What does Sup Forums think of him?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
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probably burning in hell for attacking the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the only Church founded by Christ.
Meant well and made some good points, but ultimately a tool of the Jews.
who? Give me a quick rundown pls
you cucks can't go to heaven unless god pre-ordained (chose) you
t. calvin
Literall retard
>You're destined to hell because God hates you
>I'm not though because God loves me and nothing I do can change that
Fuck him And his elect
I agree with his views on how you should live your daily life (I love wearing black and dressing simply btw). I think that had Constantinople not fallen he might have been better off to reform by breaking from Rome and allying with the East in that way instead. I don't agree with predestination as a theological concept, though.
Also, Presbyterianism is a dead religion
He'll be pretty irrelevant in the future, I think the two main forms of Christianity that will survive are Eastern Orthodox and Mormonism.
I actually took a graduate level class entirely on Calvin. AMA
I need a quick rundown on the guy
Mormonism is an extension of Judasim, not Christiantiy.
Fuck Calvin and his bullshit theology.
Just be sure when you read brief biographical sketches that people tend to either whitewash his life if they like him or completely demonize him. He was a complicated person and shouldn't be reduced to a caricature, whether you like him or not.
Also, I'll add, you should know that 99% of the people who offer opinions, sometimes very opinionated opinions, about Calvin know absolutely nothing about him. They've never read any serious biographies on him, let alone his actual Institutes or any of his writings. Their opinions are just spouting the opinions of others they've read. Expect a lot of that in this thread.
Fuck you and your Jewish friends.
Thanks for the lecture reddit, now give me the QRD
Best Christian theologian.
Too hardcore for most, extremely consistent, completely unsentimental.
Indulgence merchants BTFO.
What do you want? He was a second generation reformer, and his theology ended up becoming more influential than Luther's. He's undoubtedly the most influential of all the Reformers. His emphasis on predestination is exaggerated, and doesn't occupy many pages of his Institutes. Luther wrote more about predestination than Calvin. So did Augustine.
He was an egomaniac, undoubtedly devoted to God, completely sincere, completely delusional about his own ability to interpret scripture. He had his own vision of Christianity, never wavered from it, and changed the world forever.
t. non-elect.
complete heretic
Don't know who this person is
Burning in hell right now
Probably a Jew. Redefined usury paving the way for the rest of (((them)))
Why are you guys so upset about an omniscient God already knowing if you're going to hell or not?
Bad conscience?
Someone explain predestination and how this is allowable in the context of free will.
Your salvation is primarily dependent on the time and place you were born. You don't get to choose when and where you where born, God does.
massive cuck
I always believed that he was an asshole.
OK, so God basically picks the standards he will judge you by, so for example someone born into a shitty situation will be judged less harshly than someone born into a good one? Free will still somewhat applies?
Even fellow Prodcucks thought he was mental.
Terrible person. Proud murderer.
Why are there so many protestant denominations? Even in my country I judt cant handle it anymore.
Pic related
Free will is nonsense.
The definition of pity is what I feel for your soon to burn in hell heretical soul.
Nope. Everyone is judged the same. Maybe you're lucky to be born in a European country and raised Protestant. Maybe you're born in Europe but in the wrong time and were raised in pagan tribe which would make you damned.
OK then, I can certainly buy that. Certainly fits in with Gods omnipotence.
But, doesn't that make Him a raging asshole, torturing beings he created and set up for failure, for literally all time?
The basis of Protestantism is that everybody can just read the Bible and figure it all out for themselves.
Needless to say there are thousands of different denominations who all think they figured the Bible out and all the other denominations are wrong.
Read Kierkegaard.
I'll upload my Luther related memes
That argument would still go in the case of free will, because God would have made you free in order to fuck up while he could have determined you right into heaven. Either way he's fully responsible for your misery.
That's the Demiurge for you.
Have another one, even though he was a heretic, serious. He is in hell, did not beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a Bible beliving Christian (in the literal sense of the Bible) King James 1611.
Yes, and I've wondered this myself. It then begs the question, why should we worship a being that whether through actual design or simple carelessness, designates beings it creates for an eternal damnation? It isn't right or moral, and I've yet to get a coherent answer to this other than "well tough shit he's the boss". That's an answer that I can't really accept.
I hate papists, too funny though.
Mary worshippers are not welcome here. This is a Christian board.
On the actual topic of pre-destination, I know where he is coming from, but free-will for all intents and purposes is there. Just because God knows what will happen doesn't mean there is no free-will. We act and live as we have free-will thus we do, I realize it's a simplistic arguement, but it's akin to observing a quantum particle.
Go and suggest that James is the half brother of Christ, they will go ape shit.
Mary was truely a blessed woman, but she was devout Jew as well and would have had many children. The perpetual virginity holds no ground. The virgin birth is a given for sure.
That's a good answer, in a way. If he truly is omnipotent falling in line is the only sensible thing to do. It's not a pleasant one though.
One other way of going about things is the Gnostic one. Denying the creators omnipotence and seeking to transcend beyond the material realm of suffering we've been trapped in by this being.
If you choose what right and moral is, you are your own God. There's really no way to rationailze this other than tough shit, or life's a bitch. Accept it and realize the beauty of the cruxification and the second chance of life we have. We are all sinners. Through one man did sin enter the world, and since God is perfect(accroding to him, and who am I to diagree) the wages of sin is death. But Jesus died for those sins. There is a right and wrong way to live life, we can't go unpunished.
Makes Christ coming to earth kinda useless dont ya think?
Part of the process, not useless.
Based! Calvinism is literally the Gospel.
Exactly! The detractors mostly don't know squat about him at all.
I'm not trying to choose what right and moral is, I'm trying to figure it out. I wish I could pick and choose, would make it a lot easier.
But what Christianity asks isn't consistent with what it preaches. The rest of it is an excellent collection of natural law, stuff that eventually makes sense in reality. This one, the omnipotence of God and also the existence of eternal damnation, almost directly contradicts the rest.
Find a local Calvinist/Reformed church in your area
and leave all the other faggotry behind.
Doesn't matter what it preaches, read the Bible (KJV) and see for yourself if you haven't. Don't trust hearsay.
Reality is based on your percpetion, (((science))) isn't settled on a lot of things, and because they don't think God exists they brush off anything that goes against the mainstream.
How was an omnipotent God that is eternal contradict eternal damnation. Seems quite fitting.
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(John 3:16 KJV)
this is the only way to slavation, pretty easy, to just believe. But it has to be with all your heart. The Bible can't be read without faith, it even says so, those with no faith and those will read it and come out with completely diffrent views on it.
He made up theology, defying Holy Tradition and favoring his own rationalizations over it. His approach to theology was a modern invention, just like all of the Reformers; alien to the Apostles.
The central reason Calvinism is hated is because most religious people hate the idea of a Sovereign God. They want a cuck god that they can mold with their heresies like the roman catholic church or health and wealth evangelical churches. Definitely read the Institutes of Christian Religion, John Calvin absolutely BTFOs roman cuckilism. I thank God for John Calvin, because if not, I would probably be an atheist right now.
You're effectively saying "just read it and believe it".
Its a catch-22. Believe me, I *want* to believe it. But there are things that simply make it fall apart. God choosing to damn people. Saying we need to blindly take things on faith while also giving us eyes, ears, a brain, and other preachings/commandments that actually make sense in the real world according to the universe and natural law that he created.
His system doesn't seem to play by its own rules.
He was a tremendous historical figure. He did a lot of terrific things, and it is an honor to remember him in this thread.
I am not a Calvinist(he is pretty based though), I believe in free-will. We are given the ability to sin or else we wouldn't be humans. God doesn't necessarily damn people, they do it. Eve was deceived, but Adam was not. Man I don't claim to understand the infinite, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, I was literally an atheist till a few months ago and read the Bible just once and some theology. Go and read apologetics by guys who do this as a living, I'm just some guy on Sup Forums. I truely care about you user, praying that you find Jesus. Ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find.
Sorry, I am a Calvinist, but you won't go to Hell because God "chooses to damn you". You will go to Hell for dying in your sins without the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. It is that simple.
If you have free will, why don't you quit sinning. Quit sinning right now and for the rest of your life. Can you do this?
>better than aquinas
sure bud
Great beard, awesome hat.
I like Calvin but his Calvinism is heretical
Thanks user, I do WANT this to end the right way, which is whatever the truth is. I actually do have a study bible in the mail right now, because this has been eating at me.
Hope you do well.
>caring for religion in 2k17
blue pilled fagg
Wasn't he part of the pop duo Calvin and Klein?
Aquinas was shit, let's be honest. Muh laughable proofs.
Only good thing about him was his defense of prostitution.