LBJ killed JFK

Speaks for itself I suppose.

Other urls found in this thread:


What did the KGB have on LBJ that would incriminate him?


Duh. I've said that for years.

And this

Last paragraph saysd 2 shooters, bullet hole in windshield of car same as

ask them.

I mean it . go to one of the official Russian state gov twitter accts with this image ,post it and ask your question I bet they reply

>some russia dude says blah blah

dude fuck off

sage goes in the field


If documents really still aren't disclosed to the public, I can only wonder what they could contain. A lot of stuff in here is pretty big

Good post. I bet this is what was in the DNC office @Watergate that someone wanted to get ahold of. Nixon might have planned to put the deep state out of business. His error was using deep state operators in the process.

Russian dude =/= KGB

yeh, they contain the truth that oswald was lone shooter

the Cia likes to create chaos so they make people think they hda something to do with it

to bad pol thinks everything is suspicious

I think the first ones who will click into sync with a lot of this are the ones who traced 9/11 back through Irsn Contra, back through Watergate, to 1963.

>yeh, they contain the truth that oswald was lone shooter

Oswald was almost certainly the lone shooter but there was a lot of suspicion around him, and his own assassination by Ruby just stinks.

Please shoo, if anything, what we've already uncovered is enough to prove that this likely wasn't the case.

Other threads have some proofs that there actually may have been two.

fuck off shill, you can even see in the video that he is clearly shot in the neck and begins slouching over before the headshot


Well, Trump wants to redpill the normies at a rate they can handle, so it doesn't cause stock market crashes or riots in the street, that kind of thing. So I wonder if he told them, "Look, we're going to release enough to show that it wasn't a lone shooter, there was a conspiracy with other 'agencies' of some sort involved, but you can hold back the specifics about which Americans (GHWB) were in on it for now, while they get used to that much." That also gives the still-living guilty party time to make his final arrangements and take the "honorable" way out if he wants to.

someone call putin, all those KGB files are still lying around somewhere

If somebody could tweet something to a Russian official about this, that'd be prettt cool...

*** /JFK/ GENERAL ***



Dems have a long history of seizing power by any means it seems.

No. it's not hard to find these after all, my donkey friend.

I "Putin" a call........Vlad to be of help....