BBC, not fake news

Why does the US have so many child brides?

Angel was 13 when her mother forced her to marry and start a family. "I felt like a slave," she says of her childhood.

While countries like Zimbabwe, Malawi and El Salvador have recently banned child marriage, it remains legal in the US - and half of states have no set minimum age below which you cannot get married.

For the BBC's America First? series the BBC's Aleem Maqbool is exploring health and social issues where the US, the richest country in the world, does not perform well in international rankings.

Video by Franz Strasser; produced by Ashley Semler

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Angel was 13 when her mother forced her to marry and start a family

In a new BBC documentary series entitled America First, former child bride Angel, now 26, from Idaho, recalled how she was just 13 when her mum forced her to marry and start a family.

She said: "I was just a little girl who wanting to have a boyfriend but my mum turned it into something way different.

"When I got married I had just turned 13. We stood in my living room and in this ugly dress that my mother bought from the internet.

"Shortly after getting married, she encouraged us to start having kids and that's why I had my first son at 15. It was a way for me to be dependent on her."

Angel, who has has five children - two with her new husband - revealed how she "felt like a slave" to her abusive ex before she left him.

She said:"My ex was extremely abusive to me and I was very confused because this was the only guy I have ever been with.

Burgers explain yourselves

No more mohammad was a peado jokes until you get your shit sorted

"So when he started shoving me and all that stuff while I was pregnant, I thought, this was my life how could this be?

"I was a slave to my ex. I was a slave to this idea that my mother wanted us to all be together and for me to have kids so young and to do all that I still have all this emotional baggage of wanting to have done something with my life by now."

Between 2000 and 2015, more than 200,000 children were married in the US, according to the BBC.

About 87 per cent of child marriages in America involved underage girls and while 13 per cent involved underage boys.

The BBC documentary focused on the US state of Idaho - which has one of the highest rates of child marriage anywhere in the country.

Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according toPew Research Center.

>republican meme flag
not until you show me where you're really from

>five white children

Now you know why "child" marriage is "bad".

Oy gevalt, white women having more children!

So BBC is the one funding all the "LE 56% FACE" spam?

America inherited a lot of its mess by being a refuge for religious fanatics during the 19th century.


My father was 18 when he married my mother, she was 16.

They are one of the happiest persons I will ever meet

That's got to be fake?!?!

I used to like the BBC in 2005.
Then I decided I hated their news station for political bias that they can't even own up to with their "we're so impartial" bullshit, but still liked their sitcoms and animation.
Then I realized the political undertones in their entertainment media, and found out that they're nothing but a hindrance to the country, and the world.

Civilized down south.

Um. The US doesn't have do many child brides. Maybe a few in Utah.

>irrelevant rednecks on the periphery of society being pedophiles is comparable to the central religious figure and role model to 1.4 billion mudshits being a pedophile

>About 87 per cent of child marriages in America involved underage girls and while 13 per cent involved underage boys.

>in 2005
Was that when you first moved to the UK?
Yank pedo eventually realised how much time we spend laughing at you cunts.

>get a child bride
>abuse her
God fucking damn it, I'm such a beta but I want a woman Id treat her right (sharia)

Also, she is cute.
I will touch myself tonight thinking she's my wife

This OP is completely FOS.

Maybe among the Mexicans but among whites it's unheard of. Blacks le single mom and ??? dad. Asian are too pure for premartial sex. Shit we jail 18 yo for babging 16 yos around here.

Check with Sweden. You can marry a loli rape slave there legally. Probably in Londonistan too. Maybe Parisabad too.


So what you're saying is that America still has islam-tier white people?

This means we're pretty far from being fucked doesn't it?

No, I'm not a Burger. I just dislike the political decisions of what the BBC has been doing.

Sounds like they had a nice life desu

> (OP)
>I used to like the BBC in 2005.
>Then I decided I hated their news station for political bias that they can't even own up to with their "we're so impartial" bullshit, but still liked their sitcoms and animation.
>Then I realized the political undertones in their entertainment media, and found out that they're nothing but a hindrance to the country, and the world.
Spot on my friend, BBC = poison

Factually inaccurate.
