(((They))) have no shame. When will this end


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there's nothing wrong with teens think about the sex machine that is the black male.
it's not our fault they want our seed.

Silence you imbecile.

We should do this to Jewish women.
Big nosed, afro peyased, little Jewish niglets

y'all know it's the truth

>participating in social media

>we must secure the family and fight for the family!
>no!!! don't get married with niggas! reeeeeeee

delicia gets it, the black man is a pure sex machine. Women deserve good sex.

There is no such thing as a mixed-race, or even nonwhite, "family."

For them it's called a "pack", and in Nergo cases, a "murder."

Hahahahahaha, "married."

If they're lucky, the father will still be in contact at the child's birth. If they're extremely lucky, he won't abandon them by the time the child is two. If they're a unicorn, they get married at any point.

>libshit women flushing their genes down the nigger toilet
I support this.

>implying its the jews fault at this point

White men were pathetic enough to let it go all the way up to this point, and you did it like good cucks, sitting down, pouting but watching quietly. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Smartest post in this thread so far. Made me chuckle lol.

In other news, Jews killed JFK.

you sound like a latent homosexual t b h

they're going to be so disappointed with how their kids will REALLY look

she looks like a crack whore

Remember, non-whites aren't human.

that's not even the point.

If you argue from the standpoint "but muh father", you are a civic-nationalist cuck who should - without question - neck themselve.

Missing the point by a mile.

There is no difference between niggers and you

niggers and spic just tear it up

What did you do during the China and Japan economy growth

Just fuck it up everything, that what you do

PLEASE for the love of god let this turn into a Jap vs Korean broken English shitpost battle 2.0

they dont want fat jew seed thats fo sur

And btw I completely agree with you, my Korean friend.

do you hate spics and niggers more than nips?

i'm not really into crack whores or DDLG... but would desecrate

That girl looks like she gets her calories from crack.

You are right now, idiot.

>pardo mulatto-faggot
>actually bothering to speak english and learn slang like "y'all" instead of getting raped by monkeys and watching football

>There is no such thing as a mixed-race, or even nonwhite, "family."
That was cruel, Argentinians love their families

>says the shill LARPing as a muslim

All niggers have that one burning desire...to breed out their own blackness.

Jeez what a skank. Just goes to prove nigrars will fuck anything.

The comments are the worst part. All these black women saying shit like 'so beautiful cuz she's black', unironically.

I got my hopes up when i saw a comment saying 'cuz she's black', turned out to just be a dumb negress covered in pathetic, crude attempts at makeup.

Looks like the computer saw the bruises on her chest and neck and identified her as a coal-burner.


>looks like



this is/was a fucking hot scene, that look on her face 12/10 acting

I can't tell is this person is right or not

I was going to but it makes you use facebook I believe.

Black men are notorious for being one trick ponies in bed and having little to none actual skills in the bedroom...
Also since only a minority of black men are well hung, it means that on the whole black men are absolute shite in bed and would be outclassed by a 4 inch Pajeet who is familiar with the karmasutra.