wasn't referenced in Psycho-Pass from what I remember.
I feel better knowing that the people who like this show don't bother paying attention to it.
>Literary references doesn't make something philosophical
We're dealing with a smart one here today folks.
I just said in my post that I didn't take it seriously. It was fun to watch while it was airing, and do you really think I care enough to memorize every literary reference they shoved in? It was fun for the plot twists.
Whether or not something is philosophical has nothing to do with how many literary references it has. What is so hard to understand about that?
pic related
I believe that Makishima mentioned it at some point. Might have been BNW though.
GiTS and Psycho Pass are entirely different series in terms of content and theme with Cyberpunk Law Enforcement being the only thing linking them.
>and do you really think I care enough to memorize every literary reference they shoved in?
>The main villain is reading a book with big numbers 1984 on it.
>The show is about dystonia taking direct ques from it and other fiction like it
Hmmm I wonder what this show is trying to tell me.
You're a fucking idiot.
season 2 was okay but not bad. Sup Forums is just contrarian as usual.
>Whether or not something is philosophical has nothing to do with how many literary references it has.
Not that guy but you're just dumb.
I only remembered the Gulliver's Travels reference and the back and forth between Makishima and his hacker about which novel their little dystopian world was based on. Why does it even matter if 1984 is referenced or not? It's a shit book.
I'm not the one who posted an ANN article and expected anyone to read it.
I loved the world-building of the first half of Psycho-Pass but the second half was fairly uninteresting and had a weak ending.
i think it was meh tier
not that weak. It was fairly interesting. Season 1 was excellent but season 2 was okay
Hunter X Hunter
>trust me it's better than Naruto! It's the best shounen ever.
Find out its just a Naruto clone but has worse characters with literally 0 dimensions with lots of homosexual overtones
>trust me it gets funny eventually and it's really good. Just keep watching!
It literally is one of the most boring shit shows I've ever watched and it never got good. Must have seen at least 20 episodes and it felt like the hugest waste of time in my life.
>trust me this is really the best shounen. All the fights are so smart!
It's literally just metrosexuals posing at each other and ass pulls one after the other.
code geass
Only if you were a highschool or an idiot or somehow think brains in a jar is a compelling plot twist.
Philosophy is inherently for retards, and you're all retards for talking about it.
I was referring to the second cour as "uninteresting", not Season 2 (which was just bad)
Literally the only two 10/10 shows in existence.
Gurren Lagann.
>the first 20 episodes
Stupid user, didn't someone tell you that you can just skip the first ~20 or 50 episodes to get to the good stuff?
>Philosophy is inherently for retards
You're even dumber than people above you.
>falling for the contrarian meme
>randomly quoting half of the thread
>Not bad
I can agree with the rest but not with Toradora. It just shit.
Too bad it's the greatest love story ever told, or I might believe you for a second.
Gunsmith Cats
Gurren lagann
The original Berserk anime.
GiTS is a cyberpunk cop show that deals with what it means to be human in a world of widespread artificial bodies and computer brains. Its plot and themes rely heavily on prosthetics and the internet as well as the focused use of extreme force by a small team of elite operators.
Psycho Pass is a cyberpunk cop show that deals with what it means to be human in a dystopian oligarchy where you are constantly monitored for thought crime and psychological conformity. Its plot and themes heavily rely on ideas of independence and freedom as well as the limitations of the system.
They're barely in the same genre and if you go into one looking for the other you're going to have a bad time. It's like calling Naruto and Basilisk the same because they're both about super-powered ninja fights.
>Shallow characters
Motherfucker you missed all of the shit going down behind the scenes then.
>Gits and PP are the same
It's easy to spot the people that miss all of the stuff going down in the backdrop of the show.
Fuck you guys. Even though I'm sure I'll annoy some people I'm going to copy pasta the analysis some other user made in the other thread.
General themes:
The main theme of pyscho pass is the moral dilemma between using a Sibil System and a totalitarian government vs disregarding them for a weaker government that at first seems like a worse choice but this older style world has important
The importance of a façade and acceptance is a common theme.
The importance of understanding and the necessity of not accepting is also a theme.
Akane’s psycho-pass is always clear because of her naivety, which is often regarded as a burden by the enforcers. This is to show how the Sibil System can actually be a weakness to an individual.
Let's see if you can have fun with these. This dump will focus mainly on themes and will reference specific scenes, so get your memory ready.
Forum arc:
Humans naturally want to fit in and adapt to others based off of expectations and this leads to lack of individuality, identity, and true purpose. The popular forum users were examples of a constant shift of their changing to expectations and this in turn affected the fan’s thought leading to a circle society.
This is shown with how after being replaced by a fan the popular forum leaders would become more popular because they were idolized by what people knew them as and what they wanted. The fan acted as such a great replacement because he understood what the masses desired.
People find things that help reaffirm their selves and make them feel happy even if it is nothing more than an empty symbol.
The villain expresses this trait by taking solace in the holograms even though their controllers were long dead. He also says that they were set free from their physical counterparts as in he considers their façade self to be a full and true human.
The villain praises the popular forum owners as true humans and gave them his purpose when they were also puppets of others like him
Because he valued the holograms as real people he thought that by studying others he could become his own person but if ulterior forces only influence his perception he is a puppet like the holograms, which is shown by how he is torn apart when the holograms lose their original personality when taken over.
People want to be together like one group and the society shows this with the Sibyl System and the forums as simply being the next step
Art arc:
Humans are complex creatures that strive for improvement powered by necessity. With self-reflection and an individual can look at the horror within them and the world to understand and learn to accept it to improve their selves.
This is shown with the villain and her father’s grotesque artwork forcing an individual to see internal horror.
When Yunizuka told the child to let out her tear lest her hue gets clouded was referencing this theme in saying that denying or ignoring sorrow is not affective but it must be dealt with and acknowledged to truly move on.
If everything is handled by another source and distress is not appreciated humans aren’t forced to analyze themselves and in turn cease progress, which effectively makes them walking corpses and is a vital aspect of happiness. In turn it was rather ironic that human’s desire for contention led them to suffering
Psycho-Pass portrays this point with the Sibyl system’s treatment plans as causing humans to become brain dead.
When confronted with a forced path even if it is a favorable one people will try to resist, which is how the arc’s villain was able to get people to do what she wanted. The Sibil System and the archaic school were these restrictions.
The school’s archaic style tied the message of blind development and servitude to the eerily relevant modern world, which in turn created an analysis of human nature. This relates to the forum’s arc message of humans desire to be closer to one another.
Cybernetic arc:
This arc opens up with a reporter interviewing a cybernetic developer. The reporter shows subdued animosity towards cybernetics as backed by the average viewer saying they would not want to have a body over fifty percent machine. The scientist then challenges the reporter to observe herself in a different perspective and thinking of her body as beyond her biological form. In her reliance on technology he says that makes the machine a part of her. This is an interesting concept that makes you further question the boundaries of self
The masses disliked the idea of surrendering their bodies to machines but as the reporter says they essentially already have, which points out that the Sibil system might be flawed. It also shows how humans turn a blind eye towards what they perceive as helpful. This analyses the development of society and its constantly shifting views of taboos. The scientist isn’t actually different from the others but merely further along the path of acceptance due to his field allowing him to see the information more clearly.
When met with something different they begin to act irrationally on their instincts. This is shown in how becoming a latent criminal will cause people to treat your whole family and associates with more contempt. Makashima also says this when he trapped the villain arc with Kogami as he wishes to see how they both react to learn their true selves.
When shoehorned into a role and a style of living people become dependent on that and cannot comprehend a different form of existence. When Akane saw that the Sibil System didn’t read Makashima as a criminal she was torn apart. Even though when her friend’s life was on the line she was unable to shoot Makashima with the shotgun. Her incessant scanning of Makashima showed that she was struggling for the Sibil System to recognize him as a criminal. This showed that she could understand its error at least to some extent but every fiber wanted to believe in the System.
Helmet arc:
Opens with a discussion of facades but this time compares it to the Sibyl System in that the system can make flaws and the requirements of humans as operators. This may refer to society as a whole being an interconnected unit that needs a level falsity to survive. This brings up the question of is the masses believing a lie needed or acceptable to preserve peace or if the truth must be met head on as has been explored in previous arcs.
Tomomi’s punishment for questioning the Sibyl system shows once again brings up the theme of acceptance and ignorance to a flaw if it cannot be fought. The people’s belief in the Sibyl system is shown as being the most important aspect and the arrest of the serial killer without the order of Sibyl once again brings up acceptance and the usage of a façade.
The use of enforcers and inspectors with the Sibyl system also shows the complexity of a system’s inability to achieve perfection and proposes the conjunction of man and machine as the apex form of progress. (Forshadowing.exe)
(Although very small and one of the many small things showing the butterflies as a flickering hologram represent the subdued and fake happiness of the world caused by the Sibyl system)
As shown before the people believe the Sibyl System to be infallible. When there were failures in the Sibyl System it showed how people would react. People reacted violently and began to believe illogical assumption to try and create meaning to the flaw that they were never prepared for. Continuing with the moral dilemma it is shown that although a totalitarian society would be like a beautiful glass sculpture it also has the ability to shatter without hopes of a solution.
When people are oppressed and everything they understood is shattered as people will not just lash out but they will also scramble to find something to take hope in such as the people with the helmets, the goons with Makashima, and the respecting citizens with violence.
A question that has existed throughout the entire series continues to persist: Is Makashima even wrong. With pure happiness people become drones and Makashima wants people to break out of their stupor and question. He wants the masses to doubt so that they can become invigorated again and not accept the ideas of another.
(The comparison of the previously low psycho-pass citizens and the helmet users was awesome)
Joining the Sibyl System is the ultimate form of acceptance. But Makashima explores the idea of the physical being directly attached to the mental and sitting back without risk is practically the same as death. How interesting is it that the Sibyl System itself is the same mindless, fearless form of life that it has been pushing upon the citizens. When Tomah was faced with death he panicked because he had always spent his time away from danger and was unable to adapt because he never had to self reflect.
(using normal humans as dominator users shows the System acknowledging its flaws)
“Humans are clever wolves not stupid sheep. We just convince ourselves we don’t know what happening.” Kogami said this in reference to why people believed in the Sibyl System and why it fell apart so easily. When not met with danger or self-reflection people will not be able to act as is needed. People themselves aren’t stupid they just belief what is false because they can’t bring themselves to face the truth.
Akane’s imagined conversation with Yuki puts forward the idea that maybe believing the lie or the façade is what people need and although they might not have decided with his or her own will the happiness and purpose they receive is not just true but natural and worthwhile. But Akane also says that people can explore who they are even with the sibyl system and that this should be natural. (needs further analysis and maybe critique from peers)
Kogami resisted the control, looked into himself, and put himself in danger because that’s his nature. Just like someone that Kogami hates.
Kogami’s realization that what he’s doing is wrong but he must do for his conviction to do the right thing truly stresses the complexity of our world’s basic morality.
Makashima’s separation from the Sibyl System as a theory for his hatred’s growth may be counteracting Makashima’s theory of human’s desire to be separate in thought.
The widespread ignorance of the masses as stated by the bio scientist could not just be equated to the Sibyl System’s tendencies to make people “empty” but merely the effects of excess, which could be taken as a commentary on the present day society that currently resides in developed nations.
“The law doesn’t protect the people. People protect the law.” This means that humans looked within themselves to find their own interpretations of the world and they brought it about. It also analyses what morality is to many people, which is the standardized code of morals for society.
Akane ended with going with and accepting the Sibyl System while still trying to fight and she embraced the façade while still planning to tear it down. This shows the merits of the shows main themes and Akane’s development through interactions with those that contradicted her previously held belief.
Since a large amount of people were insulting this masterpiece I felt the need to dump this again.
Just remember the to read this all and feel freel to critique fucking give me a (you)
These are some good secondary reading that I have earlier supplied.
There. Stop calling Psycho-Pass shallow
I thought that that Ghost in Shell show was complete shit if we're being completely honest here
>Decide to start watching it
>Watch the episode with the Earthquake machine
>Go to bed
>Wake up, discover Fukushima happened
>Notice something odd with the time
>Do some math
>The earthquake happened as I was watching that episode
>Calmly delete Gintama off my HD
I know that correlation does not imply causality, but some chances are too great to take.
well I watched NGE and psychopass back to back and while I enjoyed psychopass I didn't enjoy NGE
>He doesn't take the chance to burn Japan into the ground.
Tokyo magnitude 8.0
>oh my god so much hype
>just wait it gets really good next episode
Do we have an image for this yet? It must be a pain to copy paste it every other week.
>genuinely disliking a popular show is a meme
I didn't even dislike Psycho-Pass, solid 7/10 overall with a weak second cour.
If someone wants to turn it into a macro image to make the Psycho-Pass haters shut up that will be fine.
Angel Beats
Ano Hana
Highschool of the Dead
Probably a few others I can't remember.
Re:zero, god damn fuck this board and user's flavour of the month obsessions. I picked it up after people lost their shit over episode 15, and forced myself to at least reach that episode to see why. It was nothing special, but now I feel like I can't drop it because I've already watched more than half.
There are many popular series I didn't enjoy, but I could at least understand why others did. But re:zero is purely a case of overhyped waifubait that will be soon forgotten. More than any issues with the writing, it's just so fucking boring if you aren't a drooling retard invested in Rem. It fails in even basic, superficial entertainment.
invest in rem
>pic unrelated
Oh look, a bait thread.