Buyfag Thread

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ITT:Cuties on a Box

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>Crunchyroll finds this to be an acceptable form of advertising


Reminder: Never.





I just want her to come already.

So, have you preordered them yet anons?

And I just want to cum all over her!

Elichi a best

Ah, so that's what they mean when they say a figure bins.


>ITT:Cuties on a Box
>on a Box
Fuckin ESL baka

Elichika a cute.

Bad nendo for a bad character from a bad show.

Anyone know where to get some Emilia figs?

anybody wanna buy this Q-T?
$70 with shipping and paypal fees.
I really need to get rid of her.
Nothing wrong with it at all, I dusted her and put her in the original box with all of her goodies.

Which of your preorders should be releasing next, lads?

I know that it isn't so long in the grand scheme of things but it still hurts.

Wish the wings on this were a bit more transparent.

>2.07 MB, 3264x2448

I hotglued her and now I can't bear looking at her

Get the fugg out of here with that disgusting gay shit user. Hotgluing is for shitty fat kids that don't ever get laid. Please.

i bought her brand new from ami ami store for 50 in akiba

for real? Shit. I guess ill have to drop that price then. No problemo, how does $60 sound? with shipping and all that other shit.

Wasn't sure what to expect considering some of the issues people have been mentioning, but she's decent. What I'd expect from Phat, at least.

At least with Alter's one on the way I know I'll be getting an even better one.

she will soon enough when november ends

Now she's out, Eli won't be able to contain herself.

>prop won't fit


>Gf does this
What do?

>but I pee from there onee-chan

>Hotgluing is for shitty fat kids that don't ever get laid.

She did that on purpose. Most of the stand wasn't even on the shelve when she let that sucker go.

out with the trash

>literally nothing but mikus and sabers

Maybe that guy is why they keep pumping out more of them.

spoiler that shit you absolute moron

Haha, that reaction pic never ever gets old. damn you for making me smile.

So, do you think he broke the figure and used thermoplastic adhesive (hotglue) to repair?

If he really did it, I wouldn't buy it.

Sauce for the video?

I love Saber!

Nice collection!

>getting this triggered over Re:Garbage

>those posable sabers on the left

Haha what the fuck

I'll cum all over you before I cum on my cute figures.

Is this enough to buy a car?

The dolls should be enough.

Probably enough for a small two year old used car with low mileage yes

Enough to buy two, maybe three cars if you're thrifty.

For sure, but cars aren't cute.

Neither are Miku or Saber though

>For sure, but cars aren't cute.
Someone post a Twingo.

Everyone loves that particular Saber. Well, accept hipsters, but what else is new?

Post Porkchop!

you mean post lewd milfs
It's a Frank Howley video, the part where she's at was filmed at the Mega64 HQ

>Someone post a Twingo.
I got u user.

>unironically liking Pochaco's autistic imouto

Just pork.


Get out.

Shit, that's enough for a down payment on a nice condo.

If you're keep tracking with excel or using MFC the total amount really jumps out at you. Like I've spent enough to buy a new mid-range BMW, but when its over a 10 year period its not really more expensive than other money dump hobbies.

I mean, a lot of people spend a LOT of money on alcohol, dining out, or 1-2 vacations over a year but because those are spent on 'experiences' the total accumulated cost doesn't really come up.

>That Über cringe video

I disagree with you on one point: in my experience, traveling is the best way to spend money.

Regardless, normal people easily spend hundreds every weekend on alcohol. Those are the biggest wasters, in my opinion. But I don't care what other people do with their money.

I really don't get the appeal of these kinds of videos. They are so popular these days.

I've tried traveling, but I really haven't found it too interesting by itself. Generally I only have a great time when I'm going with my friends but its not really any better than just hanging out with my friends normally.

It really depends on the person. I do have a few friends who love to travel and I've gone with them on a few trips. However I've found that I enjoy working on my own projects the most.

His own fault for not having his stuff in an enclosed case.

A literal cancer on the figure industry. Stop pumping out pointless rehashes of characters.

Blame the people who keep buying her then. They'll stop when it doesn't make money.

learn how business works kid


What's with Fate-shit? Why is so popular? It's not even that good


nips like it and so do I.

It's good and has incredibly likeable characters.

it's like pokemon with heroes of history and legends. What's there not to like?

Sure wish that other Pokémon show got more love. I need to get back into Sekirei.

So Saber is just Pikachu?

Exactly, she's the main partner in every season!
Even if they have to slap her face on a new person.

>Why is Fate so popular

Well she's definitely not the reason.

less fate more milfs


whos that on the side

Catlyn's kid (?) From queens blade.

based milfs cuck son

you have to go back to 2004 to understand kid
Also >>>>Reddit is that way



milk time

Alcohol is only a waste of money if you don't have friends.

Hey, I have that same Misato figure.

Alcohol is a good way to relax with or without friends, the waste of money comes if you don't enjoy it or you go get it from a bar instead of somewhere reasonably priced

Who is considering this SONICO?

I've preordered everything except the Mito, Toudou and the Lala.

Do I lock them in? I've fapped many times and still want them so I guess it's love.

Different strokes for different folks, I'm frequently traveling because of my job, I`m fortunate to have filled my passport with stamps of many countries and met plenty of great places and people, and while it's still a good experience I'd rather spend my money on something I can calm down and focus while I'm back at home.

My dick was. My brain. And wallet kept me in check though.

Don't get Meat unless you're planning to keep her fully clothed as her cast off isn't great. Todou and Lala look amazing, with the added benefit that Lala probably won't devalue at all should you decide you don't like her.

I don't mind her cast off but I definitely think it's the best Mito figure around so I will consider it, the other two I think are a definite.

If only I could get pic related to go with the girls with guns/uniform theme.

My husbando is in it, I'm forced to like this shit series.

What the fuck are those two figmas(?) at the bottom? Virtua fighters?
